
Ch. 1: The White Wolf

In the deep forest surrounded by mountains, a place that has known winter for most of its

time. Endless blizzard goes on for months without end. In this part of the world where warmth and love can be proof of a miracle, lived a pack of white wolves. They hunt every single day to satiate their hunger and quench their thirst. Wolves have a bond unlike any other animal, they look after one another just like how humans look after family. However, just like humans, this varies for each pack.

As the blizzard howled with intense ferocity, it covered the whole forest in beautiful white

dust. The pack is cramped inside a cave, hoping for the cold to pass. Days have passed and for another few more weeks, the cold still goes strong. The wolves hunger, and without any creature that can give them sustenance in sight, they turn to the weakest and dying wolf inside the cold and dark cave. It's an unfair judgement but by nature's law, it is only right for the strong to feed on the weak. Five fully-grown wolves pounce on their dying brethren—almost in sync with one mind to feed on this poor creature. The dying wolf did not even think about fighting back, it froze in fear in the idea of death. The wolf mustered the remaining strength and courage it has left and sprinted to the cave's exit. The dying wolf temporarily fled from its demise but with now a new dilemma on its paws. Its body is dying without any sight of food and shelter.

The wolf walked with very little strength it has left, its sight gets blurry, and it can feel its

own body about to collapse. As it aimlessly walks around the cold and harsh blizzard, it passed through a massive tree that stood like a fortress amidst the unforgiving cold winds of nature. The wolf seeks respite beneath the majestic tree, thinking that it is a good place to end its life. As the wolf's vision was about to fade into darkness, it saw a movement on the ground. A small snowshoe hare popped out of the hole, oblivious to the presence of the wolf. A thought came through the wolf's mind, and it is the idea of feeding on the innocent rabbit. For a brief moment, the wolf held its urge to feed on another living creature as it learned the fear of being prey. It does not want to inflict that kind of fear to another, so it went back to a deep slumber in the middle of a windy and cold forest and never to wake again.

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