
The call of destiny's duty

"He could be listening sis. It's no wonder he calls you a Squrrirel whenever we talk alone." Gunnar raising her hoodie in a flash,gave it ropes a quick pull and laughed hard when she ended up looking like an egg.

"Not cool Gunnar, so not cool" Ai said shaking her head. "What do you know about being cool?. You could teach me you know. When we are alone." The last words came out with a flirtatious whispher. "You disgust me" Jacqueline said triumphantly emerging out from her hood.

"We are here." Oliver's excitement doubled twice it's size as he opened the golden iron doors. "The great Hall of myths." Jennifer read the strange inscription on the doors. There was silence for two whole minutes.

"Are we allowed to go in?" Ivan the son of the earl asked breaking the ice. "Oh your highness,technically that's the problem. I was thinking you may know about this." Oliver said adjusting his glasses. "What language is this?" Ai asked and gently placed her right hand on it. "Greek"

Surprisingly, The area her hand was laid upon gave a bright radiation that moved around the whole door with a flash of lighting.

It left as mysteriously as it came, and the old rusty door became like the gates of Pharaoh's palace. "What was that?"

She asked moving back ward. It felt so strange, like this door had a mind of its own. "Well I had no idea it had an internal glow up switch. Let's go in." Oliver said leading the rest inside. Ai looked around from face to face. WHAT ARE THEY SO EXCITED ABOUT. THIS PLACE LOOKS AS BORING AS ANY OTHER PLACE IN THE MUSEUM.

Well she soon discovered she was wrong, books and creeds of ancient myths , bones of creatures that were not know were all before her. IT'S STILL BORING. AND All THESE ARE SO NOT THRILLING. So the bunch of cool teens she hanged out with were weirdos.

Every one got themselves busy, observing and studying, every one except a very confused newbie. "Psst." Oliver signaled when he noticed she was distracted by a dragon's skeleton. They closed up, like a baseball team before a big game. "Do you think she's a demi?"

"Certainly not. We're all demigods and none of our hands ignited such power" Jacqueline whisphered. "Could she be..... a goddess." Gunnar stated spacing his first words from the last. "Thou shalt not blaspheme the immortals by giving their title to a human." Jennifer stated in displeasure.

"Maybe she's a special demi. Oliver, could you run a diagnostics?"

"I run diagnostics on blood. How on earth am I supposed to get that?". Ai's graze was fixed on the dragon's skeleton. It really didn't look like the monster that attacked her twelve years ago. All the exact memories came back to her that very instant. Like she was seeing things. The blue faced demon, blue faced demon!!. She moved back slowly. "Yes but we could try." Jennifer whisphered.

Ai continued to move back and stopped when she felt a splitting pain in her back. A horn jabbed into her skin. "Aaah!!!!!!!"

"What was that?" All eyes flew to Ai's direction. A blunt horn behind her and her eyes were ignited like a flaming torch.

... .. Meanwhile...

The under realm.

"Master. The best witch in our realm sent this. She assured a huge relief" The goblin stated, in his outstretched arms a tray with a single filled up glass. A hand came out of the darkness and grabbed it. It's owner savoured the whole content making a loud gulping sound in the process.

The glass fell down, shattering into a million pieces. The same hand reach out a second time and grabbed, this time around the goblin's neck. "I do not need portions you know that."

"Master. You do not need to waste your precious strength upon goblins." A voice echoed through the fortune telling crystal ball.

The goblin was freed immediately. "What do you want now. Haven't I told you..."

"Master I do not request for anything.I come in peace and good tidings to inform you that what was once lost has finally returned back."

"I do not understand what you speak about" Hades stated angrily, scaring off the poor goblin. "Hush, master you do not want to wear out quickly do you?. Anyways she's back. The human to fulfill the oath."

"Your falsehood is punishable by death"he warned getting up, his face hidden behind a hoodie cloak. Only his cracked lips revealed itself,a deadly scar across his lips. Suddenly he froze, his eyes regained their once youth fiery glow. "She's here."

"Yes sire."

"Bring her to me"

"Not so fast, master every task must have its reward."The voice echoed. "Bring her to me and your wish shall be fulfilled."

.... The residence of the Earl of Britain,England....

"I sincerely apologize for your loss but your request is a crucial one, it is not simple to grant." The Earl stated plainly, looking for a pleasant way to say no. "With all due respect Mr Earl, it isn't crucial. All I ask is that you guarantee my daughter's safety."

"I admire your courage, Mr Ito. You speak like I have no choice. If you do not respect my position as a demigod you should at least respect my title in this country." Mr Ito smiled sarcastically as if suppressing a huge outburst of laughter. "A demigod, you demis exalt yourselves above mortals ignoring the fact that if the immortals hadn't permitted your strength you wouldn't have it."

"Your bloodline matters in relationship to the oath is between the your daughter and Hades. Meddling in his affairs would be disastrous." The silent steward who stood beside the Earl cleared his throat. "Master. We both know what it feels like to raise demis .how it is quite difficult to hide their identities from human's greed." He began, refilling the empty wine glass in his hand.

"A father's priority happens to be his child's safety. The reason why we exist is to protect the humans after all." Mr Ito nodded in agreement. FINALLY, SOMEONE Who SEES THINGS FROM MY POINT OF VIEW. The Earl sighed in defeat. "I hope you consider your chances of working for me after today Arwyn. They happen to be very slim."

"Of course I do master, fortunately you happen to be kind and generous enough to let this slide." Arwyn mentioned with a bright smile. "I wonder how it is possible to combine this so called duty with the matters of the country."

"It's not a problem at all master. I believe that my son and his amazing friends could handle it". The Earl smirked looking up at his steward for the first time. "Jennifer Hudson would talk Hades out of suppressing human's offspring of course. But only if he's out of oxygen and wants to kill her first."The duo laughed hard like old friends do when having a chit chat. "I trust you Arwyn. You have your own way of igniting potentials."

"Thank you Sire. I am really grateful."


"I ran a diagnostics on the piece blood stained horn but the results happen to be very confusing." Oliver said removing his rubber gloves. "Confusing. How?"Jennifer asked staring at the unconscious figure on the bed.

"The results showed symptoms of an awakening demi but doesn't show traits of any kind amongst it. I was thinking maybe her kind was on extinct."

The silence led to the discovery of footsteps. Someone was coming. Very quickly , Oliver pulled a lever and the bed turned vertical and Jacqueline shoved a closet like structure over it. The door flung open and the steward walked in.

"Oh. Hi dad." Jacqueline and Gunnar chroused. Arwyn smiled, fate must have agreed with his settings for all of them to be present. "What are you guys doing,studying?" He asked. They nodded, well nearly all of them. "Wonderful. But it's weird though, I don't see any books around." Arwyn stated looking around.

"That's because we took a short break. And Jennifer here was giving us a pep talk about our fundamental rights as demis, right Jenny." Gunnar quickly stated cheerfully. Already renowned for his excellent lying abilities, the others flowed with his realistic lies in the best ways they could. "Exactly" Jennifer replied with a grin.

THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THEY AGREE WITH EACH OTHER. SOMETHING ISN'T RIGHT. "Is that so?" Arwyn moved closer. "What do you have there?" He asked reaching for the closet handle. "No. Mr Robinson, it isn't safe for leisure opening" Oliver blocked his way. "Why?"

"Yeah Jenny's new dog is in there. It has rabies and now looks just like her, right Jenny?" Gunnar lied filling in for Oliver's loss of words. GUNNAR. AFTER WE GET OUT OF THIS ONE I PROMISE I WON'T SPARE YOU. "Don't worry. I used to be a Vet you know. I can treat it" Arwyn stated advancing forward. "No!"

The door was flung open. "A human being not a dog?" Oliver laughed trying to hide the tingling sensation of doom. "We're screwed" Jacqueline mumbled looking at her feet. Ivan didn't seem to be bothered like he already knew the after math. "She isn't human. She's a demi just like the rest of us." Jennifer said showing him an opened book.

"And we demis stick together"



Arwyn smiled. THE LINES REALLY FELL IN PLEASANT PLACES. THIS WOULD BE A PIECE OF CAKE. "I hate to break it to you but she's endangered. Hades is after her you guys are the only ones close enough to protect her."

"It's deadly though." Arwyn added.

"Don't care I'm in"

"Finally. Some excitement for a boring year. Count me in."

"We're all gonna die someday any way. But let's strive to survive okay guys. I already have plans for college."

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