

New Danmei alert! Reincarnation: Ascension of the grand cultivator. After an immense misunderstanding with his newly found boyfriend, the third and last child of the McAllister family was left heartbroken and grief-striken. Swearing not to fall in love again. Under weird circumstances, He reincarnated into the body of a being known as Mandraun, in a realm filled with mystical creatures. That marked the beginning of Eradan's journey in this new world. Surrounded by friends, admirers and possibly haters in this new world, what could possibly go wrong? Well, Nothing, Except for a certain charming demon prince. "You're indeed made with stunning features little Cub... May I know your name hmm?" Eradan rolled his eyes at a certain handsome figure that kept following and pestering him. "Perhaps you're one talented swinger. I'm impressed. But I'm not like those swoony girls of yours," His turned towards the philanderer beside him, with a grin etched on his lips... Maybe things could possibly go wrong. Chapter updates would be 7 times a week… it's gonna be lit! Note: This cover was drawn by me so no attempt of theft would be authorized! please support this author...

Nightflames · LGBT+
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92 Chs

ll Chapter 1 ll part 3: The McAllister's

He began to tell his student about the Klux's  guardian... Alabaster.

   Alabaster the Klux guardian was discovered by Alan Kire who was the apprentice of Alan Tyui. It was recorded 150 years ago. When the first and bloodiest war history ever known was about to take place.

   On a faithful night the Orb began to glow brighter than it's usual luminesce releasing mist alongside it. Noticing this strange event, Kire delved his divinity into the Klux in anticipation to find the cause. Hence, he discovered the Klux guardian.

"And that was how he was discovered" The mage summarized as his student stood gaping in awe " Ah! Yes... He also discovered the Klux glowed whenever it choose the rightful person to lead the war".

    "And who's this person it choose now?" The excited student found the story interesting "About the war of Armageddon, what happened during the war? How did it start?" Henry stared beadly awaiting his master's reply, as curiosity took over him.

Taking a look at his over curious student, Alan smiled and turned away. Proceeding to the shelf filled with books.

He muttered few words, making a book slid out from the top most layer of the shelf, Descending gently until it was within his reach. He called on the teen who immediately came towards him and stood, waiting for his next order.


   "Take the book" The aged mage said and his student took it at once "I wouldn't know who the Klux chooses, although I know it's a being from another realm"


Someone from another realm? Interesting? the young mage's curiosity grew, but he didn't want to disturb his master with questions any longer. He had already asked a lot.


"As for this book," Alan said drifting Henry of his thought. "It is the answer to yer second question. But It depends on your amount of Divinity to open it. At sunrise, I will be leaving to report to the king, perhaps, yer should also focus on the coming competition" Alan vanished leaving Henry to himself.

   HISTORY'S GREATEST WAR(ARMAGEDDON) Henry read to himself as his fingers stroked the words gently. He would have to train his divinity to open it and also focus on the coming napelagon competition. He looked at the book then back to the Klux, eyebrows narrowed... Who's this being?


   Eradan arrived just in time at the garage meeting his mom who flashed him a confused look as he was panting heavily. Curiousity was written all over her face but she didn't bother asking. It's just some basement fear she deluged.

  "Here's the basket" He said catching his breath while giving the basket to her.


   "Oh dear! Thanks sweetie" she took the basket from him, dropping it at the back seat of the car beside her.

"By the way, how does mummy look?" She smiled adjusting her gown.

"You look as stunning as always" Eradan flashed a smile.

  Of course she looked stunning. Mrs Lily McAllister a beautiful woman in her late-forties with really fine features. Long wavy chestnut hair fell on her back as they were tied up in ponytail.

Her well arched eyebrows couldn't be forgotten, likewise her glamouring red lips which were the results of the lipstick she wore.

Above all, her long fluttering lashes with her beautiful pairs of hazel eyes well attached to it's socket. She wore a red slim fitted velvet gown which brought out her hour glass shape... Her husband was lucky.

  She chuckled before placing a kiss on his forehead, telling him to have fun with his siblings. Eradan was on summer vacation so he couldn't go to school.

The youth sighed as he knew the amount of trouble he was going to receive from his two elder siblings, Arielle and Max. Being the last child in his family, what could he do than to possibly endure it.

He left the garage just as his mother was making a call. On his way back to their house, he came across his dad.

   "Good morning Dad... Going somewhere?" The youth asked looking at his dad who was dressed up in a suit with his radiating handsome features.

"Morning. I'll be having a meeting with the company's directorial board... Need to improve some of the companies products" Mr Noah responded in a deep tone.

Mr Noah McAllister in other words, his dad, was the owner of a Fantasy gaming company Called RETSILLA. It was a quite renowned company, with lots of workers. It had produced a few popular games that earned tons of awards.

"And make sure Max doesn't go anywhere today... Have fun!" His dad winked at him before making way to the garage.

From afar, Eradan could see his parents becoming all touchy in the garage and boy! He couldn't just get used to it.


      He made his way back to their house which was quite large, opening the door his mind was occupied with what happened earlier at their basement. What was really the cause of the excruciating pain he felt? The torrents of energy that flowed into him? He really needed to find the cause. Entering their house, he was about to close the door when he heard a loud.


Eradan became punchy and unconscious for some moment before regaining his view. Who the hell did that? He thought tracing his vision until it landed on His elder brother... Max ; who laughed as he came down the stairs.


   "Ok... So what the fuck was that for?" Eradan bawled, furiously glaring at Max who came down from the last stairs still laughing. He felt like smacking the grin off Max's face."Hmm?"

    "Yo, chill... It was just 'n accident" Max picked up the basket ball (which he purposely threw) and glanced through the window. He saw two cars leaving the gate "seems like both mom and dad are out, I better get going"

      He shoved Eradan out of his way and opened the door to leave.

"Max!" Eradan called to his brother who stopped dead and turned around flashing his grey eyes at him.

"Now what?.. I told you the ball stuff was n' accident."

"W-Well you shouldn't go out... Order's from Dad." Eradan blurted out.

"To hell with that. yo! i'm 22 year's old... I repeat... 22. I ain't a kid, well, like yo' " Max gruffed as he turned to leave. His last statement had a painful impact on Eradan. Two days, just two more days and he'll be eighteen. He consoled himself.


    "I'll be making use of the black Lamborghini" A feminine voice butted in, making both male siblings pause and turn, shifting their attention towards the voice's direction.

A lady with long wavy chestnut hair and other beautiful features especially her pairs of hazel, walked elegantly down the stairs, approaching them. She was a replica of her mother. She wore a pair of camouflage crop top and joggers with black pairs of snickers on her foot.

"I have a date with Alex" Arielle added bossily.

     Alex was her boyfriend and had always been her boyfriend since fifth grade as she was the clingy type, Alex this, Alex that. She was really toxic that Eradan had to pity alex. The worst part was that Alex was... Gay.

Although she didn't know about it but Eradan knew because Alex had asked him out a few months ago, when Arielle brought him to their house. Despite the fact that Alex was really charming, he just had to turn him down, but they were still friends.

   "Really? I don't remember anyone asking yo' whether yo' going to have a date" Max shot "Them toxic relationship" He added.

 OH, Wow! Eradan thought. The atmosphere was becoming tense and hot, he could see it coming. He wanted to separate the fight before it could start, but an idea instantly struck him... No! He wouldn't separate the fight, opportunities came but once and he was going to enjoy it... Haha. He smiled slyly waiting for the comeback.

   "Toxic? says someone who's girlfriend is now an ex" Arielle fired back. Oops! She said the wrong thing Eradan commented within himself, knowing Max would strike back with full force.

   "Oi! That's the point! I ain't toxic and clingy like yo'. I let go while yo' don't... No wonder him face just gloomy beside you Dementor!" Max sneered, damn! That'll hurt. Their junior brother kept commenting within himself as he enjoyed the show. Arielle on the other hand was red in anger, one could have seen smokes exit her ears.

   "Dementor? At least he stayed with me, your's was SOO AFFECTED by your gloominess... That she left" Arielle finally rasped back, snapping the little tolerance Max had.

  "Yo'... Yo' Bitch" He barked, darting towards Arielle in fury. That wasn't good, the youth had to intervene.

   "Guys! guys!" Eradan broke in, " I-I thought you all had somewhere to go to?" To his greatest surprise Max complied. 'Seems like I'll disobey dad's order' He thought to himself.


   "Yo' quite lucky " Max hissed at his sister "But... Be careful of next time" He threatened as he turned and made way to their garage, leaving with a bike.

"Aren't you also leaving?" He cocked an eyebrow at Arielle.

"Of course I am," she replied before glanced at her phone "Oh my! It's Ten'o clock. I better get going. By the way, enjoy your solace" She sashayed towards the garage and drove out in a Lamborghini, Leaving only Eradan in the manorial.

Sighs escaped Eradan's lips as he went inside, heading to the kitchen. He made himself breakfast, ate and went to his room. He decided to video call his friend Riele who picked up the call in a jiffy.


"Hey adan, how are you?" Riele smiled over the phone.

"I'm good, you?" He beamed back.

"Same, so how's summer? Cuz mine was definitely boring. I kept packing kids poo and babysitting" They both broke into a vehement laughter that slowly died down, leaving Eradan almost water eyed.

"Well mine was boring either. Any information about Kris Kim?" He asked, however was replied with a sudden sob from Riele. Shit! He shouldn't have asked that question. That was so insensitive of him. His face became sad, he knew the cause of riele's sudden sobering.

        Kris Kim became friends with both of them in their eight grade. He was an half cast, his father was an American, his mother a Korean. He was really charming and handsome and that made him really popular in their eleventh grade that it swooped riele of her feet, she fell hard for him.

Eradan recolled how she treated and cared for Kris more than him, she really loved Kris with all her heart, but it was broken when he travelled out of the country to an unknown country (they didn't know since he didn't tell them) since then she's been in grief.

    "I'm so sorry riele, I shouldn't have brought it up" He appealed to the teary eyed Riele who kept dabbing her tears filled face with a hankerchief. I'm such an asshole kept ringing in his head.

  "N-No worries, I-It's alright. Just felt like letting those tears flow" Riele finally spoke then giggled still looking sad.

"Lizzy sent me a picture of him, he looked really happy and he has a new girlfriend. I-I'M happy for him" She

showed him a picture through her phone.

    Eradan couldn't do anything but glare angrily at the picture. If he would ever meet that douchebag, he would greet him with a nice kick directed to his groin. As if reading his mind, Riele narrowed her eyes and said,


    "No need planning on how to hurt him, let him be"

With a slight nod and grins etched on his lips, the youth decided to change the topic.

     "Ahem! seems like you forgot that next tomorrow's my 18 birthday" Eradan said, grinning from ear to ear.

    "Oh my!" Riele gasped "Happy birthday in advance dude" she added straight off. The gloominess had disappeared and replaced with liveliness and happiness. Eradan muttered an audible thanks, he was really happy with the way things were going.

     "Do you know what that calls for?"


"It calls for shopping dude!" she squeaked "you'll need to get your groove on for tomorrow's shopping" She added jumping on her bed, like a little girl... So Adorable. Eradan kept laughing as he watched the scene. After some moment of chatting, laughing and teasing (totally forgetting about Kris) they both became tired.

  "Bye for now Adan, see ya tomorrow" Riele beamed. 

  "Bye" He replied before cutting the call. Left with nothing else to do, he went to sleep.

  Later in the evening, he woke up to the rumbling of his belly and decided to get something to eat. He walked towards his door, opened it, and went downstairs passing his brother's room which was opposite his.

As Eradan neared the dining, lots of delicious aroma welcomed him likewise making him hungrier. He salivated his way to the dining.

  "Eradan?" He heard his mom voice call him as he entered "can you help me with those?" She pointed her face towards a bowled ceramic plate filled with pasta's "and also those" towards another, filled with grilled fish.

    He rapidly swung into action, setting every dish on their dining table. After some while,

His dad walked in followed by Max and Arielle. Eradan could tell that they were both scolded by his father, maybe he found out that max went out.

    After a quick prayer said by his mom,they began to devour their meal. Few minutes later they were done. Eradan took the plates to the kitchen. Making use of the dishwasher, he was done in no time, before heading upstairs. As he was about to enter his room, he saw dim lights coming of his brother's room which was not locked. And guess what... Curiosity took over.

 Eradan tiptoped gently towards the door and with a bland push, the door was opened more. Lo and behold he saw...

               ANDRIEL VALYR

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