
Kaiden Protection Squad

Filming ends earlier than anticipated, not because everything is going smoothly, but because the director has exhausted his patience for the day. Besides, it'll be a waste of time and resources to keep filming the same subpar acting from actors with not enough talent and experience over and over again. Thanks to that, Primo gets to go home a little earlier than planned.

Arriving on the 54th floor, he passes his own unit and goes straight for the door next to his. He wastes no time in ringing the doorbell consecutively three times, ready to celebrate Kaiden's birthday in the best way possible—eating as much as they want!

Waiting for his self-proclaimed best friend to open the door, he can't wait to brag about the positive response he's receiving from posting the greeting and pictures on social media. His fans are gushing and praising him to the heavens for getting his hands on the limited cakes while his 'rivals' are dying of envy over the attention he garners from a single post.

Five minutes pass as Primo waits for the door to swing open, all the while he's trying to figure out how to break the news to Kaiden that he may or may not have made the other Omega unintentionally famous. It's nothing bad, he's certain, just harmless curiosity over the 'birthday boy,' and he only used Kaiden's first initial as well. Nothing a simple apology won't fix.

However, as another five minutes passes, Primo grows nervous. Is Kaiden mad at him? Is that why he's not opening the door? Is this his way of telling Primo to fuck off after betraying his trust?

He rings the doorbell again, this time he's less excited, when all of a sudden, his phone rings. One look at the caller ID is all it takes for an ugly frown to form on his face.


The arrival area of Rodite International Airport is as crowded at night as it is in the morning. Men and women in business suits usher themselves to the exit without looking back. Families on a vacation softly rock their little children in an attempt to keep them asleep before reaching their temporary lodging. It's noisy, busy, not how Lucy wants to spend her night, but what can she do when they have to make an impromptu trip because one of their partners suddenly pulled out without an explanation?

She's already dreading the amount of overtime work waiting for her outside the airport gates, but even then, she can't stop looking at her phone. Why hasn't Kaiden replied to her yet?

It's not that late back at Nysus City, and it's been hours since she sent that text explaining why she can't spend his birthday with him. Is he mad because she's on a business trip?

If Kaiden is mad, then that will be a first. She hasn't seen the young Omega become angry before, always smiling, always patient, and yet sometimes mischievous. She can already imagine how cute he must look, all pouty and sulking.

She hopes that her gift somehow makes it up to him as she vows to celebrate his birthday properly once she comes back.

Still, for the peace of her mind, she sends a message to the group chat composed of her, Rosa, and Old Man Rei. The group chat has no label but Rosa calls it the 'Kaiden Protection Squad' while the old man calls it 'how do you make the letters bigger?'

Her message is simple and straight to the point:

[Kaiden hasn't responded to my message in hours. Please check on him in my absence.]

Not even a second passes by before a reply arrives from Rosa.

[Sure thing! I'll go to his place now. Bring me back a souvenir from Rodite City please!]

Below that is a sticker of a chibi lion with pleading eyes, making Lucy laugh at how much it resembles the other.

She types a simple, [Okay], with a smiling and heart emoji before she puts her phone away. Back to her working mode, she watches from the corner of her eye as Heath clings to her boss's side. The Beta is tightly gripping the Alpha's arm, whining about something that will surely be passed on for Lucy to fulfill. What is even doing here anyway?

She tries to ignore their blatant display of affection, but there's a nagging at the corner of her mind that tingles her protective senses.

What is it?

She can't figure it out.


From all the driving lessons she taught Kaiden, Rosa knows the way to his place like the back of her hand. She utilizes all the shortcuts she knows to arrive at his building in less than 15 minutes after receiving that message from Lucy.

The security doesn't stop her when she waltzes in, flashing a smile at the receptionist who can identify her by face now. The Kaiden Protection Squad registered themselves as authorized visitors as soon as they got Kaiden's permission, and it's proving to be useful since he hasn't responded to her calls or text.

As she rides the elevator up to his floor, she tries not to think about that day they found him in the closet. Even if the memory fades, she is not sure she can forget how it felt to hold the limp Omega in her arms. Sometimes, her heartbeat speeds up when she remembers the scent of suffering on his pheromones that time—a mixture of spoiled milk and decayed fruit, left out in the sun for too long.

The elevator doors open and although she has been to his place once or twice for dinner, the sight that greets her in the hallway surprises her.

Huh? Isn't that Primo Alca? That mint green hair is recognizable anywhere.

What is he doing here? And why is he standing in front of Kaiden's door?

Rosa doesn't hide her presence as she approaches the other, although she's careful not to startle the Omega whose back is turned to her.

As she comes closer, she hears the one-sided conversation of the celebrity scolding whoever he's talking to on the phone.

"I told you to stop calling me. You're so annoying!"

A pause, the other person on the line speaking.

"Go ahead and snitch on my brother then. I'll even accompany you."

His irate voice becomes even harsher, a degree of mocking added to it.

"I swear to The Goddesses if I ever see your face I'm going to punch you."

"No, you can't buy me lunch."

"What? Sushi?"

Here, he falters, going silent over whatever it is that the other person says.

"… Have it delivered on set. GOODBYE!"

He presses the end call button harder than necessary, venting his annoyance through this small action. From Rosa's position behind him, she can see that his ears are red and although she can't smell his feelings because of the scent patches he's wearing, it's undeniable that he's embarrassed.

How amusing, she thinks, feeling like she discovered some secret.

Turning around, their gazes finally meet. His eyes widen in surprise, and his expression drops to a scowl, defensive. Rosa keeps a bright grin on her face as she lets Primo process her presence.

Naturally, his first question is, "Who are you?"

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