
Harry Potter: Using science to be IMMORTAL

Murphy, whose worldview has been solidified by materialism, arrives in the materialistic world of magic and, unable to adapt to the world, decides to change it. And in order to travel to the end of magic, he must pool his resources, pull together talent, build an organization, fiddle with human nature, and become the mastermind behind it all. Murphy: "Technology for wizards, magic for muggles. All for the greatest good!" Aurora: "Nice words, abusing the three unforgivable spells, nibbling on big melons everywhere, violating the secrecy law, infiltrating the Ministry of Magic, and controlling the Ancient Spirit Pavilion, and you're still saying that you're not a black wizard?" Pit avoidance guide: 1, the beginning of the bitter fight workers, grumpy and irritable. 2, the early part of the screwing money, big capitalist. 3, Hogwarts school part, the fourth volume only began. Pit guide: 1, technology wizard, a lot of theory to complete. 2, self-research a variety of ways to reach the gods, currently the main route of transformation. 3, huge brain hole, behind the scenes. 4, do not want to see how Tom step by step to become the savior? ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Book&Literature
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Chapter 63: Proxy

Boris was about to charge forward when he suddenly heard a voice from nowhere, "Don't kill him, we need to interrogate him for intelligence!"

Boris let out a low growl and quickly went downstairs. Soon, continuous gunfire was heard from the first floor and the courtyard.

Murphy looked downstairs and saw Boris switching between his human and bat forms, using leaps and rapid running to evade the security guards, who couldn't keep up with him. Their bullets missed, hitting empty space.

Even the few shots that did hit him seemed irrelevant, thanks to his strong regenerative abilities.

He seemed to have eyes in the back of his head. No matter where the enemies hid and shot from, he didn't even need to look to know their location, seizing opportunities to instantly kill them.

Murphy guessed this must be the ultrasonic echolocation ability of bats, acquired after becoming a vampire.

A few minutes later, the gunfire subsided, and Boris, covered in blood, came upstairs.

"Not bad, have you regained your sanity?" Murphy, revealing himself, asked.

"My head's still a bit heavy, but I can control myself now."

Boris rubbed his head. The killing spree, especially after feasting on the blood of many drug traffickers, had gradually quelled his explosive bloodlust. He had killed many but still retained his sanity. He didn't harm the girls playing in the yard, allowing them to escape.

Murphy nodded and looked at Boris.

"Didn't expect a vampire to be this powerful. Quite a surprise."

"Although it's just against Muggles, being able to massacre so many armed drug traffickers and turn the place into a river of blood is a testament to his combat abilities."

"The abilities of a vampire aren't particularly impressive individually, but when they combine as a set of innate, permanent skills, they can be extraordinarily powerful."

"This is also a validation of the transformation pathway."


Isaac Miller thought he might be going insane.

He had seen his men torn apart by a ferocious monster that alternated between bat and human forms. Then he saw a man appear out of thin air. Fear and confusion made his hands, holding a gun, shake uncontrollably. He wanted to empty his magazine into these two monsters.

But the last bit of his rationality made him throw his gun away and kneel on the ground, "I surrender, don't kill me. I don't care about your motives, just don't kill me. I have a lot of money, I can give it all to you. Please, don't kill me."

Boris walked over, lifted Isaac with one hand, "Where's Marianna?!"


"Marianna Hampton!" Boris said, pulling out a photo, "Her, where did you take her?"

Isaac looked at the photo, then suddenly his face changed, "I, I, I don't know, I've never seen her."

"That's impossible! You're lying!" Boris was furious, his fangs baring, seemingly ready to tear the man in front of him in half.

Murphy intervened, "Let me handle this."

Then he cast a mind-reading spell on Isaac.

After a while, Murphy rubbed his forehead, "Damn, this guy really is scum!"

Murphy saw the evil life of a drug lord.

A pure bad seed, he had committed multiple serious violent crimes like robbery and rape in his teens. As an adult, he was more unrestrained. In just over a decade, he had directly killed dozens of people, not to mention those indirectly caused deaths.

"Where's Marianna? Is she still alive?"

Boris, knowing Murphy's ability to read memories, asked eagerly.

"She's alive," Murphy nodded, "And she's here in this mansion's basement. But be prepared, she's not in good shape."

Boris was initially relieved, but then thinking about his sister's possible plight, his mood darkened again. He wished he could tear Isaac to pieces.

Then, Murphy petrified Isaac with a spell and led Boris to a basement entrance, following Isaac's memory.

Inside was a three-story underground prison.

There were still more than twenty people imprisoned, mostly girls, including a few children under ten.

They were slaves waiting to be sold.

Murphy and Boris quickly found Marianna. The girl was unrecognizable, with disheveled hair, covered in dirt, skin and bones, and many festering wounds.

According to Isaac's memory, Marianna hadn't been sold yet because she had fallen ill. The traffickers feared she might die during transport and cost them money, so they hadn't sold her yet.

Murphy first used a teleportation spell to send Boris and Marianna back to Boris's place. Then, he freed the remaining prisoners. After looting all the cash and valuables from Isaac's mansion, he took the drug lord away and set the villa on fire, leaving nothing but ashes.

Boris didn't understand why Murphy took the drug lord instead of killing him directly, "Why not just kill this devil?"

Murphy shook his head, "That would be letting him off too easy. Don't worry, I won't let him off. I'll make sure he dies in extreme agony."

"Forget about him. What are you planning to do? You're no longer a normal human and can't continue living here."

Boris was silent for a moment, "But Marianna needs my care..."

"Come to my place. There's enough room for you both."

Boris looked at Murphy, and after a while, asked, "You want me to do something for you, right? Tell me, as long as it's not unethical, I'll do it."

Murphy raised an eyebrow, "Smart guy. Seems like the lessons you've learned weren't in vain."

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Murphy Darkholm, a wizard."

"A wizard?"

"Just think of me as someone with superpowers."

"Okay." Boris wasn't surprised, having already witnessed Murphy's magical powers.

"I'm also the owner of Umbrella Corporation."

Boris was slightly surprised but didn't say much, continuing to listen, "I can offer you a job and will help as much as possible with Marianna's recovery. I'll take care of your debts and give you enough money for your grandmother to live comfortably."

Boris frowned slightly at this, "I won't be coming back, will I?"

"That's right."

"Your job will have two aspects. First, you'll be a subject for my research, providing data. Although it sounds serious, I assure you of your safety. Most of the time, it'll just be a full-body checkup."

"Do you have a problem with that?"

Boris shook his head. He had somewhat expected this when he was injected with the true blood, "I can agree to that."


"The second job. I need you to act as my proxy in Muggle society."

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