
Nick ..??.? whatever

Well it's good that I got great output out of this deal. Whether I can handle a guy or not is not the problem, the best thing is I don't need to attend therapy classes anymore.


I felt great after a long time but I suddenly got to think what is the name of the guy dad mentioned?

Due to my impatience, I agreed easily.

That famous guy is called Nick....???? whatever, well who cares about his full name, it's good that everyone at the school knows about me, so I don't think he would dare to cause the trouble with me. But then later, she will understand how wrong she was as he is 'the' most trouble-maker than anyone she ever known.

By the time I realize it was already past lunch break, I need to rush to the class.

'Oh no... my lunch, I missed it', as lack of food makes me grumpy, I hurriedly gathered a sandwich from canteen and rushed to my math class. Attending next classes with almost an empty stomach made me feel unenthusiastic regardless of the subject and the topic. So, I patiently waited for my PD class in the end so that I can do some fun activities with my arms.(cause you never know who can get hurt during this class and no one will blame others ;) ) and it doesn't require any brain to think(which works for me only depending on the food consumed).

After regular warming up, our teacher Mr.Henry gave us to play Dodge ball. Everyone is supposed to divide into two teams. After initial division our team has 3 athletes and 2 football players and rest are normal and our opponent has similar advantages. Both of us played diligently until the end, and our team won the game by a mere second. After the game, I brought my lazy self to wait for bus to go home.

After reaching the main door an aroma of food hit me hard and my stomach growled immediately. My foot unconsciously followed the scent and reached our kitchen to find my Mom cooking my favorite chicken soup and my dad is beside checking it's taste. When they noticed me, my mother waved at me to wash myself before to eat. I groaned and hurriedly left to my room to freshen up and change into something comfortable. When I returned my Mom and Dad are waiting for me on the dining and discussing about Mike and me. Curious to know what they are talking, I stopped myself on stairs and listened intently.

'Honey, Mike will be coming from London next week, When he is around Sam seems to be cheerful, and from this I wonder whether Mike leaving is the reason for Sam's anger and irritation.', my Mom is stating her opinion.

'I can't agree with you cause she is fine for one year after he left for studies. ..., but let's find out whether her behaviour changes later or not', my Dad voiced his theory too.

'Honey, if she is still not okay later, let's consult a professional psychiatrist in future, I am seriously worried about her, I don't want my sweet child to change to someone we can't recognize in future'.

'hey, that won't be necessary, she is in her teenages, so this is a part of it, don't overthink it anymore', my Dad chided my Mom.

Hearing this made my initial appetite for food no where near. But I still entered myself to dining to assure my parents that I am not aware of their discussion. After my Dinner, I watched Person of Interest for sometime on Netflix and kissed my Mom and Dad when It was time to bed. When I closed bedroom door, I was indeed furious that my parents want to send me to see a doctor, I still understand their point of view but it didn't control my anger any less. It all started with when I'm in my junior year, I was sensitive and kind girl who was easily giggled for every silly joke of my friends and kind enough to forgive them for every mistake they made and due to that attribute of mine I was easily betrayed by my own friends which changed me for the better. Thinking of those shady memories, I slept late which made me groan when my alarm blast in the morning. I just casted a mantra that I will ignore everyone and be peaceful today. Yes that's work for the best.

Day by day routines irritated me more as if my life is like a robot with same activities. I just thought that if I build a school in future I will add different type of domain areas into education to make the student Life blissful. Time passed fast and by the time the weekend came it was like I spent a month in school rather than a week. For weekend, our family went for camping with Dawson's who are my parents close friends during their college and also our current neighbors. Dawson's have Grace and Harp Dawson as their children. Grace is one of my close friends other than Mike and Harp is like my partner in crime. He is a kid who is 2 years younger than me and a junior in my school but he is acts like lackey of me always following me around in school and home. But he and I are in perfect sync with everything we do and think and the best part is we play pranks on people around us as frequently as drinking water.

By the time we reached the camp site it was almost noon, so we took each our tent and arranged them in round about manner by placing campfire in the center. Harp helped me in putting up my tent and we had barbecue after some rest in the evening. While our parents are in their world of gossips and discussing politics, me grace and harp were in deep arguments about where to join college post our high school. I was keen on New York university which harp also wanted to follow me which is okay if that's his dream but I feel like he is doing this just as a habit of following me. Brainwashing him to follow his dreams for an hour didn't work out, so I ignored him thinking he will come around by the time he is done with high school. Just to divert the mood, grace brought up a guy name called Nick, she is currently classmate. According to her Nick is kind of annoying brat who creates problems all the time for her as she is class representative. For a change I was interested in knowing someone complaining more about someone other than me. I suddenly remembered what my dad said about helping a kid in his thesis and coincidentally their names matched.

'Nick.? ' I enquired wanted to know his identity

'Nick Davidson, our principal's son' grace started with a sour expression.

'I think my dad asked me to help Nick in his studies…', i stated pretty much ignoring grace and Harp's expression of surprise and disbelief on their faces.