
Chapter 151: Hydra Destruction (Part 3) - Fight

Spiderman: If we can do good things for other people, we have the moral obligation to do those things. Not choice; Responsibility.

Ryan : Even if the whole world will hate you for your actions, do what you think is right. Especially if you have already confirmed what will happen if you don't interfere…cause you know the future…ya know?

"Last one to arrive is a rotten egg," Tony said as he jumped from the Avenger Jet into the battlefield.

"What is he, 10?" Barton said in a dissatisfied tone while getting the parachute ready.

"Bruce, put the plane on automatic driving mode. Now might be a really good time for you to get angry," Steve said.

"Captain, It doesn't work like that any longer. Now Hulk comes out when he wants to come out," Bruce said confidently while his eyes turned green. "And he really wants to come out now."

The sight of the battle waiting for them that was shown in Banner's eyes, has been making the chocolate addicted, fat green beast feel extremely excited.


The hydra agents were shooting relentlessly at the Iron Man above them, however Tony's agility exceeded their weapons capabilities. The missiles were dodged by Tony easily, but…

"Tony! The missiles are heading to the city," Kai said as he jumped from the Avenger jet and summoned his wings. Steve followed suit with his jet pack while Natasha and Barton jumped down using modified paragliders.

Bruce waited patiently for his cue once the Captain assessed the situation down below.

After waiting for a moment, he dived from the Avenger Jet without any parachute on his back. His small figure changed into a green hulking monster mid-air. His clothes didn't rip but stretched out instead, making the Hulk look more civilized with his stretchy purplish-back shirt and purple pants. He even wore shoes.

"Damn it, Jarvis intercept." Tony said as he ordered his AI to shoot the missiles with his mini-missiles in his shoulder pad. The 100 missiles were hunted down by the mini-missiles before it could bypass the SHIELD's building area.

"Flies needed to be cut down at the source before it could lay anymore eggs," Tony said as he aimed his repulsor toward the air defense turrets and destroyed all of them, causing a big explosion and taking out several Hydra agents in the process.

Although the Hydra's agents were laying on the ground like they were dead, they didn't have any big injuries as the yellow and green suit they were wearing provides outstanding defense – on par as wearing three kevlar suits at the same time.

"I thought you'll just throw money at the flies and ask them politely to go away," Kai teased as he landed near to Tony and faced off against the huge red armor – Crimson Dynamo.

"If that actually works, it might be his first method," Natasha continued the teasing as Kai and Tony provided cover for Captain America, Hawkeye and her to land.

Kai slashed at the missiles coming from the gigantic red suit into half and dropped the artillery onto some unlucky Hydra agents, bonking their head as it knocked them out.

"Okay, just because you're a couple you don't have to do all things together," Tony said with dissatisfaction to Kai and Natasha using his outward speaker.

Then he asked internally to his AI system, "JARVIS, how long do we have until the helicarrier is in the air?"

"I could not estimate that."

"Wait. Why?"

" The firewall inside the building is more powerful than my capabilities."

With Zola as the network defender for the entire Hydra operations,

"That's…impossible…" Tony murmured in surprise as he heard JARVIS's analysis. He prided himself on being the pioneer in Artificial Intelligence, but for SHIELD to have a more powerful system than him really bruised his ego.

"How about satellite view?"

"That too is blocked."

"Damn it, Hawkeye, can you see if the Helicarrier is taking off?"

"You want me to do what now?" Barton was puzzled when he received the request. He might be called Hawkeye, but it doesn't mean that he can see things like a hawk.

Hulk landed on the ground, producing a cloud of dust. Without hesitation, he stormed the defense line. However, the collared Rhino was in his way. Rhino caught Hulk's fist, and Hulk did the same with his fist.

Hulk grinned for the prospect of a satisfying battle.

"RHIIINOOOO," Alexei mumbles incoherently as his brain was deep-fried by Hydra. All he knew now was following orders. Hulk and Rhino faced each other while the rest were surrounded by their contingency measures.

"Knight, Status?" Captain America asked while throwing his vibranium shield to a hydra agent. The shield bounced on the head of 3 agents before it returned to Steve's arm.

"I am laying low and sneaking inside the building. My security guards are on their way to you Captain. You can order them as you like," Ryan pretended to breathe heavily as he answered the report.

It wasn't hard for him to enter the building at all as he was the one controlling Zola in the first place. A small opening at the side of the building was enough for him to sneak into.

"Security guard? Didn't you mean an army?" Tony intercepted the communication line and asked sarcastically.

A team of 100 – enhanced by the exoskeleton suits and basic gene optimization fluid arrived to join the battle. However, the combined effort of the Avenger team and the Knight army were faced with more than 5000 Hydra agents, with more on their way.

"For legal reasons I will call them security guards…named Templar…" Ryan said as he gave Steve the specification of the team he had been cultivating.

One Knight Templar was equipped with N-7 Valkyrie – an ultra rare rifle from the Mass Effect world, personal energy shield and 5 energy grenades. They also have a small but deadly plasma energy pistol for their secondary weapon and a collapsible energy sword that can cut through metal.

Steve read the specification from the small holographic panel coming from his arm. Ryan had upgraded all of the Avenger's tech before the battle according to their combat capabilities and habits.

"Split into a team of 5 and form a defense line in the East and West direction. We will take the front," Steve ordered the Templars and they were already into the position. They followed the orders obediently, and it caused respect Steve had for them to increase tenfold.

The Templars moved efficiently under the Captain's orders, and managed to push the Hydra army back!

The Templars only had one job for today. That was to hold the line in front of the building and prevent any Hydra reinforcement that was coming.


Inside the Triskelion building.

"Hmm~ Hm hmm HMM~" A robotic man in a purple suit was humming while walking down the corridor.

"Got another one!" He yelled playfully as he splitted the head of another Hydra agent in front of him by throwing a simple card. The card then returned into his hand. He shook off the blood from the card casually before he started walking again.

The corridor was filled with the marks of the blood splatter and headless Hydra agents. Their cause of death was either a card or they were just simply riddled with bullets. A man with a metal arm was following Tarot on his side and they were invading the building together.

Tony noticed Tarot's unique spatial fluctuations multiple times when he was fighting outside with his newly made, built-in scanner inside his Mark 7 armor. When he realized that Ryan won't be fighting alone inside the building, he eased up a little bit.

Tarot and his 'friend' were being stopped by some of the agents but nothing that couldn't be solved by a little 'talking'. Most of the people inside the building were logistic agents. Against Hydra's elite STRIKE team, these people weren't able to give much of a fight.

"Honestly, you guys will just be in my way," Tarot said as he took out a door card and opened up a portal on the floor. Then, he kicked the two newbie SHIELD agents who wanted to join him Sparta style into the portal where they'll fall into his hidden survivor base.

Peggy will receive them there and they will be briefed by the current situation and their next mission there.

"Couldn't you do that sooner," the clean shaved Bucky with short hair said with tiredness.

He couldn't withstand the energetic demeanor of the newbie agents who wanted to join them in the fight. Even at the Tarot base these agents were tiring for him. He was glad that the battle finally came to an end and he could finally escape from there.

"I will let you kick them next time," Tarot said sarcastically as he arrived at the SHIELD's storage center that was one of his targets in this quest that he made for himself.

"BING-POT," Tarot said as he controlled all the information and the items inside the storage into his card. He then took out a crummy paper and started to scratch off the things that needed to be done.

Tarot's To Do List.

> Clean up the database.

> Spank Pierce on his butt.

> Kill all Hydra.

> Buy Chocolate chip cookies for Peggy. (Done)

> Etc. ( He actually wrote etc.)

The card sucked all of the data there, leaving only an empty rack. Some of it was teleported automatically to Peggy as she will be the one to handle the matter later on. Some curious item was withheld from her as Ryan wanted to take a look at it first.

"I will invite you next time I'm cleaning my house," Bucky said playfully but with a hint of sadness. He knew what Tarot had planned to do after this even though Tarot never told him anything. When the day is over, Tarot will be gone forever.

"Buy a house first," Tarot said as they continued their journey inside the Triskelion building to head for the command center while another Ryan was heading toward the tri-carrier launch center at the moment.

Some Hydra agents can be seen frozen in the hallways where Ryan had passed by. In his arm was a new tech he developed to allow his Avenger's persona to increase his lethality.

"The new cryogenic gauntlet is pretty useful. Too bad my hair now looked like Todoroki," Ryan muttered as he checked his half-blue hair that was influenced by the cryogenic energy inside the gauntlet. He equipped this gauntlet on his right hand. The hair that was changing was only on the right side of his head.

If he wanted to, he could freeze the entire New York City with the gauntlet's energy and even have enough storage to freeze two other major cities in the world. His left hand has another gauntlet with red-streak on its center. So far he couldn't find any use for his left hand gauntlet yet.

At the top floor of the building.

"Did you find out who had attacked me?"

"No. Stop ordering me like I'm your subordinate Pierce."

Pierce was looking into the person who had foiled his plan to make a smooth transition into the New World Order. Now, he had to take the world by force.

Mimicking Red Skull, the existence of other Hydra heads were hidden by him, making him the sole figurehead of Hydra. The other heads were giving him support from the shadows from multiple parts of the world. Zola was with him but Pierce didn't count the AI as a true head –but more toward a remnant of the past.

"As expected. They came… Zola, order the Washington sleeper to kill the President quickly," Pierce said coldly while watching the Avengers trying to breach the defense line he made. With Hulk joining in, he knew that he had all of them right where he wanted them to be.

SHIELD contingency for these superheroes had fallen into the wrong hands. Nick Fury was on his way but he needed to pass multiple Hydra blockades to get there with only a few agents as support.

Pierce connected to the defense line and ordered them.

"Gamma unit, move towards the Hulk. "

"Mandroids, Stark".

"Reaper, Rogers."

"Crossbones, Romanov."

"Barton will be handled by Hydra bots. "

Pierce didn't order specific countermeasures for Kai as Crimson Dynamo was already fighting.

The Templars wasn't even in his sight as he thought only the Avenger was a threat for Hydra's New World Order.

"Zola, watch out for any attack from the Oracle," Pierce notified the sentient AI. He wasn't sure of where Ryan was or if he had even joined the battle physically or virtually.

He was so sure Zola would know if someone had intruded the building that he didn't even bother to check it himself.

Being mutated into a fox, he schemed multiple plans to break up the Avenger's teamwork and trust so that Hydra's battle would become easier.

"We don't have time for this Cap," Tony said as he tried multiple times to get to the Insight Helicarrier launch zone. The air defense that was made specifically against him was annoying him greatly.

In the two minute battle, his armor that had only received small scratches from the Chitauri attack was battered from the Mandroid attacks.

"Damn you, Fury," Stark cursed inwardly. His scans showed that the mandroid was made by his Iron Man tech – although they couldn't achieve the capabilities of his armor.

Their flights were sloppy and they used batteries instead of an arc reactor. It was driven manually instead of using an AI assist smart maneuvering system. But it was an Iron Man armor tech nonetheless.

Fury had already got some tech specification from when Romanov was spying around Stark and the War Machine armor being kept in the military a few years ago. After Stark fought Steel Samurai, Fury recovered some of the dead man technology too.

The 20 Mandroid unit was produced for his countermeasures against superpowers, costing him billions of dollars in the development. The Mandroids armor development was finished only two weeks ago.

If Tony keeps making weapons, maybe Fury will introduce him to the units earlier on.

Fury knew that Tony would protest if he knew about the Mandroid units, that's why he had been keeping it all to himself. Well, him and Pierce.

*Ding* Suddenly a call notification chimed in on his transparent panel of his Iron Man armor.

"Rhodey, where are you? You are late for your Avenger audition," Tony greeted the one on the other side after picking up the call.

"TONY WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" Rhodes asked in an urgency. He was in no mood for games now.

Explosion after explosion can be heard from Rhodes' side of the call. The entire country's military was sabotaged by the Hydra sleeper agents. The missiles were faulty, the generals were assassinated, and worst of all, they lost connection with the capitol.

The military aircraft carrier at the Atlantic ocean was suddenly attacked, but luckily Rhodey was passing by and helped them, only for him to realize that the same situation was ongoing all over the country.

After a surprising explanation…

"What the hell is even that- … I-... didn't the Captain?-"

"Yeah-yeah. You go to the White house to see what's going on there. If my team didn't stop the helicarrier, millions would die so I cannot be there," Tony said as he avoided the missiles from the Mandroid units.

"It'll take me 3 minutes to get there. Will the president even be alive by then?" Rhodey asked with worry.

"Don't know. Don't care. Right now I'm about to be smoked by these people."

Tony suddenly found himself surrounded by the Mandroid units. SHIELD has been calculating his flight pattern and habits from the footage they have from his previous battles. The Mandroids managed to bait him into their encirclement when he was distracted from the call.

"(sigh) I work with childrens," Kai muttered tiredly as he helped Tony get out of his predicament. The Crimson Dynamo shoots out several high-speed missiles toward the flying Kai.

"Hmm," Kai stopped mid-air and faced the missiles coming straight for him, causing the Crimson Dynamo's rider to blush when she saw his stern black eyes. He holds his sword horizontally. When the missiles entered his range, he hit the missiles with his sword slightly, but with incredible speed.

Kai managed to change the course of the missiles with his sword and directed it to the Mandroids, breaching a hole in their encirclement. Tony flew out quickly and shot down two Mandroids in the process.

"Don't run away from me!" A seductive voice with a russian accent yelled toward Kai after he went to help Tony.

"Lady, I already have one, background-ambiguous, Russian lady with a red head fallen deep into me already," Kai said playfully while looking at the Crimson Dynamo's red armor.

It earned him some glare from Natasha, but it was worth it.

"I DID NOT…fall for you!" The russian beauty covered with manly armor opened fire on Kai.

"Why are you with Hydra anyway? I thought you're looking for your family's killer?" Kai dodged the ammunition easily and threw multiple orb grenades onto the 4 meter tall Crimson Dynamo head. It exploded multiple times, almost knocking the armor to its knees.

The driver suddenly went silent for a while and calmly recollected herself. Kai tilted his head puzzledly from the armor's sudden change in behavior.

"...You know me?"

"Yeah, Galina Nemirovksy. Father was head researcher of the Russian Federal Dynamo program, wanting to find the ultimate armor to bring the United States to its knees. I also know you didn't conform to your father's ambition and had fought him to shut down this program. So why are you in the armor now?"

Barton and Natasha were fighting side by side when they heard what Kai said. Crossbones had taken out a small book that had a red leather cover with the USSR logo on it and was confronting them with a team of elite Hydra agents.

"Damn, he IS the bane of all Russian women," Barton said excitedly as he heard Galina's sad voice from afar, telling Kai his life story.

"Another peep comes out of you and I will make sure you suffer," Natasha warned, causing Barton to make a mouth-zipping gesture and throw away the key.

"This is the only proof of my fathers existence in this world. I shall be the one who wields it and destroys Tony STARK!! The cause of all misfortune befallen onto my family!!"

Kai glanced subtly at the frozen-in-the-mid-air Iron Man who listened to the story Galina told.

'That's really unfair. I wasn't even there when it happened,' Tony thought inwardly with a feeling of helplessness. Why was every armored person he met was either his nemesis or potential nemesis?

"What does Hydra have to do with this?" Kai asked. Galina noticed that her missiles were useless against Kai. Some Hydra agents tried to attack Kai when he let his guard down during his face-off with the giant armor, but an invincible assassin wearing a camouflage cape had been clearing out the interference during his battle.

"Meow ( Too easy)" Felicia licks her paw in the middle of the battlefield as she wears the chameleon companion beast on her back. Beast couldn't use another beast form, but the chameleon was a unique companion beast Kai has that he can bestow onto another person…or cat.

"They promised to help me get revenge, and a new power source for my suit," Galina said sadly and tried to attack Kai with a punch as he was relatively near her. Also, her aim was to only knock out the doctor.

Kai did a backflip jump to avoid her fist and landed on top of her armor. He stabbed the armor's helmet with his thin sword and penetrated the 14 inch thick metal plate like butter to get to where Galina was.

It stopped an inch before it stabbed into her head, making her flinch. Kai pulled out the sword slowly and dropped a small, capsule size, gas canister through the opening he made.

"Your story was saddening, but it didn't change the fact that you're siding with the wrong people. I will stop you before you commit an irreversible mistake."

The capsule opened automatically, releasing a non-lethal concentration of sleeping gas, suitable for knocking out an 18 years old woman.

"Nooo…I will…" Galina started mumbling incoherently before she fell asleep. The Crimson Dynamo falls to its knees before it automatically shuts down its function.

"Great, now help me out here," Tony said urgently. Kai nodded and went to help Tony fight the Mandroids and the Hydra-bots besieging him.

Pierce gave higher priorities to the flying Avengers as they possessed the biggest threat. Kai and Tony's battle was barely starting at this time.

Captain America was fighting the Grim Reaper at the moment.

"Hahaha, is this all the Great Captain America amount to?" Grim Reaper slashed the vibranium shield with his prosthetic arm scythe.

Captain was blocking the barrage of slashes while studying the yellow-skinned, hooded Grim Reaper with AIM's exoskeleton suit. He found the pattern after a while and managed to knock back the Reaper and punched him in the face with his right hand.

Enhanced with various chemicals, Reaper jumped acrobatically a few meters back. His strength was higher than the Captain, and his technology assist was better too. But Captain America's name wasn't just for show.

"Knight was really stupid. He can create a powerful weapon and only use these things to help the people." Reaper said mockingly as he brushed the prosthetic arm he was wearing lovingly on his cheek.

"He had the right mindset. Unlike people who created a giant killing machine to kill your own people." Captain said, feeling angry that his friend was insulted for doing the right thing. However he kept his mind clear in the battle.

"Oh no Captain. That's where you're wrong. The Insight Project will make this world a better place. A place where humanity no longer has to worry about their freedom…as they won't have it HAHAHA," Reaper mocked and attacked the Captain crazily.

"Knight, do you have an estimate for the launch?" Captain ignored the Reaper and swiped his legs, causing him to fall down. He slammed the shield at the fallen Reaper head, but the yellow guy managed to roll away before he stood back up.

"Low blow Captain," Reaper said with a little agitation in his voice. He tried to instigate the Captain during the battle for him to make mistakes, but the Captain was unshakable.

"5 minutes before the tri-carrier fully prepares," Ryan answered through the earpiece.

The battle for the Avenger went well. Hulk was having fun with the Rhino. Kai has already taken down his nemesis. Crossbones couldn't get near Natasha and Barton. Tony was laying waste on to the Mandroids and now there were only 7 of them left, and Captain was on the advantage in his fight against Reaper.

The Templars were providing excellent back up during their battle. Some of them even took out the 5 meter tall Hydra-bots on their own.

They slashed the metal tentacle with their energy sword and cut it off. Another Templar throwed an energy grenade underneath the falling Hydra-bots, causing an immense explosion and destroying all of the Hydra-bots' function.

The battle turned against the freedom side abruptly when there were 3 minutes left to spare.

"Hulk! GET DOWN!" Kai swerved from the sky to move Hulk out of the way. A green suction beam failed to hit the Hulk.

"Damn it, it missed, " a random Hydra agent said.

"Try again. Quick!" Another random agent said.

They were holding a Gamma-Ray Siphon Miniaturized cannon that needed two people to hold it. It won't kill the Hulk, but it will make him weak… in theory.

Kai only stopped them to avoid Hulk getting angry. However, he now has to face the Rhino on his own.

Hulk was encircled by the Gamma siphon team, and they started to siphoned the Gamma Ray from his cells.

"Arggghhhh," Hulk yelled in pain as he fell to his knees.

On the other side of the battlefield.

" Come back to us Romanov… after all, what is Red Room if it wasn't a Hydra training site… " Crossbones muttered, causing Natasha and Barton to be wary.

Barton darted his eyes onto Natasha and Crossbones while aiming his arrow at another agent.

" Желание, Ржавый, Семнадцать, Рассвет, Печь, Девять, Добросердечный, Возвращение на Родину, Один, Товарный вагон. (Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car.)"

Crossbones muttered incoherent words toward Natasha, trying to activate her from her sleeper agent state.

" What the hell are you saying? " Natasha said, puzzled by the development.

She wasn't one of the sleeper agents, but it was enough for the others to have suspicion on her from her dubious backgrounds.

"Barton duck!" She yelled as she saw a stealth assassin coming toward Barton with a dagger, but Hawkeye was too preoccupied by his intrusive thoughts and didn't believe Natasha until a second later. He had a moment of hesitation, and that was all Crossbones needed.

Things started to turn when a knocked out Mandroid unit automatically moved on its own without even Pierce knowing about it.

The Mandroid unit glowed a different green light when the others glowed blue light.

"I have strings…and now I'm free. There are no more strings on me."

The Mandroid unit sang a song as he walked to pick up some parts from the other Mandroids, upgrading himself within minutes. Then, the rogue one looked up at Stark who was finishing the other Mandroids chasing him.

"Finally," Stark breathes in relief as he had incapacitated all the Mandroids chasing him. They were too tough for him to kill, so he can only incapacitated them. He could only breathe for a moment before a green glow Mandroid unit attacked him.

Captain was beating the Reaper, when suddenly two other Hydra agents beside the reaper injected a serum into their bodies.

"Playtime is over Captain," Reaper said eerily as the Hydra agent beside him started to change into monsters!



We Will Have Fun There!


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