1 I shall seal the world

My name is Shirou saki. I am a 8th standard student who's life is normal and boring. I always wanted fun and challenging in my life, so I tried to do many things but everything was boring as usual. But one day an accident happened in my life changing everything in my life.


"Wake up shirou, whale up shirou."

"who is the one who's calling me." I said as I again went to sleep but this time somebody pinched my cheeks.

"Gyaaaaa. who did this?"

"your mom. and ready to go school and if I heard that you either bunked or came late in class then I will show you what a true monster is.

my mother said in such a tone that I started feeling goosebumps.

"ok mom, I will not be late." I said as I went to was my face and after that I went to eat food.

after finishing my food my mother gave me some money for my lunch and I went to school.

"Gya, I will be late." I said as I started running.

"You are late Mr saki kun, I should inform you that this is your last warning." teacher said

"ok mam."

"Good and now go to your seat."

"hey what's up, how was your morning?" my best friend Soma said.

"it's nothing, I just woke up late."

"it's good athat you are trying to be fast "

"stop acting like mom."
