1 Prologue

Y/n and her brother made it into the hero course. Katsuki always was upset at how powerful your quirk is.

Your quirk is explosions. The same quirk as Bakugo. But you are a bit stronger than Bakugo. Thus, he gets upset because your explosions are stronger than his.

You met Shinso during lunch when looking for a place to sit other than the Bakusquad table.

For the sake of the story, it's going to start after the USJ attack. Only because one, I'm lazy, and two, it's a lot of drama.

When you're deciding where to sit at lunch, you notice a purple haired boy sitting by himself. Being the extrovert/introvert you are, you decided to join him.

Introvert: you sat with him because you don't like talking to people a lot, and he's alone so why the hell not.

Extrovert: you sat with him because you do like talking to people and maybe would become friends with him. And also, why the hell not.

A few keys to know when reading:

Y/n: Your Name

H/c: Hair Color

E/c: Eye Color

F/c: Favorite Color

F/f: Favorite Food

F/d: Favorite drink

That's all to know so far. I hope you enjoy the story.

Reader's Discretion Is Advised:

Bnha Ⓒ Kohei Horikoshi

Hitoshi Shinso Ⓒ Kohei Horikoshi

storyline Ⓒ kenmochi_
