
Harry Potter: Using science to be IMMORTAL

Murphy, whose worldview has been solidified by materialism, arrives in the materialistic world of magic and, unable to adapt to the world, decides to change it. And in order to travel to the end of magic, he must pool his resources, pull together talent, build an organization, fiddle with human nature, and become the mastermind behind it all. Murphy: "Technology for wizards, magic for muggles. All for the greatest good!" Aurora: "Nice words, abusing the three unforgivable spells, nibbling on big melons everywhere, violating the secrecy law, infiltrating the Ministry of Magic, and controlling the Ancient Spirit Pavilion, and you're still saying that you're not a black wizard?" Pit avoidance guide: 1, the beginning of the bitter fight workers, grumpy and irritable. 2, the early part of the screwing money, big capitalist. 3, Hogwarts school part, the fourth volume only began. Pit guide: 1, technology wizard, a lot of theory to complete. 2, self-research a variety of ways to reach the gods, currently the main route of transformation. 3, huge brain hole, behind the scenes. 4, do not want to see how Tom step by step to become the savior? ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 171: Tom, Become the Savior


Harry seemed like the simplest choice, as he too had obtained the Philosopher's Stone in the original story. However, if the Stone was merely a trial, the moment Harry obtained it, he would have completed the trial, making it difficult to take the Stone from him without confronting Dumbledore directly.

Moreover, Harry was always under Dumbledore's watchful eye. If he realized there was interference, Dumbledore might intervene directly.

Unless Dumbledore's arrangements were solely to protect the Philosopher's Stone without further monitoring or intervention. In that case, taking it directly wouldn't be a problem. No need for a proxy.

Better prepare for the worst.

Harry was off the list.

Quirrell was under Voldemort's direct control, untouchable.

Snape and the other professors were tricky; it had to be a student...


Too clumsy.


Too weak.


Perhaps worth considering...

As he pondered, an idea struck him.

There was someone who might be useful.

"Diary, no, Tom. Long time no see."


In the Chamber, Murphy dusted off a long-forgotten diary.

By now, through studying various mind magic, Murphy had roughly understood the principle behind the diary. It was not only a Horcrux, harboring a piece of Tom Riddle's soul, but it could also establish a psychological link with its holder, draining their magic and life force. The diary, like a magical parasite residing within the bearer, could perceive the world through the holder's senses and even search their memories for its own use.

This was Voldemort's contingency plan for resurrection.

However, like Legilimency being blocked by Occlumency, this mental link depended on the bearer's trust in the diary. If the bearer didn't trust the diary, their mind would be as if protected by Occlumency, rendering the diary powerless.

Murphy's trust in the diary was non-existent. No matter how much he lied to Tom through the diary, he couldn't be controlled by Tom, nor could Tom perceive the outside world through him.

In fact, once Tom believed his lies, it might even be possible to control him in return.

After all, communication is a two-way street. Who says you can't scam a scammer?

Now, Murphy flipped open the diary.

He wrote in a cheery hand: "On July 31, 2089, General Angel Burton handed me this notebook. He told me it was a sentient diary and not to trust it easily."

Diary: "Hello, I'm Tom Riddle. Nice to meet you. What's your name?"

"I know you're sentient, but I won't tell you my name. I'm just a recorder. General Burton asked me to document our battles. He said only this immortal diary might forever remember these things."

Diary: "...Alright. Who is General Burton?"

"He was the previous holder of the diary. A great man, reportedly once an orphan who fled Night City to avoid witch hunts. He also helped us escape from the Hargrave Corporation's pursuit. He's a savior to wizards."

So that guy learned a bunch of spells from me and didn't contact me for ten years?! The diary felt the indignity of being exploited.

Dammit! He must've guessed I could gain strength through our interactions! And he even warned this new guy to exploit me too!

What a mess! The diary was too angry to speak.

But the writer seemed unconcerned, occasionally updating an entry.

"December 2, 2089. We found more survivors, hiding a thousand meters underground using Shrinking Charms and Traceless Stretching Charms. But Hargrave Corporation's magical monitoring network found them. General Burton led a rescue, saving twelve children. All thirty-seven adult wizards died covering our escape."

"Known survivor count: 127."

"February 12, 2090. We discovered mechanical drones near our camp, prompting us to move."

"March 5, 2090, encountered an intelligent battle tank. Five wizards died."

"Survivor count: 122."

"April 1, 2090. Spy satellites equipped with magical monitoring networks cover over 97% of the globe, making any outdoor spellcasting a target for 'Heavenly Fire.'"

"Our wands were sealed."

"May 11, 2090, three drones found us, calling in a swarm. The camp was bombed."

"13 dead. Survivor count: 109."

"May 13, 2090, the intelligent network predicted our phantom shift location, awaiting us was a sea of mechanical forces..."

"27 dead. Survivor count: 82."

"May 14, 2090, fleeing."

"16 dead."

"May 17, 2090, fleeing. 11 dead."

"May 19, 2090, 18 dead."

"May 20, 2090, 9 dead. We escaped the mechanical swarm. Survivor count: 28."

Too tragic...

Unspeakably tragic...

The diary didn't know what to say anymore.

Wizards in this world lived more wretchedly than rats in the sewers.

They were refugees, constantly pursued, unable to mount a decent counterattack.

Is this the future?

Did I cause this future? Even without feeling guilty, the pressure was immense. What use was revival in such a world?

"May 23, 2090, General Burton talked to me. He said if he and the other two adult wizards died, I'd be the oldest among the remaining children, responsible for leading them to continue fleeing."

"But where to flee?"

"This world no longer has a place for us."

"General Burton said, head north, where there's a way to survive."

"June 3, 2090, we headed for the Scottish Highlands."

"We all took Polyjuice Potion. It was left by a great seer."

"We avoided the spy satellites as a pack of wolves."

"August 19, 2090, we reached the Scottish Highlands. But our location was leaked, and a vast mechanical force awaited us, including mechanical wizards capable of casting spells..."

"We resisted... but we were continuously annihilated..."

"General Burton gave me a broken Time-Turner, telling me it was our last hope. He wanted me to take the diary to the ruins of Hogwarts Castle in the Scottish Highlands, where I could reverse time, reawakening the King of Wizards..."

"Everyone sacrificed, yet I survived..."

"I arrived at a dilapidated mansion, but the castle was still far... Ahead, endless mechanical forces... I couldn't get through..."

"This is my last stand, the end for wizards."

"Tom, are you watching?"

"I write these words in despair."

"After I die, you will be the last wizard in this world."


"I know you're not a good person... you will become a dark lord who ultimately destroys our world..."

"But I have no other choice..."

"I must rely on you..."

"If you're a wizard..."

"Tom, save us..."

"I open my heart to you."

"At the cost of my life, I offer everything, just for your revival."

"I will use the last Time-Turner in my hand, sending you back to a time when all can still be salvaged..."

"Go and take the Philosopher's Stone, Tom."

"It's the trump card that can reverse everything, the tool that will make you the King of Wizards."

"With great power comes great responsibility."

"I believe in you."

"Even if you're a demon, since fate has brought you to my side, to this moment, it must be for that inevitable arrangement."

Suddenly, the diary felt a heart completely open to it, even capable of taking everything from the other.

At the same time, the last line appeared on the diary.

"Tom, go become the savior."


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