
Origins & Jealousy

In the midst of the opulent corridors and grand halls of one of the most prestigious mansions in the infernal realms, the noble and esteemed Venelana Gremory was in the midst of giving birth to a new generation of her distinguished family line.

Secluded in her sumptuous birthing chamber, surrounded by the most skilled midwives and healers, she was aware that she was giving birth not just to a single infant, but to two new lives.

As time passed and the intensity of her labor increased, Venelana was filled with the certainty that she was about to become the mother of twins, a boy and a girl, both blessed with crimson hair that shone like rubies and blue eyes. that sparkled like the crystalline waters of the ocean.

Overcome with euphoria and pride, Venelana gave her children the names Shoto and Rias Gremory, vowing to raise them as powerful, honorable, and exceptional members of her renowned family.

At first glance, one could be forgiven for believing that the twins were mirror images of each other, with their identical red hair and piercing blue eyes creating the illusion of a perfect identity.

But as the years passed and they reached the cusp of their seventh birthday, it became increasingly apparent that these brothers were fundamentally different in both personality and temperament.

One exuded an air of coldness, detachment, and lack of empathy, while the other radiated warmth, compassion, and an innate understanding of the emotions of those around them.

Unfortunately, it seemed that the twin, Rias, had been pampered and indulged by both her older brother, the noble Sirzechs Lucifer, and her father, the powerful Zeoticus Gremory, causing a stark contrast in their perspectives and interactions with the world.

In stark contrast to his twin sister's kind and compassionate nature, Shoto was a mysterious and elusive figure, communicating very little and being notoriously guarded when it came to opening up to others.

A melancholic aura seemed to permeate his presence, giving him an intimidating and ominous demeanor that caused many to keep their distance.

Despite his enigmatic and solitary nature, Shoto had one constant in his life, a person he trusted unconditionally and was very fond of: his mother.

Despite his reticent and unsociable personality, Shoto felt immense affection for his mother's love and devotion, finding comfort in her presence.

To the outside observer, it may seem that he resented his sister, Rias, for receiving the attention and affection from his older brother and father, but in reality, his mother's love surpassed any other form of attention or affection that he could ever get or expect to receive, and he was content with that.

While Venelana Gremory, the mother of the twins, somewhat lamented Shoto's reclusive personality, she found solace in the fact that he possessed deep humility when it came to acknowledging his own achievements.

Unlike his sister, Rias, who was inclined to crave attention and constantly seek to be the focal point of any situation, Shoto was content to let his actions speak for themselves.

He never allowed himself to enlarge his ego or boast about his status within the prestigious lineage of the Gremory family, instead choosing to let his achievements speak for themselves.

It was this kind of quiet self-assurance and humility that Venelana respected and admired in her son, and she took pride in knowing that he was not one to seek publicity or revel in the attention of others.

In addition to his mother's admiration for his modest nature, Shoto's predilection for excessive contemplation gradually turned into a sharp analytical mind that allowed him to accurately forecast any outcome he meticulously studied and researched.

Her ability to delve deeply and critically into complex issues enabled her to excel in many fields, particularly in the realm of commerce, where she inherited her mother's keen acumen and market command.

On one fateful day, the time came for the twins to be tested for the most defining trait of the Gremory bloodline: the Power of Destruction.

When Rias stepped forward to display her abilities, she was able to manifest her destructive power in the conventional manner, drawing admiration and appreciation from those present.

But this attention wouldn't last, for something unexpected happened when it was Shoto's turn to display this power.

Instead of using the conventional method of releasing destructive energy via a magic circle, his power manifested through a relentless wave of vermilion flames that erupted from the left side of his body.

These flames possessed the extraordinary ability to annihilate and destroy anything it aimed at, leaving nothing but ash and rubble in its wake.

This unprecedented manifestation of the Power of Destruction came as a complete shock to everyone present, who had only known it as something that required a great deal of magical experience and training to control.

However, it was apparent that Shoto possessed an innate talent and a natural aptitude for this formidable ability, and it seemed that the potential of what he could accomplish with it was limitless.

But Shoto's talents didn't stop with the Power of Destruction: he also had an affinity for ice magic. In his first attempt to use it, he managed to freeze a large lake, creating a colossal iceberg that seemed like it could pierce through the heavens.

Also, by using ice magic, the right half of Shoto's hair turned white, and his right eye changed from blue to silver.

Even Sirzechs and Zeoticus, both powerful figures in their own right, were astounded by the immense potential of Shoto's ice magic.

It seemed there was no limit to what he could achieve with his formidable abilities, and his future as a powerful member of the Gremory family was guaranteed.

Despite her outstanding gifts and promising future, Shoto's twin sister, Rias, began to harbor feelings of envy towards his innate talents in both the Power of Destruction and ice magic.

This was exacerbated by the fact that her older brother, Sirzechs, seemed to show an increasing preference for Shoto, leaving Rias feeling ignored and left out.

As Rias struggled with envy and animosity towards her twin brother, Shoto seemed to have a sense of dread at his older brother's sudden rush of attention.

Despite this, he couldn't be bothered wasting energy on it, as the older brother's guidance and tutoring helped him expand his knowledge of magic and become stronger with each passing day.

It seemed the siblings had developed disparate outlooks on life, while Rias craved admiration and affection, Shoto simply wished he would be left alone to pursue his passions and interests. How these divergent perspectives would shape their future paths and relationships remained to be seen.

While Rias and Shoto dealt with their personal struggles, their older brother Sirzechs was engrossed in studying the manifestation of Shoto's destructive powers.

After much pondering and theorizing, Sirzechs came to the conclusion that Shoto's distinctive form of manifestation of the Power of Destruction was symbolic of the evolution of demonkind.

Unlike the traditional methods to use the Power of Destruction, which required a great deal of magical knowledge and training to master, Shoto's manifestation allowed him to create and command destructive energy flames through his own body, simply by the power of his will and concentration.

It was unmistakable that this new form of manifestation was much simpler to learn and cultivate than conventional destruction magic, and Sirzechs was eager to see what the future held for his younger brother as he continued to sharpen and improve his abilities to their limits and beyond.

Compounding Rias' difficulties, Shoto's natural aptitude for ice magic automatically gave him a significant advantage over her, further earning further adulation and favor of his older brother.

Sirzechs began to view his younger brother as a viable heir, someone who could maintain the prestige of the Gremory family and carry on their legacy when the time came to pass down leadership.

This was a huge blow to Rias's self-esteem, causing her envy and resentment towards her brother to further intensify.

It seemed the tenuous bond between the twins was in danger of being permanently broken, and how they would navigate this challenging and difficult time in their relationship remained to be seen.

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