
Have No Shame [GL]

An Amazon Princess gives herself to the female commander of an invading dark-elf army in order for her people to be spared. --------- ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This story leans in heavily on sexual abuse on the first chapter but it will gradually lessen and evolve into romance. I like to describe this story as a Romance/Erotica/DnD loosely inspired Adventure hybrid. There will be action and there will be copius amounts of sex. There is hand holding. It involves lesbians and Futa(Female with male genitals). Discord is here : https://discord.gg/53q5F9kC If you liked my work the please consider buying me a coffee at : https://ko-fi.com/bamboo_gossip Cover is not mine. Got it from : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3o98WA

Bamboo_Gossip7 · Fantasy
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186 Chs

A Gorgon's Mission

In the dessert kingdom of Warija, a certain Gorgon stared intensely at the training dummies encircling her, mimicking the essence of being outnumbered by your foes.

Unmasked for she is at the presence of a family member, the gorgon's face, golden slit eyes and snake hairs and sharp fangs that spilled from her lips, all blended to together to give Yazmin a deadly but gorgeous visage.

Using her long and powerful tail, Yazmin sprung up high, so high that you may think she would have used a levitation spell to do so.

The Gorgon's body now upside down, the agility that the rogues are known for allowed her to grab the knives in her vest and spin mid air.

Yazmin briefly turned into a tornado of blades, hitting the heads of the dummies all at once. To top off such impressive display of acrobatics, Yazmin and gracefully landed on her coils.

With a hiss, Yazmin grinned at her performance.

A male gorgon clapped from not far.

"A fine show of our skill. I take it that you are used to your new hand, Yazmin?"

For an assassin dealing with knives, ambidexterity was expected. When Yazmin lost her hand in her standoff against the infamous Lightning blade, it took an entire year just to _even out_ the sensation on both hands after it was restored by a druid.

"Yes, brother Aji."

"Good. The guild master is waiting for you."

After taking on no quests for an entire year due to training her restored hand, Yazmin wondered what their guild master has in store for her.

Yazmin clutched her diamond necklace in excitement, "I shall be there."


With a thud, Yazmin swung open the massive doors leading to the guild leader's office. The gaudy red room had plenty of snake motiffs from snake themed portraits, to snake vases. All to honor their Goddess, Medusa.

"You wanted to see me, Mistress Aranza?"

A single glance was all it needed for you to know that the Gorgon was a formidable leader, exuding confidence with her lax posture as she sipped wine in her couch. Aranza's long brown tail was majestic to behold, took the rest of the seat.

"I do. How's the hand, Yazmin?"

The question made Yazmin flash a confident grin, making her hand close and open, "As deadly as before, Guild Mistress."

"Good. This is your first mission in a while." Aranza's jade colored eyes pierced Yazmin. "Do not disappoint me."

A mission? That could only mean that she was called upon for an assassination. It is, after all, what their guild is infamous for. The reason they are scorned by all other guilds.

"I shan't. Who is my target this time, Mistress?"

"A well-respected alchemist in the kingdom of Ykeyk, she goes by the name of Melsa." Aranza threw a scroll, containing the portrait of Yazmin's target inside.

Gazing at the portrait of her soon to be deceased target, Yazmin tilted her head. Who would want such reputable person dead? Yazmin grinned. It doesn't matter, they are paid to execute, not to ask questions.

"How much for this Alchemist's life?"

Aranza's lips twist into a smile, "500 gold for Melsa's head."

"Wha - what...did I hear the amount correctly, Mistress!?" Yazmin was taken aback at the exorbitant price! A person's head would usually range from 50 to 100. This person must really want the alchemist dead!

"You heard right. Let's just say our client is...loaded." Aranza took a sip from her wine. "As per our custom, you get half to prepare and the rest after you finish the job."

A rather large pouch bulging with gold was thrown towards Yazmin.

Yazmin respectfully nodded, "Then I am off, Guild Mistress. Consider this Melsa executed."

"Remember, Yazmin. You MUST come back alive, do not end up like Zisha. That is an order. May Medusa guide you."


As the doors in Aranza's office closed, Caduceus broke off his camouflage spell and stood beside Aranza.

Aranza had known the Grand Wizard for quite a while, their friendly relationship was not made public since it might ruin their images both.

For Warija, theirs is a guild that struck fear, their adventurers bathed in dreadful admiration.

For Elaria, honorable adventurers who would never back down from fights has not business being associated with murderers.

"So, she's our assassin eh? It's mighty cruel of you to send her after Melsa even after knowing my plan." Contrasting his serious expression, Caduceus suddenly laughed. "I like it!"

"I wonder, can you still laugh like that once Yazmin kills your precious daughter?"

An impossibility. Caduceus merely brushed aside the question.

"We both know what happened the last time. This time, however, this Yazmin might lose more than an arm."

Aranza chuckled, "That's if Vicious doesn't get to Yazmin first. I took that stray in and what does she do? She ran away with those fallen angel's brats."

"Eh, who knows, maybe your assassin can take care of her?"

"Before Vicious left, she was already my deadliest, I could only imagine the extent of her abilities after you told me she has been experimented upon. By the way, why are you putting a hit on Melsa?"

"Because of her little pet, I was put under extreme surveillance by Zariel's Order. Not that they can track my movements, but having spies watching your every move is pretty lame."

"So your master plan is to have Melsa killed? You know that will send Helel after you if Yazmin kills her, right?"

"It is done in jest, Aranza, merely a prank" Cadeuceus belted out another stream of laughter. "But if Yazmin pulls it off, Let the fallen angel come, her body is still unstable, I can end her."

Even for a Grand Wizard, it's mighty confident to claim that you could take on a fallen angel. Her body might not hold up in this material plane, but if Helel ever manages to channel her divinity, Caduceus' end will be swift.

"If that is all, then I suggest you leave, Caduceus. Others might see you if you are not careful."

"Boo, just say you are in a rush to drive me away!"

"I am, couldn't you tell?" Aranza playfully said. Before Caduceus could teleport away, Aranza had one last thing to impart. "Remember, Caduceus, once a snake, always a snake."

With a blinding light, the Grand Wizard had disappeared from Aranza's office.


Yazmin hid her diamond necklace, she cannot gather information on her target if those she encountered are fearing for their lives.

Getting off the carriage, Yazmin was dropped off into a busy street.

The Kingdom of Ykeyk, ruled by a collective of vast insectoids, there are seldom any other races that want to live under such a society. The common language here was uncommon, for the insects hardly mingled with other races, they are devout to their respective caste jobs 24/7.

Although Yazmin's snake constitution helped her blend in more than a typical human, she was still a Gorgon outsider, garnering stares as she walked under the afternoon sun.

When translated into insectoid language, Ykeyk simply means 'Hive'. The insects have evolved to mimic common architecture, building houses akin to those you would fine in Elcune or any other major city.

As strong as the insects are on their own, they understand the need belong to society as a race, much like the need for their castes.

Speaking of castes, there is wasp standing perfectly still in the middle of a busy road. Its green carapace, more sturdy than metal armor. The retractable blades right above its hand looked sharp enough to cleave into bones.

Its hive members, the humanoid ants are busy hauling crates, the city guard wasps patrol the area. Yazmin wondered what might Mantis' cast might be to be lounging in the middle of the street like this?

Since she already knew where her target is located, the only problem Yazmin has right now is lodging.

Yazmin approached the mantis, making sure not put on any agressive airs, "Hissss. Salutations, insect comrade, do you know where the nearest inn or hotel is?"

"Kuk, Jkap pke...?(Huh, what the)" The Mantis spoke fast, its speech gurgled, tailored for its mandibles. Most importantly, Yazmin failed to understand a single word.

"I apologize, but do you speak common?"

"Jkap'y pkap?" (What's that?)"

Suddenly, a bee on two legs dropped from the air, delivering a box of honey straight into the Mantis' hand!

"You'll find no other insectoids here that speak common aside from the scholar castes." A fearsome looking insect appeared from behind Yazmin. An orange scarab centaur would fit to describe its appearance but its upper body wasn't humanoid the least, it was still made from chitinous armor, its head that was fashioned like a war helmet.

"Are you sure you're from the scholar caste and not the soldier caste?" Yazmin smirked.

The scarab's mandibles emitted a laughing sound, "If you think I look like a soldier, wait until you see our beetle warriors."

"No thanks, I am only passing by in Ykek. The name is Zisha, a travelling dancer from Warija. I am having difficulty in finding a place to rent for the night, can you assist, dear scholar?"

"I am Ka'Zhan. It would be my pleasure, Sister Zisha."


Yazmin sighed. Reconnaissance is always a chore, but it was necessary. Gathering information on her target was as vital as the assassination itself.

In front of Melsa's stunning mansion, Yazmin slithered into the bushes, completely hiding her presence.

From the looks of the place, you couldn't tell that there is actually a hidden base underneath, conducting illegal experiments, at least that's what the info said, passed on paper by the person that put a hit on Melsa.

As Yazmin was contemplating on how to sneak inside, a carriage suddenly arrived and stopped in front of the garden gate, making her hide her head lower.

Clad in light armor, a beautiful woman with an unusual sword, stepped out of the carriage.

Yazmin clenched her right fist in rage, it was Althea!