
Tribes Leader

After exiting the room the trio walks in the hall as the torches that is placed on the wall give light on their way, Haxz sees what it seems to be a spiral staircase from afar with each step Haxz was able to confirm that it was indeed a spiral staircase on the side of the wall that goes up.

Some step has crack on them partnering it with thick layer of dust that has some kind of foot prints on each step, It was as if the whole building was perfect one day and abandoned the next, "Is this even safe?" Haxz asked looking at the stairs that will probably break anytime.

"Yup! We already did this a couple of times and there's a support underneath so no need to worry Mate!" The wolf said with a giant smile, Haxz placed his weight on the first step still having a doubt but after some time passed they finally reach the top of the stairs with nothing major happened infront of them are an old-looking wooden door with the curving of crest of the Royal family of the Human Tribe on the left and the right door was so worn that you can hardly identify what is curve on it, the guards open it slowly beyond that door you can tell that we're on a Castle.

The castle was bold on the blue beyond. It stood there as if conjured from the storybook of a child. It was perfectly well at least the Hallway. "So mind if we talk while walking?" Haxz asked breaking the silence "I don't see why not, What do you want to talk 'bout?" Answer by the wolf that is walking beside Haxz "It will be my deepest honor if you can tell me your name Monsieur* (Mister)" The wolf look at Haxz for a few seconds before letting out a chuckle followed by small laughter "Oh my, how inconsiderate of me I haven't introduce myself!..My name is Vance Advaith Larsitus ,I am the alpha of the Wolf tribe, my name is quite a twister so just call me anything you are comfortable with Mate!"

With straight face Haxz respond with a nod but deep down his mind it is becoming harder to stay calm l, since he got a chance to walk with the Queen and an ALPHA , Haxz recite every 58 potions that he can make with just one strand of the Alpha hair/fur any other Wizard will kill just to get in his position "We have arrived" the Queen announced, looking in front of Haxz is a giant wooden door.

It suddenly open widely showing a spacious room with a single throne-- The throne was carved of a fine oak, crested with several jewels and decorative metals forming an elegant coat of arms. -- and a portrait of people hanging on each of the pillar.

But what caught Haxz attention was a figure sitting on the throne smoking, he glace his eyes towards the trio afore standing up "What took you so long to pick up a Trash" With his husky voice empathising the word trash the unknown man walks down the throne " Zankoku Nikushimi the leader of Fox Tribe" he stated eyeing Haxz from head to toe "Haxz Mil--" "I didn't ask nor care, Are we done already I want to sleep" He commented not allowing the lad to finish his introduction 'What a rude Fox' thought by Haxz while the Queen was already seating on her throne.

"We are not close to being finish today Zankoku and I'm pretty sure you are aware of the reason of our delayed" Foxy just click his tongue as the Queen smile

"Haxz Miles I ken you have a plethora of questions ask it and I shall answer them" she said looking at the wary lad looking around Larsitus just gave Haxz a thumbs up while that ignorant Fox is resting against the stone pillar with a face of utter nonchalance, as if he were merely waiting for something to happen, apple in hand where did he even get that. He isn't slumped at all, his body is clearly too muscular for that, yet it is just as relaxed as his face. He's almost smiling - smiling as if something good were about to happen. Realization hits Haxz making him heave a sigh afore looking directly at the Queen 'Considering the way he treats the me "good" for that foxy is likely bad for me.Very' Haxz thought at the moment before opening his mouth to speak.

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