Naomi is a sixteen year old girl who lives an ordinary teenage life. One night she hears a thumping that occurs every sixteen seconds. The thumping never leaves and intrigues Naomi to investigate. This noise will lead to her death and the afterlife. Can Naomi accomplish more in the afterlife than she did in real life? Can she get to the bottom of the noise and why it chose her?
My writing style:
I am a firm believer in the 'keep the dialogue simple' method.
Instead of saying, Jennifer screamed and excitedly yelled, "...", I prefer to write like the professional authors' and use my text prior to the dialogue to indicate what she is feeling. Therefore, I write dialogue as 'he said, or she said'.
I do not like the way it reads but that is the first thing an editor looks for when editing a book.
This story:
This story (Haunting Naomi) is based on true events. Now, obviously I am a 37-year-old man and I have never experienced anything like what my story entails but the thumping sound that is constantly referenced in my work happened to me one night on a sixteen second interval. That was all it took to bring this tale to life.
I welcome ALL feedback. If I put something that does not make sense or something that just does not flow with the story as a whole, PLEASE feel free to message me on Facebook or anywhere you can find me. I do not take offense and will correct anything the reader wants to keep them engaged and to keep the story cohesive.
Thank you for taking the time to read this work. I wrote chapter 5 last night (2/20/2021) and it literally took fifteen minutes. After I finished, my body and mind were severely drained. I had frightened myself and upset myself with what took place. That is what I want to happen with ALL my works. I want to feel emotion, even as the author, because I know you as the reader will feel that same emotion, only magnified to a greater extent.
Please check out my other works. 'The Christmas Darling' won an award even though it was not "good" enough to earn an exclusive contract on GoodNovel, I still have it in a shadow box above my computer telling me that I am good at what I do, and it motivates me to continue to push the limits. One day you will see my name as one of the best authors of our time. I can promise you that.
I love you all and appreciate you.