
The Last Incident




The last Incident

Y/n: hello my name is Kim Y/n and I have a step brother called Park Jimin when I mean step, I mean that my parents and his parents swapped partners, weird right.

I mean I don't like the fact that Mrs Park is my new mum it's stupid but after a few months I found out that Jimin was a sick dude. Basically our mums swapped so we could keep our dads last name, life is great except from the fact that Jimin is friends with JEON JUNGKOOK! My bully, typical right.

Jimin: Y/n we have a gathering to go to let's go!

Y/n: Coming Bro!

Jimin: Hurry!

Y/n: And that's all peace diary!

I put my diary in an box which has a key with it, locking it, I grabbed my purse, straightening my dress.

When I arrived there, I was amazed by what people were wearing

I know what I had was a little revealing but what these people are wearing is way over the top but you know mans not gonna judge, you do you.

Mr Jeon: Oh welcome Mr and Mrs Park, Mr and Mrs Kim and lastly Jimin and Y/n!

Y/n: Hello Mr and Mrs Jeon

Jimin: Hello, have you seen Jungkook?

Jungkook:Here Hyung

My mouth dropped after seeing Jungkook in that outfit, he looked..... hideous not gonna lie.

Here he is my bully from nursery to high school, whenever I came into class, he would tie my shoelaces without me noticing which would make me trip, on my birthday he would throw cake in my face or..... stick a note saying kick me on my back.

Also let's not forget his birthdays, on his birthdays he would make me his slave, making me do errands and on picture day he would throw paint on me or splash me in mud or dirt I never had a good picture.

One thing that made me hate him the most is he would call me names like slut or hoe which I would response with ur mums one even though I love his mum but i have to win the battle.

Jungkook: Stop staring at me Y/n

Y/n: Who said I was staring at you?

Mr Park: Aish kids don't fight let's just go to our table.

When I sat down, that stupid coconut  sat in front of me with a big smirk on his face I know he's up to something it's written on that stupid face of his.

Mr and Mrs Jeon: Welcome everyone

Mr Jeon: please take a seat while I make a toast to a wonderful success of the Jeon entertainment and I would like my son Jungkook and Kim Y/n to make a toast too!

Y/n: What!

Jungkook was smirking like a fool while I glared at him.

Mrs Jeon: come on kids chop chop the speech won't say it self you know

Jungkook: Ehm Thank you all for coming here and being part of the company I hope you enjoy this beautiful night and there are refreshments over there and juice for kids

-After Jungkook was finished, I went up stuttering and embarrassed like crazy, I wasn't ready for this.

Y/n: Welcome Everyone I-

As I was about to say something, I felt Jungkook's shoe tugging at the end of my dress and he was trying to stop laughing as he heard me stutter that bastard!

Y/n: I- am ve-ry de- delighted to.... hear that the Jeo-n En-tertainment ha-as made an huge- success tha-nk y-ou all for your hard work!

I sat down glaring at Jungkook, wait till I get my revenge u prick

Mrs Jeon: Thank you, she's very shy but please all enjoy and keep working hard.

Everyone: Yessss.


JEON JUNGKOOK you will meet your DEATH.

As soon as I sat down, I shot glares to him and all he did was chuckle, I seriously hate this dude.

Irene: Hey Jungkook!

Jungkook: Oh hey Irene how you doing?

Irene: Go-

Bp: Y/n!!

Y/n: OMG you guys actually came!

I Ran To Bp and hugged them all, they know Jungkook is a jerk and a stupid coconut.

Irene: Please be quiet nobody wants to hear your ugly squeals.

Lisa: Shut up Irene how 'bout you go to another place to flirt with all the man-whores in the world.

Irene: YAH!

Everyone turned to us and started to stare, so I had to do something

Y/n: Sorry everyone for disturbing your conversations please carry on.

I said while bowing

Irene: Yeh you should bow you peasant

Y/n: Excuse you the only low class slutty peasant here is you now take your ass off this table and go find another man to sleep with!

Irene: We're not done yet

Jungkook: haha omg you should see your face Y/n

Jennie: You wanna die?

I told Bp to go to their tables while I talked with this coconut

Jungkook: Why did you make them go?

Y/n: Don't talk to me!

Jungkook: Why is it because of the last incident, haha

Y/n: Yeh it is, you stupid coconut head

Jungkook: Coconut? You slut

Y/n: like I told you many times your mum is one

Jungkook: you talk about my mum your gonna get it

With that he left

Y/n: Wow scary!

Let me tell you about the last incident, it happened a week ago and because of that Y/n missed her school for a week. Y/n was going to have swimming next and that stupid coconut slightly cut from the straps so when she wears it, it will rip and show her cleavage part.

When Y/n put it on and went to The showers everyone started laughing and when she looked down, she had a small circle with orange paint on her cleavage part out lining it.

She ran out cry in embarrassment and when she reached the changing room, the straps ripped after that she thought of playing his stupid games




To be Continued


