
Chapter-37: Mother's heart demon

As the river of time continued to flow, the assassins knew that the time for their death is coming faster and faster.

Some of them have already accepted their death but some of them didn't want to die right now.

This was supposed to be a easy mission where they would have to kill some useless mortal villagers and a girl, who can't even use her cultivation.

But now it was them who are being hunted and tortured right now.

The one who eas the most afraid was the the village boy, Kenzo.

He betrayed his own village and killed innocent women and children so that he could stay alive along his father.

But now he was going to die right here. His mental state was extremely disturbed.

He didn't want to die but he also knew that Ashmus would never let someone like him live.

He was waiting. Waiting for the other group of darkmoon to come and kill that hateful demon.

. . . . .

After a long time, the blue haired girl had finally let out all her inner frustrations she had for the past few days.

But she didn't want to separate from his arms. She felt extremely comfortable and safe in this place. She felt like no one could harm her in any way.

Another reason she didn't want to part from him was because she was way too ashamed of herself.

She couldn't believe that she cried like a little girl in the arms of a boy who was atleast two times younger than her.

'What was wrong with me?' She asked herself inwardly.

Even though she didn't what to part, Ashmus was not like her. He felt that there was something wrong with her.

"Is there something wrong with you? Why is your body so cold." He asked her with furrowed brows and a slightly worried tone.

She finally parted from him reluctantly but there was a tingle of red in her pale face.

She didn't want to look at his face and lowered her head.

Ashmus raised her chin with his hands and asked," Are you okay?"

The girl finally looked at his handsome face with embarrassment and said," You don't have worry too much. It was probably because that disgusting pig injured me before."

She told him that the lecherous man was the one injured her when she fought with him. She didn't tell that because of that injury, her old injuries are also flaring up.

"That fucker, i will have to make sure he dies painfully." Ashmus said with a furious tone.

The girl felt happy when she saw Ashmus getting angry for her. She felt a sweet feeling building with her heart.

Suddenly she remembered something and looked at him with a worried look and said," Ashmus, you can let him live for a bit longer. We have something more important to do now."

"What is it?" Ashmus was a bit surprised when he heard her worried tone and asked.

"It's your mother. She was injured not too long ago." She said while looking at his eyes.

"What! What happened to her." Ashmus was shocked when he heard her words and asked loudly.

"Let's go to her." She didn't explain anything and ran towards the place where his mother was.

Before going, she didn't forget to take her blue coloured sword with her. It looks like this sword was something special to her.

Then they both ran towards the place where his mother and sisters were lying unconscious.

When they reached the place, Ashmus saw that her entire body was trembling. She had furrowed brows like she was fighting something in her dreams.

There was blood coming out of her ears, nose and even from the corner of her eyes.

"H-how could this be?" He shouted with a shuttering voice when he saw this.

Ashmus felt his breathing stopped for a moment and his face paled. He didn't want to see his beloved mother being in this state.

He hurriedly knelt down by her side and supported her head in his arms.

He tried to wipe the blood off her pores but no matter how much he wiped, the blood just won't stop coming out of her.

The girl who was right by his side took something out of her storage ring. It was a jade bottle with some white substance in it.

She unplugged the bottle and fed all the white substance to Nabia.

After she gulped down all the white substance, a white glow started appearing all over her body.

The white glow was too bright. Both of them turned their heads to the side and closed their eyes.

Ashmus ask her with closed eyes," What happened to her? Why is she like this?"

The girl, who heard his question, said," It's a serious problem."

"First, she witnessed her husband leaving to fight and likely won't ever come back. After she fell unconscious, her mind has already been in a weak state since then. But it was not too serious."

"Then she also witnessed that her son was being tortured right infront of her eyes and she couldn't even do anything. At that time, her already weak heart and mind was totally traumatized."

"Her mind is in a horrible state. And she has even formed a heart demon. If a mortal forms a heart demon, its the worst thing possible to him."

"If we don't erase her demon, the demon willl instead devour her soul and body. And if she dies, she won't even have the chance to reincarnate in her next life."

"What? It's that serious." Ashmus felt his heart tremble when he heard her words. He didn't want to see her mother in this state.

The glow lasted for a whole five minutes. After the glow lessened, Ashmus instantly turned his head to her mother.

He saw that her body has stopped trembling and blood also stopped coming out of her pores.

He felt his heart calm down when he saw this and looked at the girl gratefully.

"Thank you so much for saving her." He said with a soft tone and gave light peck on her fair cheeks.

The girl's body stiffened when she felt the kiss on her cheeks. A second later, her pale face turned red from embarrassment. There was steam coming out of her ears.

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