
An invisible embrace

Sorry by Justin Beiber.

Ellen scrubbed the heels of her hands over her wet cheeks as she paced impatiently the confines of the holding cell.

A barrel-chested uniformed officer approach her cell and clang his baton against it, startling her. "Your momma's here to get ya." He says with a sneer.

Ellen wiped her sweaty palm against her dress and walked out of the cell. Tears threatened to fall off her eyes again. Everyone was staring at her as though she was some kind of criminal. Did they actually believe Eric Tower's words against hers? Where was Mother Justice when you need her? Lifting her eyes, Ellen and a tall woman locked eyes. It was a worn and tired smile but she smiled regardless. Expecting the woman to wrap her in her arms, the lady returned the gesture with a slap across her cheek.

"How dare you?!" Came the yell from her mother.

"Ma'am, you can't do that." A coffee skinned officer interrupted.

"Stay out of this, officer. It's a family matter." The elderly woman held a murderous glare at the officer.

The female officer replied in a husky voice, a threatening voice that can loosen the bladder of criminals. "Maybe I could arrest you for assault and battery and this will become my matter."

"Let's go." The woman turned on her heels.

Ellen gives the female officer a curt nod. "Thank you." She mouthed.

"Here." The policewoman offers startled Ellen her card. "I'm Juliet. If anything goes wrong" She gestured to the door, then continued. "Don't ever hesitate to call me."

"I'm Ellen. Thanks for saving me." Ellen nods again.

"Just doing my job, miss. Do take care." Juliet pockets her hands in her jeans trousers, watching Ellen walk out of the station with a certain look she couldn't give a name.

Outside, Mrs Miller waited. She was dressed in a maroon suit. The silver jewel adorning her neck couldn't help but shimmer in the light. Her hand fisted the car door. Upon hearing slow footsteps, she turned to face Ellen. The heat from her cold glare almost bearing holes into the innocent lady.

"I'll meet you at home." Mrs Miller climbed into the driver's seat.

"Mom, wait." Ellen ran to her mother who ignored her and drove off into the distance.

Ellen sniffled quietly, her face turning a beer red from all the crying. She felt a hand drape a jacket over her shoulder. It was Juliet.

"You need a lift?" She asked.

"Yes." Ellen said silently.

The ride home was not a silent one. Juliet did most of the talking. If not all.

"What kind of bitch does that to her own kid?" Juliet curse as she swerved left.

Ellen looked at her as though she grew another set of head.

"Forgive my tone but my mother was being such a bitch." Juliet tighten her grip on the steering wheel.

Ellen chuckle. "She's not like that all the time. She was trying to discipline me."

"What?" Juliet stepped on the brakes so quickly. The car pulled to an abrupt halt, startling Ellen.

"What the hell did you do that for?!" Ellen nearly screamed at Juliet.

A smirk made it's way to Juliet's face. "I'm surprised you can get angry."

Ellen rolled her eyes and sank back into the passenger's seat.

"If you had yelled at your mother lile that, I would've given you my car for free." Juliet fired off the engine and resumed driving.

Ellen looked out the rolled down window. "I can't talk back to mother."

"What are you? 12?" Juliet scoffs.

"I'm 22." Ellen corrected her. To her, it was necessary.

"She drove out without you. Does that happen occasionally? I'm sure it does. That's not right. You did nothing wrong." Juliet shook her head.

Ellen blinked back tears. "I did wrong by falling in love with that jerk. I did wrong by listening to my parents to marry him."

"I heard. It was even on the news. I'm sorry." Juliet looked at her briefly before fixing her gaze back on the road.

A bitter smile graced Ellen's thin lips and she said nothing.

Juliet felt a stir of pity for the lady she was driving. She would have to stay to watch her. That woman from earlier might try to harm Ellen

The car pulled to stop infront of a huge black gate.

"Identify your person, please." An automatic voice spoke from the intercom on the orange brick wall.

"Ellen Miller." Ellen said aloud.

The gate slowly parted for the car to drive in and closed on it's own. Juliet bounded out of her car with a thought to her head. This kid's loaded.

Ellen came out of the car. "We're here. Thanks."

"Let's go in then." Juliet nods toward the door.

Ellen's eyes widened at the thought of Juliet walking her in. "You don't understand. My mother - -

"Will do nothing." Juliet completed her sentence. "I'm a cop. I'll flash a badge."

Ellen nodded meekly and they both walked into the house. Juliet tried so hard to fight her mouth falling open but she failed. The granduer and wealth that was revealed before her was astounding. The walls and floor were marble. The furniture were of red plush velvet and the draperies matching the golden-brown designs. Ushers and attendants stood by, awaiting orders. Ellen walked by one of them and gave her the jacket and shoes.

'She's spoiled. That's a first.' Juliet made a mental note and followed Ellen upstairs.

"Quickly. So mother doesn't see you." Ellen whisper-yelled at Juliet, who was lost in her admiration of the interior decor. Before Ellen could pull her insode her room, a stern voice thundetmred in the halls. Her mother had caught them.

"Downstairs! Now!" Mrs Miller walked past them.

Julier scrunched up her nose and turned to Ellen. "Please, let me punch her. Just this once."

Ellen shook her head and headed down first. Juliet following after.

"Might I ask what is wrong with you?!" Mrs Miller growled at Ellen.

"Jesus. Calm down." Juliet wanted to say but held her tongue. She feared she might end up punching the poor woman.

"Why are you yelling at me, mother? I didn't do anything. It's Eric you should ask." Ellen seemed to fight back. That was a start.

"Eric Towers is never wrong. He told me that you tried to harm his colleague. You almost put the pregnant lady in a hospital!" Mrs Miller was obviously upset.

Her mother's words startled her. Ellen reeled back a step or two. Eric lied. That woman wasn't his colleague. He kissed her. He even said the baby was his company's future heir. Was her mother deaf and blind?

"You have brought shame to this family, Ellen." Mrs Miller snapped her finger at one of the attendants and the young man came over.

"My lady?" He said meekly.

"Go to Ellen's room and pack her things." Mrs Miller blurted out, leaving both Ellen and all who watched what ended between the ladies in shock.

The man hesistated. He trailed his eyes to Ellen, hoping for an answer when none came, he dragged himself upstairs. Disappointed.

"Mother! You can't do this to me." Ellen sobbed.

"Yes, I can." Mrs Miller turned aloof. "Your father must not hear of this when he returns."

Ellen shook her head. "Father will hear. I'll talk."

Mrs Miller whipped around to face Ellen, a dark unrepented look in her eyes. "You dare to defy me, girl?"

A laughter broke into the heated argument and both ladies turned to the source. It was from Juliet.

"I'm sorry to interrupt this whole charade but - -" Juliet revealed her phone which was on sound recording mode. "I'm a cop so I know I can use this against you in the court of law, Mrs Mil-er."

"Oh, if it isn't the nosy officer." Mrs Miller lifted her face.

Juliet wondered if the woman lifted her face a little more, she might have altitude sickness.

"You know my last name is acually nosy." Juliet approached the older woman with a smile animating the glossy dark face.

"Hmm. We'll see if you'll still keep your job, Juliet Mcnamara." Mrs Miller walks past them without a backward glance.

"Mom!" Ellen called out loudly.

"Get out of my house and never return until you apologise to the Tower's. If they disannul the deal they made with your father, I'll disown you." Mrs Miller threatened before heading upstairs.

The attendant returned with two travelling boxes. An apologetic look on his face. "I'm so sorry, young lady."

"It's fine." Ellen tried to sound tough but her breaking voice betrayed her. "I might be banned from the mansion for now but I'll return."

"Take care of yourself, ma'am." The young man pats her arm gently.

Ellen lifted her boxes, refusing everyone who offered to help.

"Where will you go?" Juliet called behind her.

"A hotel." Ellen replied almost immediately.

"You ain't got any friends?" Juliet noticed Ellen seemed to slow down. "You"ve have got to think this through. Call your father, your siblings. Anybody."

Ellen's shoulders shook and she began to sob. "I only have two brothers and they are with father on a business trip. It's tradition that I don't call any of them when they're overseas."

"What kind of messed up family did you grow up in?" Juliet mumbled as she put her arm around Ellen in a warm embrace.

Ellen buried her face in the woman's shoulder blade. Juliet was a head taller than she was. Closing her eyes Ellen sniffled softly. The warmth she had longed for. The pat on the back, the hug she yearned for. She found them all in a stranger.

"Come on. Let's go to my place. I've always wanted a roommate." Juliet took the luggages from the floor and headed out the door.

"You have to go back to work." Ellen called behind her.

"Nah. I know I'm fired. I was planning on leaving anyway." Juliet said casually as she stuffed Ellen's things in the trunk of her SUV.

With a goofy smile on her bright face, she held the passenger seat open for Ellen. "Shall we, roomie?"

Please, support me. This is my first novel

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