
Have No Shame [GL]

An Amazon Princess gives herself to the female commander of an invading dark-elf army in order for her people to be spared. --------- ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This story leans in heavily on sexual abuse on the first chapter but it will gradually lessen and evolve into romance. I like to describe this story as a Romance/Erotica/DnD loosely inspired Adventure hybrid. There will be action and there will be copius amounts of sex. There is hand holding. It involves lesbians and Futa(Female with male genitals). Discord is here : https://discord.gg/53q5F9kC If you liked my work the please consider buying me a coffee at : https://ko-fi.com/bamboo_gossip Cover is not mine. Got it from : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3o98WA

Bamboo_Gossip7 · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Chapter 2 : A Baby is Born


Although a veteran warrior, the excruciating pain of childbirth still made Antani scream at the top of her lungs.

The Amazon laid on her back with her legs wide open as she tried her best to push her baby out.

Ellamir held Antani's hand. If Ellamir could, she would undoubtedly shoulder the pain that her lover was going through. Ellamir felt Antani's grip tighten for the final stretch, the baby was almost out.

The halfling midwife that assisted Antani encouraged, "Push, push!"

"HNNYAAAAAAH!" Antani shouted as she gave one last push.

Thus, the first cry of their newly delivered daughter graced their ears.

"Congratulations." The midwife then handed the baby to its mother. Fresh from the womb, the baby must quickly feel its mother's loving touch. The baby's skin shared the same deep obsidian complexion as her mother, but since their daughter was a half, her pointy ears weren't as long. Her patches of white hair was also reminiscent of Ellamir's.

The pain Antani felt from just seconds ago was already a distant memory as her chest was filled with boundless delight.

Antani gently embraced her newborn at her breasts, "Hello, baby Ellani! You are so pretty!" Antani kissed the baby's head, making its cries cease. Sensing perhaps that she is safe within her mother's tender arms.

Antani gazed at the stunned Ellamir.

"Come on, say something to our daughter." Antani said.

Ellamir touched the baby's back. She wanted to cry, she wanted to jump, she wanted to dance. But the indescribable joy she was experiencing froze her in place.

What should Ellamir's first words to her daughter be?

There's no use overthinking it. Ellamir went with what she felt was right. What her heart wanted to say.

"Welcome home, Ellani."


"Fancy that, her ears are shorter."

Yulia along with the rest of the party were immediately invited by the couple a day after Antani's birth.

The tiefling stared at the baby sleeping peacefully in her crib.

"She is adorable." With eyes full of wistfulness, Shatter Sound wanted to carry Ellani into her arms if she wasn't asleep so soundly. She still has her revenge to follow up on, but witnessing the miracle of life made the hidden flames of vengeance subside even for a little while.

"So true, she's cuter than Ellamir, that's for sure."

The snark comment of Gloria left Ellamir unbothered. She was in too great of a mood to be pissed off.

"Let's just hope she doesn't inherit her mother's temper." Stefano said.

"Which one?" Sitting at the couch, Antani leaned her head on her lover's shoulder.

"You know which one I'm talking about."

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood, pipsqueak."

Yulia took a break from the bundle of joy created by the lovebirds, sitting at the couch, she questioned, "So what's the plan? When will you join us in adventuring again, Antani?"

"For now, I'll stay at home and care for little Ellani. Once she stops needing my milk, Ellamir and I can switch every now and then."

It was an agreement that the lovebirds had settled upon, and although Ellamir much preferred for Antani to stay at home, Ellamir knew sword fighting was something she couldn't ask Antani to stop completely.

"That's a good set up. But have you both considered getting a helper so you two can still adventure at the same time?"

"No helpers. We're making sure Ellani gets raised knowing the love of her parents." Ellamir chimed in.

Helpers can in fact care for a child like it was their own, but there's just no substitute to a mother's love. Ellani was lucky enough to have two.

As soon as the party was done with their visit, the lovebirds retired early for the evening.

Deep in their slumber, the couple was awoken by their daughter's crying.

Antani tried to get up and tend to their baby but the groggy Ellamir insisted that, "Don't get up, I'll take care of it." Ellamir stood from the bed. With Ellani's crib right next to their bed, it was easy for Ellamir to check on her daughter's source of discomfort. As Ellamir expected, the baby wasn't hungry, her cloth diaper was merely wet.

The sleepy Antani watched from the bed, Ellamir possessing infinite patience even after being awoken in the middle of the night made Antani's lips curve into a heartwarming smile.

After her daughter's bottom has been cleaned and her cloth diaper replaced. Ellamir gently swayed her daughter in her arms, soothing Ellani's crying as she drifted back to sleep, "Hush, little Ellani, mother's here for you."

Ellamir tenderly placed her baby back to her crib as Ellani once again fell asleep.

What awaited Ellamir in the bed was Antani wearing a full grin.

"What's so amusing?" Ellamir asked.

"You." Antani brushed her lover's cheek, planting a soft kiss in her lips. "It's only the second day of having a child and you're already acting like a changed woman."

"I'm just… I'm just making sure that Ellani doesn't turn out like me." Ellamir was aware of her shortcomings, her rage, the wickedness she was capable of, her hatred for her own mother. If possible, she would want their daughter to grow up as well adjusted as Antani. "Tell me, Antani, can I be a good mother for Ellani?"

Antani pinched Ellamir's nose.

"Of course you can! I believe in you, and even though our daughter can't speak yet, I have a feeling that she does too."

"Thank you." Ellamir smiled. "You know, I've been thinking I want to raise Ellani in a house of our own." As much as their love nest holds plenty of memories, having a place to call their own was a vast improvement to simply renting. "I will take on more guild quests after you recover. What do you think?"

"I know how stubborn you are. You would have gone on with it even if I said no, wouldn't you?"

Ellamir chuckled as she bumped her forehead against Antani's own.

"Definitely. After all, I promised to make you and Ellani happy."


The End