
Chapter 4 – Looking for Zombies Weakness

"Those are zombies?" Eve wore her school uniform, her golden hair tied behind her back. She tilted her head to look at the zombies so called zombie in front of her. She was thinking that it would be something scary but right now her big brother was standing in the middle of the road, with his feet firmly planted on the zombies back, keeping him place.

"You are thinking that they don't seem scary, aren't you?" Aurum's eyebrows twitched, pushing his leg against the zombie that kept struggling. It turned its head, forcefully twisting it around to the point where the person's neck would break ten times over. He put his hand in his pocket, taking out a pepper spray, "Would this work?"


He sprayed it in the zombie's eyes, but it didn't even blink. Still trying to get a bite out of him, "Nothing. Not even a blink. See. If I had tried that during an actual fight, then it wouldn't have blinked and kept rushing towards me. It would have caught me and taken a bite out of my flesh."

Eve thought about it with a disinterested look, "someone hurt big brother? I don't think that is possible."

"Give me that bag, Eve," Aurum sighed at his little sister's unusual belief in his strength. There was no point talking possibilities with her.

"Yes, big brother," Eve picked up the heavy bag in front of her, slowly walking towards him, keeping a distance from the zombie. She opened the bag, which was filled with different tools, "which one do you want?"

"Let's see. We tried sight, then let's try smell."

Eve gave him a repulsed look, "Big brother…"

She took out square cube, made of thick glass, and there was a rotting piece inside. She felt disgust rising out of her just by looking at it, "Here you go big brother."

"Gahh!!!!!!! Rwaahhhhhh!!!" The zombie twisted even more. Its waist turned and twist, it's hand trying to reach for Eve, who gave the box to Aurum and ran away, not wanting to smell it.

"I hope I don't die," Aurum held his breath. Slowly opening the box. It was only for a few moments, but the zombie didn't even react. He closed the box as soon as possible, moving away from the area. He ran towards Eve, to protect her, finally able to breathe, "Geez, my tongue is burning."

"My eyes are burning," Eve rubbed her eyes, hazily looking up when she saw the zombie crawling towards them. Its hand reached out, which her big brother dodged easily, slamming his heel against its head like he was playing with a child. The zombie rolled, falling on its back, 'like I thought…even zombies are only so-so in front of big brother.'

"This has to be a nuclear weapon," Aurum held his breath again. He dragged the bag over when he saw the zombie rush towards Eve again, having recovered in those few moments. He threw the heavy bag like it was throwing a child's toy, causing the zombie to be thrown away again, "So persistent. I want to know what causes their hunger. Do they hunger for food? Doesn't seem like it."

He crouched down in front of the bag, taking out a Taser, "if so, then he should be more chewed up. He isn't missing skin all that much. Then their hunger comes from turning the others that are living into the dead. I wonder if that has to do more with the wavelength."

Eve helplessly looked at her big brother who shocked the zombie a few times, then used burn torn to burn him. She looked away from all the gore, 'I guess zombies should have quantity on their side. Or it would be no fun for him. As long as we defend this place…will they be safe?'

She was hoping for their safety when she heard the sound of announcement speakers. A saddened look appeared in her eyes, "I…big brother it has started."

"Hm. I closed the back gate too," Aurum pressed his knee against the zombie. He used the burn torch to swipe against the zombie's neck, watching it writhe under his knee. His eyes kept staring towards the school when he felt the shift in air. He pulled away, seeing the zombies arm swipe towards him. He took a step towards the side, kicking the zombies head and it struck against the ground.

"Oh, a kick to the head disorients it," He bent down, taking out a gun from the bag with a silencer at the muzzle. He pointed it at the head of the zombie, shooting it. It finally stopped struggling.

"I guess it is too hard to cover everything," Aurum murmured, "at least I kept Kyoko-sensei busy. At least, she shouldn't be second to die."

"You sure are interested in Kyoko-sensei," Eve puffed her cheeks, shooting sharp glares towards her big brother.

"Well…she has been our teacher for a while," Aurum chuckled, "and she's always so sweet."

"That's because she is always throwing herself at you! With those obscene breasts of her!!!" Eve pointed at something behind Aurum, who turned to look there, only to find two more zombies walking towards them. He squared his shoulder, tightening the grip around the gun. His index finger rested on the trigger, aligning his body towards the zombie. His left hand slid beneath the grip, providing support of the weight of the gun.

Aurum fired the first shot, striking the zombie on its temple. He quickly aimed towards the other zombie, firing the next bullet. It hit the second one in the head. He didn't lower the gun until the zombie fell on its knees and then on its chest. He lowered the gun, his finger slowly sliding off the trigger, and looked back at Eve.

"Would you stop complaining. She has been useful for our lives here," Aurum lowered the gun.

Eve looked towards the school with worried eyes, 'I know…I know…but big brother. If I can't even complain about women around you…then…'

'You know, big brother. I am so torn. I am worried about everyone…and I don't want them to die…but I know if they survive then the days we spent, just the two us will come to an end. At the same time…I know…the ones big brother cares about will survive.'

Eve felt a push, feeling his arm wrap around her when he sat down behind her. She groaned, feeling his arms circle around her waist, his lips touching her neck. She raised her arm, stroking his cheek, "big brother?"

Eve heard a click, and he stroked the silencer against her abdomen, making her arch her back from the thrill, coldness and hardness she felt, "mmhmmm…big brother."

"Don't think so much, Eve," Aurum nibbled her earlobe, "I am getting tired of how much you are complaining recently. Should I punish you a little."

Eve arched her back, feeling his palm slide up her cheek, his finger press against her lips and she lowered her jaw, taking his finger through her lips, "am I annoying?"

"Yes. You are being very annoying," Aurum whispered, "this is a zombie apocalypse. The world is coming to an end. People are going to die…does it not matter to you?"

"No…" Eve closed her ruby eyes, "as long as big brother is here. The world or people don't matter to me. It has always been like that…big brother…I think I am a psychopath."

'On the contrary, Eve,' Aurum looked over his shoulder, seeing a few more zombies. Since he was holding her, he used one hand to point the gun, shooting the five zombies one after the other, and kept falling with every shot, 'It's almost like you knew they would die. You got along with Takashi and Rei well…but when it came to Hisashi, you avoided him with a fake smile. You usually didn't say anything about Kyoko…but today you are angry about her? Something feels wrong. I have Time…so I thought other party would have Space…but Death…is also a possibility.'

He pressed his cheek against hers, letting out a smile, "You sure are a curiosity, Eve."

"Don't you want to rush in and protect them? Big brother?" Eve pointed towards the school.

"No, I made the arrangement."

Fujimai Academy, Kendo Club,

"When he said a pandemic that causes people to fall into rage," the purple-haired girl stood in between the group of sword wielders, looking at the zombies in front of her, "to think they were zombies."

"Saeko-senpai! What should we do!"

The girl stepped forward, pulling out a real katana from the sheathe. She slicked the blade, swiftly separating the zombie's head from its body, "Kill them."

Baseball Club,

The baseball team sat around in the room, "that guy promised to join our team if we do this…but a zombie invasion! Fuck! We could have won nationals this year!!"

Nurse's Office,

"Kyoko-sensei, Marikawa-sense, please stay back," Hisashi held an iron pipe, peaking out the door, "we are going to stop them from coming inside. Takashi."

"I know, I am ready," Takashi gripped the baseball bat.

"Takashi! Hisashi! Are those really!"

"Yes," Takashi nodded, taking out his phone, "Aurum sent me a picture. I wouldn't have believed if I didn't see them with my own eyes."

Hisashi held his arm, "I felt this strange sensation…when I heard about them. We need to be careful."


"Saya…" Aurum narrowed his eyes, walking off the bike, reloading the magazine at his leisure. He started spreading the oil after, hoping everyone could fight and make it out alive. Though much of that seemed an impossibility. He had hoped that Takagi Family wouldn't send her to the school, "I should have brought her with me."

"Oh, right. The axe isn't here," He walked back to the bag, stepping on the bike, "Eve, sit tight."

Eve hugged him from behind, resting her head on his back with a downcast look, "Yes, big brother."


The two of them froze, hearing the loud noise like a bomb had gone off, and the next moment, there was this massive cube that slammed in front of the school. White particles came out of this air, forming the shape of a human, a featureless statue, sitting on the cube, his elbow pressed against his knee, his heel pressed on the sharp side of the cube as it looked down towards humans and zombies alike.

And in that moment, white tiles materialised out of thin air, slamming against the ground like a rocket, making Aurum's mouth twitch, "It's like I always said…my powers…"

"Are a sign of disaster," Eve murmured, feeling her head ring, "Is that…God?"

"Or a Devil," Aurum gripped on the handle of the bike, when he and probably everyone else heard the voice.

[Congratulations on Surviving. You have Earned the Right to become a Player.]

[You earned Weapon Box 1 – Speak the name of the weapon and open the box. Get the weapon of your choice.]

[Round 2 will start in...]

"Fuck…" Aurum looked towards the thing in the playground, "I should have waited another minute before coming back. Talk about bad timing."

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