
[Chapter 1]: The Famous Cousins


They all did nothing but rumours and damn stampedes. It always causes me headache and I am starting to hate them. I have never met them though, but from how they act, it seems like all they know is how to attract people. It all started on first year, but then, now on 2nd year, all these admire stuff never vanished. Stampedes keep occuring, rumours keep spreading, whispers keep on happening.

"I heard the Tres Familia is chosen as the school's model for the advertisement?"

"Yes! Nobody could resist those perfect looks."

"You got a point."

"Did you know? Christopher is so cool, but he looked at me yesterday!"

"No way!"

"Yes way!"

There goes these rumours again. I am starting to get annoyed though. I hate the mere fact that they always bring rumours around me, when I, do not even care about then. How are people standing these kinds of noises? Those familia people will never look at anyone not on their own level. Imagine, being one of the successors of the Javier family, one of the richest family in town, looking at someone classless? People like dreaming.

"Hey Run?" someone called me, and as I glance, I saw Authern. "Yes?" I asked and he smiled. "Well... you see I want to ask you a favor if you don't mind." he said. "It's alright, what do you need?" I asked and he gave me a paper. "This is the profile of the new transfer students, will you take it to the school office?" he asked and I nodded. "No problem." and I left him on the hallway.

While walking, I got curious and looked inside the profile, it was the three new transfer students. First, I saw a guy named Champ's profile, and it seems here that he is capable of doing athlete stuff and he is a gold-winning track and field runner for consecutive years. His profile, included with his past grades were quite fine, however, after I look into the next paper, I feel guilty checking it. It was a guy named Clay. He had no achievements in life except for being able to run a small business with his clever tactics. He seemed to be a successor, not that the others are not, but when it comes to business handling, he is good. However, these good thoughts were broken after I saw his grades. Each mark is almost near to fail, I am wondering how was he able to survive. Next one, seemed to be the most interesting one, it is a guy named Christopher. A successor too and was able to handle every factor of their company, also an ace in their class, checking his grades, all were excellent and it was quite admiring, I wonder what is this guy like.

While walking, since I'm still checking the paper,

I accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm sorry." I said. "Can't even look on the path properly, what an idiot." he said and I glared at him. Recognizing his face, it is Christopher Javier, the ace student I just read. I see now, he may have these good traits about him, but his attitude is a sure thing. "I said sorry." I explained but he just ignored me and walk away, "Tch," he muttered.

Damn I hate that guy, I wonder how do people seemed to like him, or perhaps, nobody knows who he really is. It was tiring, just that me bumping into, I'm already overthinking about something senseless, and I don't want to waste any more of my energy, my headache's already worse.

I went straight to the office and gave the student profiles then I went out. I'm so tired now, and I feel like taking a rest, so I went to the astrology club room instead. I've been a member of this club ever since first year because I really like heavenly bodies. As I enter, I saw something unexpected. I am quite sure and wasn't hallucinating, it's a topless person. "W— who are you?!" I asked and he laughed, "Clay Javier, how come you don't know me?" he asked. "I don't show any concern to people like you." I said and he smirked. "Oh, you're a one naughty kid aren't you?" he said as he walk towards me, dispersing the space between the two of us. "S— shut up and leave!" I said but he didn't listen. What he did was walk closer and closer until our face were quite close, I closed my eyes and was afraid of every possible movements that he might make, and this is due to my social anxiety. I felt something touched my lips, and as I open my eyes, it was him kissing my lips. My face blushed but it doesn't mean I didn't do anything, I pushed him softly and I slapped his face. "Jerk, dress up and leave this room now." I said and his face went serious. He did what I told him and later on he left, but before that, as I am standing by the door, he whispered something to me, "You were my first time." I muttered and he left. On the other side, I still see my face quite hot and reddish, and I'm starting to hate this feeling.

I walked towards the couch and lie my body down, covering my face with my arms, "That's 2 out of 3 Javiers huh?" I muttered to myself, then I took a nap.


As I wake up, I looked at the clock and saw that it's already 3 pm, so I lifted my body up and fixed myself. I closed the lights and locked the club room then walked towards the field. There were some students in there playing, and others were training for the track and field and football. I walked on the field while spacing out as I just woke up, I didn't realize im already inside the football field. Later on, a ball hit my face, "Ah!" I shouted from pain and it made my body fall down. I am paralyzed, on this very moment as I was spaced out after waking up then a ball hit me in the head. "Shit shit shit shit, are you alright?" a guy that walked towards me said, I'm mad though, but I couldn't possibly answer due to the pain. "I'm really sorry, I'll bring you to the clinic." he said and he lifted me up. He walked with me until we reached his motorcycle, and he drove me to the clinic.

As we reach the clinic, he rushed towards the counter, "Ms, my friend needs help, he was hit by ball directly in the head." he said then the nurse on the counter wrote a record, "Please go inside the clinic." she said and the person helped me out. He didn't went inside with me though, he just helped me get inside.


Fuck, I was so excited all over the field and I hit someone accidentally. Damn, I really should control myself.

I went to the counter again and asked the nurse for a piece of pen and a paper. When she gave me one, I wrote on the paper:

I'm going now, I'm really sorry for what happened, but I'll take care of you once we meet again. I'm Champ Javier by the way, I saw it in your face that you didn't recognize me, but I'm really sorry.

The I gave the paper to the nurse. "Ms, please give this to my friend once he got out. Thanks." I said then I left the clinic.


When I got out of the room, I saw the guy is not there already, so I went to the nurse. "Uhm, where is the guy before?" I asked, "Your friend had left already, but he told me to give this to you though." she said and she lend me a piece of paper.

After I have read the message, I noticed that I am blusning, again, but this time, I saw myself smiling too. But why? I thought to myself.

When I finished reading the paper, I realized two things, it's that first, he is one of the familia, and two, is that he is way too different from the two, he serioiusy seems nice.

Next chapter