
Chapter one

There's a time that, when it feels like you are the only one who is contributing and , you just have one of the most busiest days. It was like that for me, I walked into the company and could see I, was not the only one having a rough day.

"Morning Miss Noah"Anabel greeted.

"Morning dear, has everyone else arrived?"

"Yes ma'am, they are all waiting for you at the conference room and Mrs Williams demands you call her back ASAP"

"Oh shit, thanks again"I said before leaving.

I walked into the room and every one's eyes were on me.

"Good morning gentlemen am so sorry for being late"

"it's okay, have your seat"Mr Gabriel said

He started with a good introduction of the company and what we specialized on. It was our major goal was to be partners with the Bio's company. They were one of the top dogs. In the whole of the business ranging they were top one.

Soon, we ended the meeting and I had a big job to do,and that was signing a deal with Mr Daniel , talk with Mrs Williams and feed the kids. Oh God,I almost forgot to ask about the kids. I went into my office, brought out my phone and dialed Mom's number.

"hey there mom"

"hi baby"

"how are the kids, I hope they are being good boys"


"ok then see you later"

"bye dear and stop worrying I got this" and with that she ended the call.

Soon after, I finished with work and went home.

"hey mom" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek

"hey baby, how was work".

"The worst,they want me to sign a deal with the Bio's company and you know how hard it is"I said stuffing pancakes into my mouth.

"Now here are your two cute sons"mum said carrying Brian and Brandon on her shoulders.

I held onto Brian and gave him a kiss

"mama"he called out smiling

"oh my gosh,he called me mama"I said smiling. I took Brandon and did the same thing,I then proceeded to feeding them,and had to call it a night.