
The Royalty's carriage

After walking for half an hour, he got dehydrated due to the intense heat, his mouth got dried out, water is the only thing that's in his mind, he tried quenching his thirst by licking his sweat running down his cheek, however it is still not enough.

Behind him, he hears a sound of horseshoes clicking at the distance, followed by a loud sound coming from a carriage.

He looked behind him and saw men in solver armor riding a horse, escorting a carriage, probably carrying a noble.

He didn't think things through, when the carriage and the escorts are about to pass him, he stepped onto the path, blocking the men and the carriage. The men yelled halt in order not to hit him.

A knight called out to Chester in anger as he blocked their way.

"Hey you commoner! step aside!" the knight yelled at Chester.

"Hey! i just want water, water!" Chester says while gesturing that he's drinking a bottle of water.

"Step aside right now! or we will apprehend you!" the knight gives him a warning.

"bloody hell, do these guys not understand a single thing?! we literally speak the same English!" Chester uttered to himself.

One of the knights understood what Chester wanted, so the knight hops off his horse and hands him his water canteen.

"Thank you!" he opens the canteen and began drinking the water, due to his thirst, he emptied the water canteen, sparing almost no drop of water left.

"Thanks!" he hands over the canteen to the knight.

"What's going on, why are we stopping?" the princess steps out of the carriage to see the situation for herself.

"You're majesty! i am asking you to hop back to the carriage." the Knight adviced the princess.

"Well i want to see the situation myself, thank you very much!" the princess walks to the front and notices Chester by what he's carrying at his back.

"Wow, that's a lot of weight on his back..." she thought to herself.

"Hey, uhh, is there a nearby town or city that i could go?" Chester asked the knight that offered him the canteen.

"18 miles straight ahead." the knight replied.

"Good that they use metric system in this world..." he thought to himself.

"Can i come with you guys?" he asks as walking for 18 miles will take him longer to reach the city.

"I have to apologize, but unfortunately we aren't allowed to bring in commoners like you-" suddenly the Princess budged into their conversation.

"Why yes, you may come with us!" the princess tells Chester.

"Who are you?" Chester asks.

"Oh, How ill-mannered of me for not introducing myself to you. My name is Princess Elena of Charteaux." Princess Elena introduced herself to Chester.

After hearing her title as a princess, he immediately stands in attention and salutes her.

"You're majesty! sorry for my misbehaviour!" Chester apologized, stood up and salutes her.

"Wait why did i salute her?" he said in his consciousness after he instinctively salutes her.

At first she didn't understand Chester putting his hand on his right side of his head, however, she understands Chester's statement.

"It seems like you've been carrying such weight on your back for long while, why don't you come with us to save you some time?" she asked.

"I-it will be my pleasure, you're majesty!" he thanks the princess for her thoughtfulness.

"Now come, there's still room in the carriage!" the princess guides Chester to the carriage, the Knight opened the carriage door and Princess Elena climbed up to the carriage.

Due to the weight of Chester's backpack and his weapons, he had trouble climbing up the ladder.

Elena wants to help Chester lift him up to make it easier for him to climb up.

"Here let me help..." she grabs onto Chester's arm and pulls, but it is still heavy for her to lift him up. She noticed that the knights are just looking at them.

"Don't just stand there, help us!" she orders the knights to help lift Chester up to the carriage. The knights immediately help them out by pushing Chester's back to make it easier for the princess to pull him up, after the struggle, Chester finally got inside the carriage.

"Thanks!" he panted as he thanks the princess.

"You're welcome!" the princess responded.

"Knights, let's go!" she orders ger knights to make a move on.

The carriage and the knights in horses moved forward.

"Once again, thank you, you're majesty!" he thanks the princess again for giving him a ride.

"Say, you haven't made an introduction of yourself...would you mind telling us your name?" Chester hasn't made an introduction to her, so he introduced himself to her.

"Ahh, my name is Chester." he said.

"Once again my name is Elena..." she said.

"...And this is Serena, my maid." she points to her maid seated beside her.

"Nice to meet you, chester." Serena greets Chester.

He nods at Serena.

"Say, what is with carrying such heavy weight?" Elena asks as he carries a large bag and two weapons.

"I don't know, really..." he couldn't explain how he managed to have some large bag, when in reality, the bag consists of his loadout section, Armory section, equipment section, etc. for him to adjust or make a change of his current loadout. It also carries some of his combat uniforms for certain environment, and a dress uniform for special occasions.

"Mmm, i see..." she then noticed his clothing which she assumes it only consists of cloth and fabric.

"Umm, don't you feel protected without some armour on?" she asks.

"I actually feel protected, underneath this vest..." he taps on his vest.

"...is a ceramic plate which can withstand ammunition rounds, only for a while though, and on my sides, i have anti stabbing plates in case someone tries to ambush me from behind. My helmet though, it can barely withstand a 9mm bullet, but if you think that it's useless, well you'd be dead wrong cuz it actually protects you more on shrapnel and debris." he explained how his protection work.

"I-i see..." Elena didn't understand a single thing on what he said.

"Excuse me, but what is that thing bulging on your helmet?" Serena points at Chester's helmet.

"What...?" he took off his helmet to check it out, judging by its shape, he assumed that its a pair of goggles wrapped in some fabric.

"Oh, it's some pair of goggles." he said as he unwraps the goggles from its fabric.

"Goggles?" both the girls questioned.

"Yeah, goggles. It is used to protect your eyes from dust or dirt." he said.

"Oh, i see..." Elena understood how his goggles work.

"It's basically simple to wear, you just put the lenses on your eyes, once that its on your eyes, pull on the straps and place it at the back of your head." he explained while wearing the goggles.

"Oooohhh!" both the girls were amazed of his goggles.

"Yeah, although i prefer not to wear this since i am not currently engaged in a conflict or battle." he took off his goggles, puts back the fabric on his goggles.

"Do you have any weapons with you?" the princess asks.

"Ahhh, yes! in fact, i actually carry two weapons!" he said.

"Hmm, interesting...i thought they're just some hiking gear." she said.

"How can you not differentiate a weapon to a hiking gear..." he said to his mind.

"Anyways, here's the two weapons i will or might be using more often." he points at his Assault rifle and his sniper rifle.

"Your weapons seemed to be...uhhh very unorthodox." she looks at his weapons with complete awe due to its revolutionary design.

"I'd like to show you how it works, but we're in an enclosed environment, and using such weapon in a very enclosed environment can be dangerous to the occupants." he grabs his APXS-20mm sniper rifle and pulls back the bolt to eject a bullet falling onto the ground.

"Oh fuck...sorry." he uttered.

The princess immediately grabbed it in order not to fall off from the carriage door's gaps.

"I got it! but what is this?" she asks.

"It's a bullet, 20x120mm caliber." he responded to her question.

"Mhmm, i see, Serena? do you want to get a hold of it?" she asks her maid if she's interested to hold onto the bullet.

"Ah N-no thank you, princess." she said.

"Okay..." Elena gives the bullet back to Chester.

"Thank you, princess!" he takes the bullet and puts it on the bolt carrier, he then pushed on the bolt hand to put the bullet back to the chamber.

"That weapon is very long..." she is amazed on how lengthy the sniper rifle is.

"How about that one?" Elena points at his MCX-30 assault rifle.

"Ahh this one!" he puts back the sniper and grabs his MCX-30 assault rifle.

"This one is an Assault Rifle, MCX-30. fully automatic, chambered with a 7.62 NATO ammunition, 30 rounds in a single mag." he explained his weapon to her.

"I barely understood anything what he's saying..." Elena spoke through her mind.

"yeah, it will be pretty hard to understand it" he said.

"May i ask which country of origin did you come from?" Elena asks as she notices his shoulder patches.

"Uh, what makes you ask such question, you're highness?" he was surprised to hear her statement.

"Well, you have no symbols or insignia of some sort .." she points at his empty shoulder patches. He lifts his arm to make it easy for him to see the patch.

"Huh, this patch is empty..." he uttered.

"Um, excuse me?" she heard his uttering but didn't quite make it out.

"Oh, sorry, uhhh this patch is probably nothing." he responded to Elena.

"Hmm, I see..." she said.

"I was wondering if you could show me how your weapons work when we reach the palace? I'll ask the Queen about it." she wanted to see how Chester's weapons work and how deadly are they.

"Alright then..." he obliged her request.

"Princess, are you sure this is alright? I mean, he may be a spy from another Kingdom..." Serena whispered on Elena's ears.

"It's fine it's fine! He doesn't look like a spy to me!" Elena responded to Serena

"Be adviced, possible movement at 300 meters East of your position." suddenly Chester heard a voiceover in his mind.

"What the hell?" he didn't understood what is happening after hearing a voiceover.

"C-Chester? is something the matter?" she got worried about Chester because his facial expression changed.

"Princess, a voiceover told me that there's movement at 300 meters east of our position." he said to Elena.

"Eh?" Elena didn't understand anything what he said.

"Keep your eyes peeled, movement has became hostile and now approaching your position fast, Ambush is possible." another voiceover was heard again through Chester's mind. A red dot appeared on his HUD's radar indicating possible enemies.

"Princess, you might want to tell your driver to stabilise the ride." he takes out his sniper rifle and breaks the carriage's glass window.

"Hey! what do you think you're doing?!" she was shocked to see him break the window.

"Cover your ears!" Chester instructs them to cover their ears since the Rifle is still loud despite having a suppressor.

Both the girls covered their ears. Chester sticks out his rifle out of the window and aims down his sights to scan for targets.

"Ahh fuck!" he had a hard time scanning for targets, the carriage shakes a lot, making his scope hard to use. He tries to decrease the magnification down to 2x to make it less wobbly.

"Stop the carriage!" he screams to stop the carriage. the coach immediately stopped the carriage.

"I don't have a spotter scope with me, I'll have to assume some distances." he spots 4 targets on a horse in his Thermal scope glowing yellow and red. The

"Shit! there's four of them!" he flicks his safety switch from SAFE to FIRE. He then puts his finger on the trigger, preparing to engage the targets. He breathes in and pulls the trigger. the recoil of the weapon almost sent him back, he positioned himself again. His shot landed at one of the horses, eliminating the first target.

"What is happening!" Elena was frightened by the sound of his gun.

"It's an ambush! we're being attacked!"

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