


taddymaddy17 · Fantasy
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Love games

I sat beside her every day while I was stuck in those eyes of hers. I hope I was stuck in her mind just like she's stuck in mine. Her scents knows how to treat my nose. Sometimes I'm left in a gaze—one where I picture both of us as prime examples of true lovers. Every breath she took lured my ears into the desperation of her saying a few more words. Luckily, I could play my cards right and get what I wanted from her.


 Just before I expressed my feelings for her, the bell spoiled my plans. This always happens to me, but I swear that one day I'll get what I truly want from her.


 It was the next period. My favorite period ,or should I say our favorite period, drama ? Only because of the Romeo and Juliet play, and fortunately, the title was already warning people of our roles. She really looked good in uniform, but in casual clothes, she was a goddess. I swear that her dresses were actually designed because of her beauty and fine figure.


"Juliet, love of my heart, allow yourself to be the true bearer of my heart while the crowd witnesses what our true love holds for each other." I said it while kneeling down and swimming in her eyes, waiting for her response. Her smile was slowly forming while her heart was slowly beating. "O Romeo, it is forever that I shall express my love for you," she said in such an angelic tone. My heart started skipping beats as soon as this response of hers sat in my ears for a while.


 Just as I wanted to say her name, the unsympathetic bell intervened in that moment and erased the upcoming moments from existence. All I could do was wait for another perfect moment to sneak into my life again, as it was in the name of love.


 I stood there, frozen in the pool of her beauty. I tried to swim all around, but my eyes were taken and placed by her beauty. A voice erupted, and its gospel was slowly taking over my ears too. At that moment, I tried making myself deaf as I tried to make this moment permanent.


She kept on whispering my name, each time carrying the burden called worry, for she cared about me—but as what?


After a while, she broke the cycle, but in anger. Her tone and attitude carried anger on their backs. A gentle hand landed on my face like a fly—one that I had prayed would stay and be a regular visitor. The other came like a fly but promised no heaven as it left a mark. My skin was burning. A tiny raindrop tried to sneak out of my eye, but I dared it not to, as I couldn't afford to lose myself as a man in her eyes.


I woke up from my dream and blinked continuously till I realized what I had lent myself into. It was a pit with little to no chance of escape.


She quickly apologized for her act, which she labeled an injustice. My mind tempted me to spread my arms open and wait for her to fall inside them. It was a trap. one that she completely fell for. My heart began skipping beats while it smiled.


Here it goes again, ringing, but my prayers were answered, for it was the perfect moment this time. I whispered a request covered in romance into one side of her ear. I froze once again as I awaited her response. She hugged me tighter and left me wondering if it was a sign of either comforting me more just before a great tragedy took place or if it was her way of saying yes. She had another trick up her sleeve. As she slowly looked me in the eyes and shut them down, her tone descended to peace in the form of whispering an acceptance of the letter I wrote.