
A Curse

Prince Ainz sat in the middle of the long table with his Royal Father at the head. "Good evening, Ainz. I see you have a new mantle." His Royal Majesty looked at his son with a slight twinkle in his eyes. Ainz nodded quietly and looked away, disinterested. The conversation was no more and the family ate their meal in silence. The room was quiet, save for the clinking of cutlery and glass. The servants on duty in the dining room held their breaths; trying their best to blend in with the walls.

The royal family quickly finished their meals and parted ways, off to deal with their own responsibilities. Ainz walked briskly back to his own room with furrowed brows. He knew that it was only a matter of time before his mother called him to her room. He guessed correctly. The moment he reached his bed, a knock sounded on the door. Ainz threw off his mantle and sword before answering the door. An elderly butler stood there with a letter in his hands.

Ainz dismissed the butler and ripped open the envelope. Sure enough, it was from his mother. It was a simple letter. There was no "dear" nor signature. Ainz recognized it on the spot though, the letter reeked of her perfume. There was only one message on the paper. 'Come to my room.'

Ainz threw the letter into his trash bin and continued his regular journey to his mother's room. When he reached her room, he knocked once before opening the door himself and walking in. Ainz spotted his mother seated in an armchair, deep in thoughts. He plopped down onto the armchair opposing hers. The sudden movement jerked her back to the present and she turned her eyes to Ainz.

"Ingrateful piece of trash." The usual words came out of her mouth. Ainz stretched himself on the armchair, making himself comfortable. He knew that a lecture was coming. "Do you know how much trouble you've caused?"

"Yes, mother." Ainz glanced away, once again disinterested.

"There were more kidnapping attempts! Why must you seduce people wherever you go? Even so! How hard is it to reply to your Royal Father?" His mother stood up, her fists clench. Ainz narrowed his eyes. He knew where this was going.

"I'm losing his love! Because. You. Exist. He's been eyeing you. His own son. Of all people, his own son!" She took shaky breaths as she staggered towards him. "I wanted my son to be the best, I wanted him in the history book. At this rate, you will be. But not for greatness, no. You'll be in there for your PROMISCUITY!"

Before he knew it, the unstable Queen Consort was on him. Her hands tightened around his throat.


She inhaled shakily as her nails dug into his skin. Ainz attempted to pry her hands from his throat, trying to take in shallow breaths; his vision blurred out and his head began to throb. He gave up on his thought of prying her hands from his throat and simply kneed her in the stomach.

The Queen Consort doubled over from the shock and pain. Her grip loosened slightly and Ainz took that as a chance to knee her again. After taking his revenge with a third knee to the stomach, Ainz untangled himself from her and ran out of her room.

He pulled up his collar and slowed down his pace to avoid any suspicion from the servants.

Ainz made it back to his room and hastily bandaged his neck. The blood from his wounds seeped into his collar, dying it a crimson red. Ainz sighed in irritation as he sprawled out on his bed. "Crazy lady…"

Before he knew it, the candles in his room flickered out. Ainz slowly closed his eyes, lulled by the sweet embrace of the dark.

When he came to, Ainz found that he was strapped to a metal table. The darkness hid the face of the tall figure in front of him. "...ah."

His vocalization alerted his kidnapper. The tall figure placed their arms on his shoulder. "Your Royal Highness…" Ainz realized his kidnapper's identity immediately. It was his nameless swords instructor. He should've seen it coming considering how much the man has been staring at him. It was always a warning for disaster.

The tutors and instructors were always swapped out every month to ensure that they didn't get too much exposure to him. Ainz thought that it was odd that the swap was a week overdue. As if someone was wishing for an unfortunate incident to occur.

The instructor set his hand on Ainz's face, his calluses scratching delicate skin. "Your Royal Highness, I've always thought about how beautiful your eyes are. "

Ainz squinted in response, 'Crazy bastard.' He turned his face away from the man. The respect he had in his eyes was gone, there was nothing but contempt now. Suddenly, the fresh feeling he got when looking at the instructor was gone. He felt sick looking at such a mentally weak man.

The grip on his face tightened, the man knew of his rejection. "I want your eyes." It was a blunt sentence. Plain and outspoken, without any of the respects one should pay to a member of the royal family. Ainz knew this man was beyond saving.

More than that, he was enraged. The man he once knew as his instructor was gone. It was such a waste, as the man was not one lacking in skill. However, not much could help against his magic. Once a person fell victim to Ainz's uncontrollable spell-like charms, they would become a mere shell of their previous selves. Driven insane, the urge to harm Ainz would invade their rational thoughts.

The instructor released his grip on Ainz, leaving him still strapped to the metal table. He walked away, the tools on his body clinking. Ainz watched him disappear behind the wall. "I'll get the knives. Don't worry, they're so sharp that you won't feel a thing."

Ainz sighed once again, he doubted that sentence. Something more likely would perhaps be him not feeling anything due to him passing away under the blade. Ainz questioned how much he affected his instructor to make the man's intelligence degrade to such a point.

He really was… a curse to humanity.

Whoop whoop, cliffhanger!

This way I can encourage myself to keep up steady updates.

Don't worry, the cliffhangers get much worse.

We can suffer together with Ainz ;-;

Penny9577creators' thoughts