

I think all started like this.....

The sun was shining bright in the sky...The birds were chirping in the yard...and the beautiful smell of the nature ringed my nose as it was morning time so the grass was wet with dew drops which made the smell of nature more mesmerizing...i was sitting in my class and getting familiar with it as it was new to me....when the bell rang thrice.."ring.....ring...ring" suddenly There was a rush in the class and that's when I saw you setting your foot first time in our class carrying you black colour bag pack loaded with books...That was the first time when I saw you, at the first glance I knew you were gonna be someone precious to me in the future and that was the beginning of our journey to where we are now...perhaps that's when our destiny started playing games with us....even though it's been years but the memory of that day is still stucked in my mind so vividly that I remember every details of that day clearly... 4th April... the beginning of our new session...the beginning of a new chapter of our life..

18 Years back...

Grade 7....it was nothing new for me, unlike other classes it was a proof of me becominga year older... a step towards my dream and step towards completing my school life.... The first day was nothing as usual our teacher was giving us our roll numbers and time tables which we will follow throughout the year...It was nothing special to me until the bell rang and we had our language class...

Miss Leena entered the class room...with a new book and her dark blue pouch... wearing a beautiful dress with wonderful heels...

Miss Leena : Good morning students...so we meet again after a month of vacation..this is the beginning of this new sessions hope you all are doing well and as usual I can only hope you guys will behave well throughout this year..don't we naughty and don't do too much mischief, or bunk classes okay...concentrate well in class and bring good results.. this will help you in your future classes as you have become teenagers now..

Students : okay..sure ma'am.. ( exited..)

Miss Leena : so before starting the class today as it's your new session...Children I would be giving your places according to which you will sit in the class..throughout this session Got it..and no changing places or talking in the class okay..?

Students : yes Ma'am....

Miss Leena is our Hindi teacher....I am Seth a citizen of India .. I live in a state called Assam It is present in the north-eastern part of India...i have been here since I was born and my whole family is present here although i don't live in a joint family but my family is located in various parts of Assam... I am the youngest one in my family .. I have two elder sisters.. we live a happy and peaceful life here with our parents....

Assam is one of the most picturesque states in northeast India. Its beauty is evident due to the lush green tea fields, mystic hills, wild forest, and sparkling Brahmaputra river. Always brimming with tourists.... Assam is known for Assam tea and Assam silk. The state was the first site for oil drilling in Asia. Assam is home to the one-horned Indian rhinoceros, along with the wild water buffalo, pygmy hog, tiger and various species of Asiatic birds, and provides one of the last wild habitats for the Asian elephant.

I study in a convent school... it's about 25 km away from my home... I have been studying in this school since I was 4 years old.... my school years were nothing special to me accept for some memories which I had collected since the day I sat my foot in the school gate... I just went to school just to study and enjoy my life.... but after some misfortune I only wanted to pass my school days somehow..

I always dream of becoming a hero in everyone's eyes protecting our country making all the people around me feel proud... that was my only goal in life...

I assume all of you have heard the name of my country India it is one of the country located in the Asian continent best known for its glorifying past and beautiful monuments which were built hundreds of years ago by our great rulers....

But I am sure you are unfamiliar with our education system as every country has different different education system .....In India our class system are similar to any other countries.. only we had two different language classes, one is our official language and the other one is our state language... As India is a diverse country we have different cultures and different languages... And I belonged to the Ahom sect who were once A great kingdom in India who ruled India for over 600 hundred years, the longest ruling Kingdom in India..full of mysteries...my mother tongue is assamese so in school we had to learn two different language hindi and assamese... English was our first language as my school was a convent school,we follow the British English...assamese was my 2nd language as it was my mother tongue and lastly hindi was my 3rd language as it was the official language of India..

in my schools we get to study hindi for only Three years.. it's just to learn the basic..so that we can communicate with the people living in different states having different culture and languages..we start to learn it from grade 5 to grade 8...

Miss Leena was a great Hindi teacher... she was giving our seats for hindi class as both the sections of our class ( section A and B) had to exchange classes on that period... who were assamese they come to sec B for hindi class and those who were hindi they move to sec A for Assamese class..... in simple we exchange classes..


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