
Reviews of Heartfelt Roses


Heartfelt Roses


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



SHAMELESS AUTHOR REVIEWS!!! 1. since this is my first book definitely there might be grammar errors but please do correct me in the comments... 2. This story will have a refreshing plot. Please look forward to this story 3. no major misunderstandings like cheating, suspicions between the main couple... 4. even if there are any fights it won't last long!!! 5. this story will end in a happy ending!!!! so that author and readers are both happy 6. I will update regularly...at least 1 chapter a day...since I don't really know how much time will it take ....if I can ill give 2 chapters a day 7. Please do read this novel and support this poor author... 8. Please do leave reviews 9. follow me on insta @idaaa author for info about updates, mass releases, and spoilers, and feel free to text me any questions!!! THANK YOU ALL !!! HEHE

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