
Hearts And Currency: x10 Cashback Rewards System!

Elias witnessed the brutal murder of his parents, plunging him into a world of darkness. But amidst his despair, he stumbles upon the 'Hearts and Currency: x10 Cashback Rewards System!' where the affection he garners from women transforms into tangible financial rewards. Now, as he navigates through the complexities of his relationships, will he follow his heart or the allure of his wallet?

RichYoungRuler · Urban
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46 Chs

Elias's Miraculous Recovery

The screeching breaks pierced the air as the driver desperately stopped the bus.

Time seemed to slow down as Elias realized what he had done. In that split second, the world faded into a blur of noise and confusion, and Elias gained a brief moment of clarity amidst the chaos.

He thought of his younger brother, who he'd promised to look after. His thoughts drifted to their parents, and longing filled his heart.

'This is it; take care of yourself, junior brother. I'll be leaving first to join Dad and Mom in the afterlife,' Elias thought, bracing himself for impact.


The sound of metal colliding against flesh tore through his ears like a thunderclap.

Elias felt limp as the bus bars struck him and sent him rolling towards the paved road.

"ELLIASSS!!" Sofia's voice tore through the atmosphere.

Elias's vision blurred as Sofia's frightened expression of concern entered his line of sight.

A brilliant bluish light shone before his blurred vision.

[ Ding! A woman has recently gained interest in the Host. Her profile and level of affection will now be reflected within the system. ]

Then, everything darkened.


Sofia's heart raced as she saw Elias leaping towards her and the thief, his screams ringing in her ears. Time came to a halt as she observed him push them out of harm's way with a determined expression without an ounce of fear in them.

They crashed at the side of the sidewalk, with the thief bearing the full brunt of the impact. At the same time, she used him as a cushion to soften her fall, the impact jarring her senses. Although she sustained a slight bruise, she was safe.

The collision unfolded, and Sofia felt a whirlwind of emotions abruptly flood her body; her breath caught in her throat, and a scream lodged in her chest.


The bus screeched to a halt.

She reached out as if she could somehow pull him back to safety, but it was too late––


Elias crumbled on the pavement road, his body motionless.

A crushing wave of guilt filled her as she realized the danger she had inadvertently brought upon him by mindlessly chasing after the thief for stealing her bag.

Almost instantly, the passersby surrounded them—some still held their phones, taking pictures and videos to upload on their social handles, while a few walked forward to corner the thief and help her back up to her feet.

"Are you okay, Miss?" a passerby asked, snapping her out of her daze and handing back her bag they had collected from the thief.

She nodded without hesitation, her eyes never leaving Elias's motionless body on the cold, paved road.

With tears welling up in her eyes, she knelt before Elias. She reached out her hand to touch his face.

"Elias, can you hear me? Please, you have to be okay," Sofia asked, her voice crackling with emotion as tears poured down her cheeks as she waited for his response.

Unfortunately, he remained motionless.

"Miss, we've called the ambulance. They will be here in thirty minutes," another passerby informed her, his gaze filled with pity and sadness as he observed the scene before him.

Sofia nodded, stretching her hand to check the extent of his injuries. Relief flooded her heart as she felt a strong, steady pulse beneath her finger.

A small cut formed on his forehead, with blood trickling down his temple. His shirt was torn, revealing scrapes and minor cuts on his chest and abdomen, but miraculously, there were no signs of severe injury.

Not seeing any signs of the ambulance arriving, Sofia swiftly made a decision. She stood up back to her feet and hoisted him onto her back. The weight of his body pressed down heavily against her body, but she refused to falter.

"You haven't suffered any severe injuries, Elias, so you better hold on," Sofia whispered some words of encouragement, but it was unknown if they were for her or Elias.

Despite the passerby's efforts to dissuade her from her actions, Sofia ignored their voices and walked forward.


A muffled groan escaped Elias's lips as his eyes gradually fluttered open, his gaze looking around his new surroundings in confusion. He tried to move his body, but an immense sourness shot through his entire body, forcing him to halt his movements.

Everything that had occurred to put him in this state surged into his mind like a tidal wave.

"Don't move!" Sofia's voice suddenly sounded in Elias's ears, prompting him to stop moving.

A warm palm melted against his skin.

Elias turned his head to the side and met Sofia's eyes, staring at him with concern and relief.

"Don't move too much," Sofia insisted, helping him lie back down, "You still need to rest."

Elias nodded in understanding. He had miraculously survived an accident, albeit with a few minor injuries and scraps, so he needed to rest. He was disoriented about his location. Examining the furniture and photos of Sofia, he realized he was in her home.

"How are you feeling?" Sofia asked. She wanted to know how Elias was doing after he had woken up briefly and passed out again. She had carried him to tend to his injuries before considering taking him to the hospital.

"Apart from the subtle pain I get from trying to move too much and the minor cuts and bruises, I'm okay. I'm just glad that you are safe," Elias responded, letting out a sigh of relief. He looked at his injuries and knew that Sofia had tended to his injuries and wrapped him in bandages.

He was internally glad that she hadn't taken him to the hospital, as he didn't have the money to pay the bills, nor did he want her to pay them.

Sofia began to weep softly, "You were lucky today. Don't ever do something like that again," she warned.

Elias's expression softened as he turned to her, his heart aching at the sight of her weeping. "For your safety, I'd do it again in a heartbeat," he said, shaking his head, his voice brimming with sincerity.

He remembered all that Sofia had done for him, believing that saving her life was the best way he could repay her. He didn't care if it was suicidal; his only regret was nearly abandoning his junior brother in his current state.

[ Update! Sofia's affection for you has increased by 2% ]

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