Never had the Radcliffe family expected their son-in-law, a loser in their eyes, to be the hidden Dragon Lord who had lived for myriads of years...
"Reed? Mr. Reed?"
Upon hearing Stanislaus Potter's address, not only Richard and his associates, but also Quella Radcliffe and Dempsey Davenport's faces all changed.
In Five-river Province, the number of people who could be respectfully called Mr. by the chairman of Golden Eagle Group could be counted on one hand!
"Uncle, what are you talking about?"
Richard's face went pale, and he felt a sense of foreboding in his heart.
Stanislaus Potter was indeed his biological father, and Julius Reed was not wrong. But this matter was very secretive, and no one else knew about it.
Because it involved the interests of the Golden Eagle Group, Stanislaus Potter always kept it a secret, to the extent that Quamaine Potter didn't even know he had a half-brother.
In public, Stanislaus Potter claimed that Richard was a distant relative, and Richard always addressed him as uncle at public events.
With the backing of Golden Eagle Group, who in Five-river Province would dare to disrespect Richard?