
Lu Devil World

Shem Ziyen was the first to break the silence " Master, I don't think this guy had any ulterior motives."

She was not speaking for him because she had any sort of affection for him, but simply because how she felt after seeing his sincere appearance.

Qim Wanyu ofcourse knew what was her disciple thinking. She shook her head gently " Ziyen, you are still a child. You can be deceived easily, just like you were deceived by that cat."

Shen Ziyen knew what her Master was talking about but she was not satisfied with that " Master how can you say that, even you got fooled by them then how was I supposed to know."

Qin Wanyu stood up and her eyes were radiating intense killing intent "That's the problem. Even though I am currently at Half-Step Mahayana Realm, my divine sense is still what it used to be.

For me who practices Slaughter Dao to not even notice someone sitting so close , either his cultivation is far greater than me or he had no killing intent at all. Both are suspicious."

Shen Ziyen didn't buy it " What's so suspicious about not having bad intentions? Do you think all people have some ulterior motives?"

" That's how the Cultivation World works Ziyen, I have told you many times not be a naive girl or you wouldn't even know how you died"

" Sigh. Master I agree with you, but I still think Master Tian is not a bad person "

" Then let's find out." Qin Wanyu smiled as she took a jade token, but different from Tian's simple one, this was a exquisite black jade token with a red crescent mark on it's surface.

This token could be used to communicate through different worlds and it was a rare item. The identity of Qin Wanyu was not simple it seems.

After a brief exchange of words , she put back her token and was in deep thought.

Shen Ziyen saw her master frowning and couldn't help but ask " Master, what happened? Was Master Tian lying?"

Qin Wanyu put her hand over her chin and was trying to figure out something. After some time she couldn't help but sigh.

" I don't understand. Everything he said was true. There was indeed an Tian who matches his description. His story matches with the information I got. "

Shen Ziyen smiled brightly " See , master I told you that Master Tian is not a bad person. "

Qin Wanyu didn't buy it " But I don't understand why he would give me such a precious pill and even told me his secret. Because Cultivators don't trust someone so easily. It makes it even more suspicious."

Shen Ziyen came closer to Qin Wanyu and whispered in her ear " Maybe he got charmed by Master. Maybe that pill was not a token of friendship but a token of love and he even gave you his jade token and asked you to call him even if there was nothing going on. Oh, he likes you Master!"

Shen Ziyen giggled like a small girl while dodging her masters slap.

" Don't talk nonsense! So what if he likes me. Love is nothing but an obstacle in Slaughter Dao. We have to keep our minds free of such emotions that slows your cultivation. You better remember that." Staying that she disappeared from room.

" I know , Master . It's not just you who walks this path." Shen Ziyen was giving a killing look and she went out. Before she was just teasing her master.

She herself thinks that love is not made for those who practice Slaughter Dao , as it blunts your sword and you won't be able to kill anymore. For her ,her Dao is above everything, after that is her Master. There is no place for love .

The remaining two people, Bai ling and Meng ling cleaned up the table and went out too.


Somewhere in a wasteland, there were corpses of demonic beasts over the ground. Most of them were Divine Transformation Realm and some even Tribulation Transcendence, there was even one Half-Step Mahayana Realm Demonic beast!!

It was a Three headed Earth Hydra. It's meat was one of the best delicacies in this World but no one was lucky enough to taste it.

There was a fire burning near it's dead body and a person sitting next to it , grilling a raw piece of meat with one hand and taking huge bites from the roasted one with the other hand.

" Want some ?" He offered his companion who was resting on his shoulder some of the food.

" No thanks, I don't eat such low quality meat." which she politely declined.

" Don't be a picky eater. You should eat what is in front of you to survive." Tian said after taking a huge chunk of meat in his mouth.

" So if there's shit in front of you , you should eat it ?" Ren threw a straight jab.

" Don't think that just by listening to the word 'shit' , I will visualise it and won't be able to eat anymore. You forgot that I have a Supreme Dao Heart and I won't get affected by such things." He kept eating albeit a little slow.






…. …*Chew*


".....Fuck you"


Tian threw the remaining meat back at the hydra and took some flame from the fire near him in his hands and threw it at the body. In no time all the bodies of demonic beasts were burnt to ashes.

"Happy?" He asked in a grunting manner to his partner while walking.

"I know you didn't like the meat. Why act hard. You should thanks me instead."

"Sigh. That was really like shit. And it's supposed to be a delicacy here?"

" Enough of this. How did the plan go?"

Tian obviously knew what she was asking about and he just smiled " Well, all according to the plan ?"

"So what now?" Ren asked lazily.

" What else , steal a new identity and have some fun " 'Tian' smiled as he disappeared again.


The Lu Devil World used to be a Tier 4 world, but during the last Ragnarok between the Divine and Infernal Dao, or you can say the Divine Cultivators vs the Infernal Cultivators, where people died in millions, the 10 Heavenly Soldiers and dozens of Mahayana Cultivators died leaving only a few and making it a Tier 2 World.

There were Three Major Orthodox Sects namely The Sword Pavillion, The Jade Lotus Hall and Vajra Sect. And Two Major Unorthodox Sects - The Blood Yin Moon Sect and the Black Lotus Sect in present times.

Under them were First rate, second rate and third rate sects. One of such third rate orthodox sect was Lin family. Third rate Sects were considered families since they were small and most of the members were of the same blood.

Third rank sects had atleast one Golden core expert overseeing it. Second rate sects had one Soul Fusion and a First rate sect had one peak Tribulation Transcendence expert .

The young master of Lin family was considered a genius when he Condesed his Qi at the age of only 6 years old and was already at foundation stage at 13 years old . Seeing his talent, the City lord of Raging Flame City which was also a Second rate sect engaged his daughter to him.

But due to some incident, he lost his cultivation overnight and became a cripple. His engagement was called off and became a laughing stock of the whole city.

But to everyone's surprise, when he was 16 years old his cultivation was restored to foundation stage and he killed the young master of Zhao Family who conspired against him in a Marital art tournament. By now he was already 23 years old and at the Golden core stage. He was considered the prodigy of Raging Flame City.

" That's a good Target, one with a cliche story. These heaven's favourite are the best delicacy for me. So let's go and find out what's his Golden finger. "

Tian was smiling, because after eating that shit piece of meat, he had found something better to his taste.

Ren didn't bother to reply, she was already used to it by now. But she could never understand what was so fun in bullying a Golden Core Realm kid. This was throwing his own face. Though her companion didn't mind it, he had the thickest skin she had ever seen.

Saying that they teleported in the direction of Raging Flame City.

Next chapter