
Have you heard of this story?

Once upon the time, a LEGEND was whispered among shadows.

It was a LEGEND of HOPE.

It was a LEGEND of DREAMS.

It was a LEGEND of LIGHT.

It was a LEGEND of DARK.

🔥: "Oh, it is the legend of Delta Rune, right?? " 

*the boy stares blankly at the girl*

🔥: "Oh sorry, please continue"

This is the legend of DELTA RUNE.

For millenia, LIGHT and DARK have lived in balance,... 🔥: "I wonder how strong the angel's heaven is"

❄: "Should I tell you a different story then?" *The boy ask.*

🔥: "Oh you don't have to"

Have you heard of this story?

🔥: "Deja vu"

Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS.

🔥: "You don't need to change the story, you know"

One day, war broke out between the two races. After a long battle, the humans were victorious.

🔥: "Hello, can you hear me, is anyone home?"

They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.

🔥: "You do know that I play Undertale before Deltarune, right?"

❄: "Should I change to a different story then?"

🔥: "No no no no, you don't have to"

🔥: "Here drink some tea to calm down, it might get a little cold already though"

*She doesn't know that because of her kindness, the boy has fallen hard for her and can't calm down at all. So to make the girl interested in him, he's determined to tell the girl about the story that she'd never heard of it before*

*And thus begin his 1001 tea time stories. Will he success tell the story that the girl doesn't know? Will they finally get together?? When will he realize that the girl already long love him??*

*All will soon be reveal, hopefully not after 1001 chapters, that is.*

*The boy has finished drinking his tea, his handsome face show a great determination like he about to fight a dragon. Boy, are you sure you want to show that to your girlfriend? Wait they're not there yet. I mean your love interest. You are just about to tell her a story, it's not like you about to fight her to death or something, right?*

*At this moment, however the girl let out a soft chuckle. Godd@mn she cute. Oh I guess, I should decribe the girl, sorry it tooks me this long.*

*Her name is Tsubasa Ayano 🔥. Gender: Female. Hah imagine if she is a trap instead. It would be funny. Age: 17 - so that she can get married, we don't want fbi here after all. Height: 164 cm/ 5 ft 4 in. Weight: 62 kg/ 137 lbs. She has black hair with ponytail and breast size is A. And three size is obviously secret. Her birthday is April 12th - Aries. She has loving and caring personality, intense like sun*

*And I guess next is the boy that sits in front of her.*

*The boy name is Tomomi Ryūnosuke ❄️. Gender: Male. Height: 180cm/ 5 ft 11 in. Weight: 57 kg/ 126 lbs. Even if i want to make a joke about imagining if he is actually a girl in man's clothes, it kinds of a TALL order. Birthday: March 1st - Pisces. Personality: Charming (even when i'm a guy, i sometimes have to ask myself "Am I gay now?", glad i'm still straight, maybe), Competitive, Obsesive.*

*Oh and while we at it, let's set up the places because we're going places.*

*You can say that right now, both Ayano and Tomomi are in the self-study room. You can just see this room like my school version of the rooftop that most anime used. The room is as big as normal classroom but no board, no teacher deck. And instead of single deck with chair like in normal classroom, in here they have long deck like the one in office.*

*You can go in here and laze around during lunch break, and of course, if you are unlucky, you might get fed dog food like me right me seeing my 2 friends flirting each other. [Can't you just leave?] you might ask. Uh this one is the nearest to my classroom so no.*

*And because Tomomi and I are in the same class (3-2), and Ayano in the class (3-1) right next to us. This self-study room that not really use for self-study right now end up become nearest to all of us*

*[And what about other student??] Oh don't worry they are here, they are just far enough so they get direct damge like me who are their friend watching this love story at front seat. Well there is the girl who sit far away is looking at us though. And spoiler, her class is nowhere near here, but that is for later.*

*[Who are you? Who is the girl??] That's the good question, when she and I become important enough, then the introduction will come. And yes she and I, because in no way shape or form i want to group with the girl who has a murderous look. I don't like stabby stabby. I rest my case.*

*I think we wonder around long enough, time to return to the story. Ahem, Ayano suddenly chuckle when Tomomi make a determination.*

🔥: " You don't need to do stupid thing like that you know, my heart is already yours"

*D@mn, lady and gentleman, she actually did it. Just like when she bravely asked to sit with us one month ago, now she has thrown out a straight ball.*

*This happen one month prior, but completely out of nowhere, Ayano asked to sit with us, and wanted to become friend right in the next day. It's not like she is a first female friend I have but somehow her speed is so fast I wonder if she play Sanic the hedgehog.*

*Oh and her atmosphere with Tomomi always make me wonder if I accidently put sugar on my drink cause it become too sweet. Are you sure you guy just met? Did I accidentally get transport into Romcom world without notice??*

*Also Tomomi, I remember you are one of people that said to me ❄: "Love at first sight is fake, they will never happen in real life". So what about that statement my friend, what about it, you have nothing to say now do you.*

* And after Ayano's straight ball, of course Tomomi will happily receive it and they will finally become couple. 👏👏👏*

❄: "Um, wh-wh-wh- what do you mean by that?"

*Of course that didn't happen. We were on the verge of greatness, we were this close. And also did you just stutter?*

🔥: "What I mean is that I want to become your girlfriend"

*Another straight ball from Ayano, it's not straight ball anymore, it's more like straight nuke at this point.*

*Also don't you guy want to do this when like there is only two of you or something. You know there are people around right?? I know they don't care about this, but I do care god d@mn it*

🔥: "Or maybe the rumor was true after all?"

*Ayano said this with a hint of sadness. Ehh, what rumor??*

❄: "What rumor?"

*That what I want to ask too. Also why do I have bad feeling about this??*

🔥: "There is rumor that Ryūnosuke and Yū are couple"

🐈: "Cough, cough, cough"

🔥: "Are you okay, Yū?"

🐈: "I'm okay"

*Not. Do you even need to ask? Of course, I'm not okay. Who is the one behind this rumor?? Please come out, I want to have a talk with you. I guess introduction is needed after all huh. Thank you Ayano. *

*Name: Aoi Yū 🐈. And before you said [That's the name of the female actress in Japanese]; look there is no one in this story actually Japanese. All name was randomly generated. Height: 159 cm / 5 ft 3 in. Weight: 59 kg / 130 lbs. Birthday: August 7th - Leo.*

🐈: "Just so you know, Ayano, there is no such thing between me and this guy, okay, are we clear??"

❄: "Yeah, like Aoi said that is just baseless rumor."

*I'm nodding my head in approval. I can't believe that Ayano's nuke was so strong that I got caught in the explosion. Though I might know why this rumor exist though. Firstly, it's because of your handsome that the girls in our class just wondering why you don't have girlfriend. And when the girl go and confess to you, you always said ❄: "Sorry, you are not my type". This make the girl even more curious. Which is your type, of course they will then look at me, who is your best friend, then they start to wonder: "Maybe it's not the type, but the gender" and then fire spread. I only know about this later though. Girl's rumor is scary*

🔥: "So that's mean I can be your girlfriend right??🥺🥺🥺"

*Ayano the teminator has returned, she's basically the death star now, it's just that instead of dying from her laser, you just want to say yes to her.*

❄: "Yes, I also like you and want to be your boyfriend"

*Phew, i'm glad my friend skull is not thick. Sometime he is a bit aloof, but he is definitely not dumb.*

❄: "So uhm can I call you Tsubasa then?"

*D@mn, you guy just confess and now you go to first name basic. In anime, they would need a few season just to get to this you know.*

🔥: " Yes, you definitely can, i would love to call you Tomo-kun, do you mind??"

*Yeah it confirmed, Ayano mains Sanic in Duper Smash Brothers. And now she just uses Super Sanic cause this is not first name basic anymore. She goes straight to nickname. Yes NICKNAME. I guess she do this to differentiate from me who always call him Tomomi as is.*

❄: "Of course, you can ... Tsubasa😍"

🔥: "Tomo-kun🫠"

*And with that the love birds have flied together, splendidly ignore the friend they made along the way. I want to say get the room, but they are already in a room though so.*

*And now instead of going to sit with us when both our class have afternoon class, Ayano is basically sit together with us everyday and Tomomi will stay back and sit with her even thougth only she has afternoon class.*

*And in the day Tomomi stay behind, I obviously go home. I eat dog food enough already, I don't need more. So let's your imagination run wild what will they do inside the room. I just hope they do realize that the "self-study room" is also being use by other people.*

*And that's the end of the story. Will I continue to write? No, I don't think I will. Cause I'm lazy. But i still have one question for you though.*

𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲?


Short name: Have you heard of this story?. Full name: Have you heard of this story? It's about the time I got force fed dog food by my two friend.

Thank for reading.

[I think you forgot someone]. If i forgot about it then it's not important. [You right].