
He's only mine

Elsa is the daughter of a mafia leader, everyone was afraid of her and god help the one who disrespect her. She's fearless, heartless, controlling, quite brave and of course beautiful but she doesn't know what's love. She never loved anyone she was never jealous she hated boys she thought they're bastards that use women for their body. Everything changes when Jack moves in town, when he transfers in her school and makes Elsa feel things she never felt. He was nice, respectful, handsome and he was mysterious and different. hat will happen when they meet? What will Elsa do when she relizes his the one she wants? When she realizes that Jack's only hers and will kill everyone who tries taking him away. !!!After you finish season 1, go over to season 2! it's COMPLETED!!! WARNING +18 Please be advised that this story contains mature themes, sexual themes,violence and strong language!

lustfulsuprises · Teen
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45 Chs

Chapter 13

Elsa:*looking at him*youre everything I ever wanted *smiles*I never thought I'll fall in love but here we are *playing with his abs *you made me feel things I had no idea off... *sighs*I killed like a 100 people for you*chuckles*i would do it again*laughs*i love you...

Jack:*smiles awake as he looks down at her *aww babygirl I love you to *smiles holding her closer and kissing her head*

Elsa:*blushes hard and stands up*i thought you were sleeping!? *turns red and runs in the bathroom locking the door*ughhhh Jack!!

Jack;*laughs and stands up*im sorry babygirl *laughs harder and walks to the bathroom door knocking and whispering seductively*open up ~

Elsa:no I'm not opening! *holds onto the sink looking in the mirror blushing like hell*give me some time!

Jack:okay okay *laughing*I'll be down stairs.... with Anna~*before she reacts he runs down stairs*

Elsa:*widens her eyes*what!! Don't you dare?! *opens the door and runs after him running down stairs*jack!!

Jack:*hiding behind the wall and when she runs he grabs her holding her against his body with her back pressed against his body*gotcha~~

Elsa:no fair! You did this on purpose!? *growls getting mad but blushes again and tries wiggling out of his grasp*

Jack:*laughs*i did not! *smirks and starts tackling her, not letting her eiggle that much*

Elsa:*can't hold in her laughter and starts laughing hard *no no!! Stop!! *laughing harder*please Jack stop I beg you!

Her mother:* walks in and sees them as her eyes open wide seeing Elsa laugh and look that much happy*

Jack:I will not stop! ~*laughs evilly going to continue but then sees her mother and stops as now hes just holding Elsa*

Elsa:ha ha I knew you would stop*smirks then sees him looking somewhere and looks there also seeing her mother as she growls *what are YOU doing here?... *looking at her as she folds her arms *

Her mother: I came to talk...i am your mother... you will not treat me this way *looks at her showing less fear *

Elsa:*smirks noticing she's not that scared *yes you are my  mother you gave birth to me but where were you when father made me who I am!! Why didn't you stop him and let me have a normal life! Where were you where I was getting beaten up!! *tears up walking closer to her*where were you huh!? Paying attention to Anna right, she's always been first.... She was always the favorite to the both of you.. she had both this and a normal life... she had everything she wanted....

Her mother:that's not true!! *tears up as well walking backwards until she hits the wall*i have 2 daughters! I'm not treating them differently

Elsa:You have 1 daughter and she's the favourite!! I am nothing to you!*punches the wall next to her *so get lost before I do something I'll regret! *growls getting angrier*

Her mother:*crying harder looking at her *I won't leave! Kill me if you want but I'm not leaving you! I want to make it up to you come back home,your house is burnt down so come back to ours*crying*

Anna:*walks I'm*mom?! *runs to her hugging her with a smile on her face*

Her mother:*hugs Anna back tight and looks at her with loving eyes*im okay baby I came to get you two back home.. We will be a family once again

Elsa:see what I mean*looking at them as now she's crying*get you're daughter and get lost! I don't want to see you EVER AGAIN! I'm staying here

Her mother: you were the problem in this family... I came here to apologize and get you two back and once again YOU ruined it all.. *looking at Elsa crying then running out of the house

Anna*gasps watching their mother run away crying, then she looks at Elsa with anger in her eyes* I HATE YOU! What kind of a sister and daughter are you?! *snaps at her *

Elsa:*looks at her alls with anger and tears in her eyes then pushes her towards the door*I SAID GET LOST! Don't even think about coming back!

*Anna stands up and runs away crying even harder, leaving the house with a loud door slam, then Elsa runs upstairs in Jack's room and locks it as she starts crying*

Jack:*he just stayed quite because this was a family talk or argument but when elsa breaks down and runs upstairs he yells after her*Elsa??! *runs upstairs and starts knocking on the door*open the door! Please let me in! I won't talk just let me hold you I'm worried... Please...

Elsa:I don't want you to hold me!! *crying as she's mad and kind of out of control*GET LOST JACK! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU! LEAVE ME ALONE! I DON'T NEED YOU!! I WANT TO BE FREAKING ALONE JUST LIKE I ALWAYS AM! *crying harder*

Jack:*stops knocking on the door as he's eyes widen and he just whispers being in shock of the words she is saying*wow... Just wow

Elsa:*hears Jack go down stairs and the front door slams as he left the house then she realized what she said and her eyes widen*NO NO NO!! *cries harder and runs after him*JACK! *runs outside but he drives off  in the exact moment as she falls on her knees crying more *

Flynn:*runs out *Elsa!? *runs to her helping her stand up*what happened?!

Elsa:DON'T TOUCH ME! *pushes him hard off of her making him fall as she runs in Jack's room again crying harder and yells angry at herself*I DIDN'T MEAN WHAT I SAID TO HIM!!

*the next morning when Jack gets in *

Elsa:Jack?!?! *runs to him hugging him tight*please forgive me I was angry I didn't know what I was talking*crying*i didn't meant anything I said please... Don't level me Jack... I beg you*sobbing*im so freaking stupid and just don't know how to control my mouth!

Jack:*moves her off his body*like you said... you don't need me Elsa you're doing just fine *walks past her upstairs*

Elsa:JACK NO!! *cries harder and grabs his hand*dont walk away on me please *crying harder and harder as her eyes are swollen of crying all this time since last night *

Jack:*looking at her as he sighs *you shouldn't have pushed me away...you also mean everything to me...i was worried*walks to her hugging her *

Elsa:I know and I'm sorry*crying harder hugging him back tighter *I'm so so sorry Jack... *sobbing hard *

Jack:it's okay Elsa *sighs looking at her and wiping her tears off*its over... Let's go to bed you need to rest and also you're starting school tomorrow

Elsa:do we really have to go *looks up at him wiping her tears with a frown on her face*

Jack;just one more month until summer break *smiles*now let's go*picks her up walking upstairs putting her down on his bed*

Elsa:hold me and don't let go please*pulls him down next to her as she snuggles into him *never let go....

Jack:*smiles and covers them up as he holds her *never *smiles kissing her head *Goodnight babygirl...

Elsa:goodnight baby*smiles closing her eyes and instantly falling asleep*

...To be continued...