
Harry Potter: Using science to be IMMORTAL

Murphy, whose worldview has been solidified by materialism, arrives in the materialistic world of magic and, unable to adapt to the world, decides to change it. And in order to travel to the end of magic, he must pool his resources, pull together talent, build an organization, fiddle with human nature, and become the mastermind behind it all. Murphy: "Technology for wizards, magic for muggles. All for the greatest good!" Aurora: "Nice words, abusing the three unforgivable spells, nibbling on big melons everywhere, violating the secrecy law, infiltrating the Ministry of Magic, and controlling the Ancient Spirit Pavilion, and you're still saying that you're not a black wizard?" Pit avoidance guide: 1, the beginning of the bitter fight workers, grumpy and irritable. 2, the early part of the screwing money, big capitalist. 3, Hogwarts school part, the fourth volume only began. Pit guide: 1, technology wizard, a lot of theory to complete. 2, self-research a variety of ways to reach the gods, currently the main route of transformation. 3, huge brain hole, behind the scenes. 4, do not want to see how Tom step by step to become the savior? ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 98: We Can't Afford It

"From today onwards, you are me, the founder of Umbrella Corporation. You'll attend the Muggle society events on my behalf. For the matters that require my direct intervention, I'll appear in your guise. Understand?" Before meeting Patrick, Murphy reminded Boris of his new role.

"Aren't you afraid I might replace you by giving me such authority to represent you in these external activities?" Boris asked.

"Since you understand that the research center is the core of Umbrella, and you've seen the magic research facility, you know what I truly desire. External glory is irrelevant to me; it brings trouble and distracts me."

"Money and these companies are merely tools. If you can really replace me, managing this external facade while allowing me to focus solely on the output of results, I would actually be very grateful."

In reality, Murphy now resembled an investor, but unlike typical investors seeking monetary returns, he desired knowledge from the research process to understand magic.

In a lakeside villa, Murphy and Boris met with Patrick. As a co-founder of a star enterprise, Patrick was now covered in glory and wealth. Having recruited many talented professional managers, he no longer needed to be personally involved in day-to-day management, allowing him more time to ponder the company's future strategic direction.

Meeting Patrick stirred some emotions in Murphy, as they had been cooperating for two years now. Today might be the last time he would meet him with his real appearance.

Patrick was curious about Boris, whom Murphy simply introduced as his bodyguard — a believable claim given Boris's physique.

After some tea and casual chat, they went fishing by the lake.

"I've bought this lake," Patrick pointed at the vast water body, "It wasn't expensive. I never knew there was such a place near London."

"The scenery is indeed nice," Murphy commented.

The lake wasn't very large, but there was a hillside next to it, covered with coniferous plants. The sight of the hill and the lake reminded Murphy of the Black Lake at Hogwarts.

It had been just over two years since he graduated, yet it felt like a long time had passed.

Maybe he should visit Hogwarts again sometime? Or perhaps guest lecture on the Muggle world and teach some of his own spells to the younger students.

He wondered if Dumbledore would refuse him as he did Tom Riddle.

Well... Dumbledore probably wouldn't make the same mistake and would prefer keeping a potential dark lord under his watchful eye.

Lost in these thoughts, Murphy's fishing was distracted, and he didn't notice when a fish bit the hook.

Patrick, observing the bobbing float, didn't remind him. "What's on your mind?"

After a moment of thought, Murphy asked, "Patrick, what if I told you I'm a wizard and that our white medicine and other products are actually very common magical potions in the wizarding world?"

Patrick was taken aback for a moment, "The efficacy of white medicine does seem almost magical. If you said that, I wouldn't be too surprised."

"You wouldn't be surprised that I can use magic?"

"Unless you conjure a rabbit out of thin air for me."

Murphy laughed at the comment. He took a deep breath and drew out his wand, "You've worked hard all this time. It's been an honor to collaborate with you. Obliviate!"

After several sessions of Legilimency and the Obliviate spell, Murphy replaced Patrick's memory of him with Boris.

Then, he quietly continued fishing by the lake, waiting for Patrick to wake up.

It took three hours, during which Murphy caught two fish. As the sun was about to set, Patrick finally woke up.

By then, Murphy had already transformed into Boris's appearance using the Polyjuice Potion.

"Sorry, did I fall asleep?" Patrick rubbed his somewhat groggy head, seemingly having slept for a long time.

"Patrick, you're getting old, falling asleep while fishing."

Patrick's expression darkened. I'm only forty; how am I old!

Putting down his fishing rod, Murphy said, "We've caught enough fish, and you're awake. Let's talk business. Remember when you were supposed to buy some electronics and software companies? Did you find any good prospects?"

"A few, like Immos in the chip field, Sinclair Research in personal computers, and Fantasy Technology in chip design."

"Oh, and you mentioned finding talents in computer networking. I found someone, Tim Berners-Lee. He's a physicist, but some friends at Oxford told me he's recently working on a computer network to connect labs within CERN, using a technology called hypertext..."

"Who did you say?" Murphy was startled.

"Tim Berners-Lee, do you know him?" Patrick was also surprised.

The Turing Award winner, the inventor of the World Wide Web!

As a professional in the field in his previous life, Murphy was familiar with the name of this internet pioneer.

So the internet hasn't appeared yet in this era!

"We must bring him on board!" Murphy exclaimed. "Give him whatever resources he needs. I want the internet to be born under the umbrella of Umbrella Corporation."

"And about those companies you mentioned earlier, let's buy them. Do they have their own chip factories?"

Chip manufacturing is a vast industry, encompassing various segments from top-end IP core design to IC architecture, to the production of wafers, photolithography machines, photoresists for chip manufacturing, and finally the actual chip fabrication and subsequent packaging and testing. Each segment is an industry in itself, with numerous global technology companies vying for dominance.

To reduce costs, many chip companies don't manufacture chips but focus on IC chip design. The actual chip manufacturers are few, so Murphy needed to ask whether these companies had their own factories.

"Immos has its own chip factories. Fantasy Technology seems to be involved in cutting-edge IP core design," Patrick replied. "But we might not be able to afford Immos."


"Immos has always been funded by the government, with the British government investing over two hundred million pounds in total. Although it has never been profitable, it has eight chip factories, and its valuation is around seven hundred million pounds. Even if sold cheaply, it would be over six hundred million pounds."


No wonder it's the chip industry; it starts with billions.

Umbrella Corporation, with its white medicine and Venus series, had become a terrifying cash machine. Last year's revenue reached three hundred million pounds and was growing rapidly. But building the biotechnology research base, furnishing the mansion with state-of-the-art equipment, and recruiting top researchers all cost money. Umbrella's disposable funds weren't that plentiful.

Without raising capital, they indeed couldn't afford it.

"Boss, why do you want to make chips?"


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