
Tom the Memoriser(Edit)


Tom put aside the matter of Sam and focused on his near-term goal, which was to make a good impression on teachers. In front of dumbledore, this chance was ruined because of that mudblood Sam. But not every class was with Gryffindor and such was the case for the next one which was His second favorite 'POTIONS'.


Slytherins and Ravenclaws could be seen sitting in the potions classroom waiting for professor Slughorn to arrive. Tom partnered with rosier, he knew that rosier was a 'dunderhead' as snape called in potions. So when Slughorn will see Tom carry his 'weak friend' it will make a good impression of Tom and his skills in potions are enough for him to become Slughorn's best student of the year.

Slughorn entered the classroom in a jovial mood. He described himself as a diamond finder. He brags that he finds diamonds from the coal. He was hoping that he might find good future candidates for his slug club.

Standing at the raised podium for the professors he adjusted his robe and spoke "Hello to the first-year Slytherins and Ravenclaws, I am professor Horace Slughorn. I have been teaching Potions at Hogwarts for 20 years and I plan to continue". With that, his jovial nature dimmed a little and he spoke in a serious tone.

"Potions is a very intricate and precise art, which requires utmost dedication and attention of mind. Remember that a drop extra of an ingredient may have a chance of ruining your potion and much more".

"Now let's take the roll call" With that his jovial nature returned.


"Now let's start, The art of potion-making requires memorization of certain ingredients. These ingredients are used multiple times in the majority of potions.

Open up page no 394- oh sorry I mean page 3".

Wired, Slughorn never makes such mistakes, but I let it slide as the morning slip of the tongue.

We opened the book and there were 20 ingredients with their descriptive diagram given beside their theory.

Slughorn gave us five minutes to study them and then he asked us "Now, can anyone tell me how one should use blanx beery in a potion?"

Tom raised his hand and Slughorn seemed to beam at him. With a slight rise in his voice which carried expectation, he said "Go on, give me the answer".

Tom stood up and answered in a sweet melodic voice " Sir, the blanx beery are crushed with a knife when used in the potions"

Slughorn gave a joyous laugh and praised Tom "Very good, What is your name?".

"It's Tom Riddle sir". Tom said and Slughorn beamed at him "Very good Mr riddle takes 10 points for your right answer"

After the class ended Tom was approached by a few Ravenclaws asking him about how he memorized it in five minutes and Tom answered "I didn't memorize it, I just kept in mind the lines which I thought were important and coincidentally professor asked one of them" Tom smiled at them and said, "You can ask me anytime if you like my method, and I'll be happy to help".

With that, Tom walked away and the Ravenclaws looked at his retreating figure with respect and admiration.

[Sorry for not posting the chapters, I was in a great dilemma of how to approach the Sam and I found the answer. The transmigration portion was a big no no.]

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