
He's only mine

Elsa is the daughter of a mafia leader, everyone was afraid of her and god help the one who disrespect her. She's fearless, heartless, controlling, quite brave and of course beautiful but she doesn't know what's love. She never loved anyone she was never jealous she hated boys she thought they're bastards that use women for their body. Everything changes when Jack moves in town, when he transfers in her school and makes Elsa feel things she never felt. He was nice, respectful, handsome and he was mysterious and different. hat will happen when they meet? What will Elsa do when she relizes his the one she wants? When she realizes that Jack's only hers and will kill everyone who tries taking him away. !!!After you finish season 1, go over to season 2! it's COMPLETED!!! WARNING +18 Please be advised that this story contains mature themes, sexual themes,violence and strong language!

lustfulsuprises · Teen
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45 Chs

Chapter 8

Jack:*smiles stroking Elsa's hair as she's on his abs*morning babygirl~*smiles looking down at her *

Elsa:*giggles*morning handsome*smiles looking up at him as she sits up and climbs on his lap with her pussy on his dick and she hugs him tight biting her lip*you know I have to catch the son of a bitch right?....

Jack:I know you will , I will help you as well *smiles*

Elsa:thank you baby*smiles kissing his cheek then hears talking down stairs*

Jack:ohh right you're parents are down stairs put on my shirt and let's go down*smiles handing her his shirt *

Elsa:thank you baby*smiles putting his shirt on then goes down stairs*

Her mother:Elsa!*runs to her going to hug her*

Elsa:mom I don't do "hugs" *she rolls her eyes *I know you were worried but no hugging jeez...

Her mother:but i-i thought you... *starts shaking*

Elsa:you thought I was going soft because Anna told you I was hugging her and crying to her right

Her mother:yeah... *she glups*

Elsa:well I'm not getting SOFT! *she snaps *I don't care if you're my mother or not I'll NEVER  hug you *looking at her *

Her mother:*looking down in fear then her father gets in*

Her father:WERE YOU YELLING AT YOU'RE MOTHER?!? *he gets angry and she knows she's always getting punished when hes angry*

Elsa:n-no I wasn't *she glups*just warning her I don't hug people even though she's my mother

Her father:you don't hug people huh?! She's you're mother she gave birth to you and you don't hug her when she's stressed that her kids might of died!? HUG HER NOW OR GOD HELP ME I'LL KILL YOU?! *looking at her pissed *

Elsa:I won't hug her!? Like I said NEVER! *snaps at him*yes she's my mother but it's always been Anna!! She's the angel and I'm the devil! *looks at him*And I HATE YOU you asshole of a father!!

*he reached his limit as he goes to slap her the hardest he can and she sees that so she just closes her eyes and holds herself while tearing up*

Elsa:*few seconds later she realised she's not getting hit and looks up seeing Jack holding her fathers hand stopping him*

Jack:yes we are friends but you will NEVER raise a hand nor touch Elsa again! *looks at him with anger in his eyes *or god help YOU! I will bring the old Jack back and show you what he can do!? *snaps his wrist like nothing*

Her father:AGHHHH!! *tries pushing Jack off *let go you bastard!!!

Jack:not until you tell me you understand! *looking at him starts twisting it more *

Her mother:Jack let him go!! Please!! He will apologize!? *looks at Elsa*do something?!?

Elsa:*looks at her mother then back at them as she sighs and walks to Jack and holds his other hand*let go baby...

Jack:not until he understands*looks at Elsa then back at him*say it before I break your wrist!!

Her father:yes YES!! I UNDERSTAND!! I will never touch her I'll stay away I'm sorry just let go!! *groans and glares at him*

Jack:*smirks and let's go*thats better now both of you GET OUT! *points to the door *

*they both leave fast then before Elsa reacts she sees a boy laughing while he is leaning on the wall*

Jack:*looks at him and rolls his eyes *stop laughing you idiot

Flynn:I can't *chuckles*I thought he was fearless you know the big mafia leader but hes a pussy *laughing hard but looks at Elsa * no offense

Elsa: none taken*chuckles*i thought he is too you know fearless and the best I was scared of him but I didn't though he will be afraid of Jack*looks up at him and goes to hug him*

Jack:*smirks and takes a step back as she doesn't even touch him*

Elsa:Jack! What are you doing! Let me hug you*looks at him pouting *

Jack:you said you don't hug people so don't hug me*smirks at her*

Elsa:hey!! *laughs*you know what I meant! *runs to him jumping in his arms as she wraps her hands and legs around him and starts kissing his neck*

Jack:woah! *chuckles and holds her by her ass *calm down baby~*bites his lip*


Jack:ohh right we have company baby *smiles *

Elsa:right *giggles and goes off him*anyways I'm Elsa I'm sure you've heard of me

Flynn:of course I know you everyone does *offers a handshake*im Flynn Jack's right hand and best friend *smiles*

Elsa:nice to meet you *smiles and shakes his hand *you'll need to tell me some stuff about him and even show me pictures of him

Flynn:that I can do *chuckles*

Jack:guys I'm right here! *laughs and folds his hands then sees the time*shit we have school!

*Flynn runs in his room and Jack walks to Elsa *you have few days off when I come back we'll need to go in the police station they need to ask questions

Elsa:okay baby*smiles*butt umm can I come when you have lunch break?... *blushes*

Jack:of course you can babygirl*chuckles kissing her head then goes upstairs and changes then walks down stairs wearing jeans and white shirt *

Elsa:dang... *looks at him up and down as she gets wet and bites her lip *jackkk~~i have a problem

Jack:*chuckles and walks to her *what is it babygirl*

Elsa:you turned me on~*blushes and takes his hand and slides it inside her panties as she gasps feeling him touch her *ummm~~

Jack:*chuckles and sits her on the counter rubbing her pussy while kissing her neck*

Elsa:*moans and leans her head starts to drip*jack you'll make me tie you up so you won't leave~

Jack:*chuckles*nah~*smirks leaving hickeys as he start thrusting his fingers inside her*

Elsa:*moans a bit louder opening her legs more feeling pleasure as she shivers *mmm~~

Jack:I need to go ~*chuckles and slides his fingers out then licks them and leaves*

Elsa:nooooo~~~ *blushes and runs in the shower in his room getting in under the water *what are you doing to me ~*chuckles touching the hickeys he just gave her then she bites her lip thinking about what she will do when she goes on the lunch break *

*few hours later as Jack is eating an apple at a table with his friends then and girl walks up to him and Elsa's notices as she heads to them*

....To be continued.....