
Chapter-38: First Kiss

No one has ever kissed her before. She was just too embarrassed.

She lowered her head and said in a shuttering voice," Y-you don't have to thank me. Actually, i haven't saved her."

"Mn? What do you mean?" He asked, a little confused.

"The white milk i used can only subdue her heart demon for a limited period of time and calm her mind.

And if we don't destroy the heart demon in that time period, it will devour her body and soul completely." She said without looking at him.

"What! Then how much time has she got." Ashmus was surprised that the white potion only subdued her heart demon.

He could tell that it has an extremely powerful healing effects. He had felt the effects when she opened the bottle.

"Approximately, 2 and half years. It was only because your mother is a mortal. If she was a cultivator, the time would have been shorter.

But you don't have to worry. I have another bottle of milk with me, so she only has 5 years of time before her demon consumers her." She said.

"5 years..... hah? I will try to find something to erase her demon, even if i have to dig 10 feet under the ground." Ashmus said with a sharp and determined tone.

Then he looked at the girl about to say something but he noticed that her face was becoming paler and paler.

He narrowed his eyes and said questioningly," why is your condition becoming worse. It doesn't look like you have just been injured."

He thought for a moment and said," is your previous injuries are flaring up." He finally realised that it was her previous injuries.

The girl was a little ashamed because she didn't tell him the truth before. She lowered her head a little.

"Mn..... But i can suppress it with some more healing pills and potions." She said with a low voice.

"But how long are you going to suppress your injuring for. You don't have a infinite supply of healing pills, right.

You have to eventually treat it completely. If you don't treat it, how are you going to use your cultivation.

I know that you have a extremely high Cultivation. But what use has it, if you cannot even make use of your immense cultivation." Ashmus said to her.

"Sigh... If i want to heal completely, i will have to find an exceptional place with rich spiritual energy and healing properties.

And it's almost impossible to find it. You have to have luck on your side." The girl sighed and said to him with a sad voice.

Ashmus wanted to console her but before he do it, he heard some disturbance at the left side of him and stopped.

Both of them looked towards the place and saw that there are a lot of people approaching them.

"Oh no. Looks like the other group of Darkmoons have arrived." The girl was panick- stricken when he saw the amount of people coming here.

She then looked at Ashmus and said with a hurried voice," Ashmus, we have to get out of here quickly."

"Hahaha." You don't have to worry too much about these clowns." Ashmus chuckled at her panicked look and said.

"But they are strong. Stronger then the previous two groups. How are you going to fight all of them at once." She still wasn't convinced be his words.

"Hehe..... I assure you. We have nothing to fear." He said with a smirk and looked at the blood red sword floating beside him.

"But..." The girl was still worried and wanted to say something.

But before she could so it, Ashmus turned towards her face and locked her lips with his.

The girl's body once again stiffened and a while later it started shaking. It was her freaking first kiss. She couldn't believe the man before her would be the one to take it.

This man has already taken a lot her first times in a single day. But she didn't fight and continued to enjoy the kiss and closed her eyes.

She felt a pleasant feeling in her whole body and there even was a tingling sensation in the lower regions of her body.

She couldn't tell why she would feel like this. But she just ignored the felling and continued to savor the meal before her.

It was also Ashmus's fist time kissing a woman. So he was extremely clumsy in it.

But he didn't know why he would have the ugre to suddenly kiss this woman, when he saw her delicious lips. He just couldn't fight the impulse in him and kissed her.

It was just a simple kiss. He didn't force his tongue inside of her. If he did something like that, he won't be able to control himself and would be forced to do more than just kissing.

It was not the time to do something like that. But he would make sure to do that with her.

So he controlled himself and didn't have a french kiss. He just savored the first kiss of his life.

A minute later, when the assassins were about to arrive, he finally separated from her lips.

He looked directly at her blushing face amd said with a soft voice," Now, do what i tell you to do. Just trust me and leave these fools to me. Okay...."

"Mn" She nodded her small head. This time she didn't lower her head out of embarrassment.

"Now, go and suppress your injuries. But before that, change your clothes. I don't want others to see what is mine." He said while looking her torn up clothes.

He was enraged once again when he remembered that these lowlifes saw her flawless body.

He determined himself to not leave a single one alive.

On the other hand the girl once agin lowered her head out of embarrassment when she heard his words.

But she didn't refute his words when he called her body his belongings.

To hide her embarrassment, she turned around and took out another of her beautiful cloth and got dressed.

After that she took out a glass bottle and gulped all of the contents inside of it and started suppressing the injuries.

Seeing that she got down to her own work, Ashmus turned towards the blood red sword and clenched it's handle tightly.

A second later, blood started appearing on its blade and turned into hundreds of blood spikes.

Those spikes flew towards his family and created a dome of spikes all around them.

Ashmus did this because he knew there would be a fierce fight and he won't be pay any attention to them.

With this dome of spikes, anyone who got close to it would be pierced by several dozens of spikes in an instant.

After doing all this, he turned around and started walking towards the group of Darkmoons, who have just arrived here.

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