
9.Sophronius Regulus Black

I was taken to a new room. The room was quite large but had a gloomy ambience. I took a seat and waited for the teller to come back.

Just as I was onseving, my eyes fell on tge wall and i was surprised to see the design. The wall had a giant tree and upon closer inspection, I noticed that the tree was a lineage tree. It was a family tree of wizards. I didn't know how the goblins managed to create it but it was a unique relic.

Just as i was engrossed in my thoughts the door opened.

The teller came in with a new goblin. He appeared older and more experienced. Upon seeing me he raised an eyebrow. He introduced himself,

"I am Sureclaw, head of the department of lineage and inheritance. I was told that you requested a blood inheritance test."

"Yes, I did request a blood inheritance test and have paid the appropriate amount."

The goblin seemed surprised, because i was quite well spoken for someone who appeared to be only five years old. Well, i wasn't going to entertain his curiosity. So, I said,

"How long will it take?", seeming annoyed.

They probably caught on and immediately took out a king of chalice with a special transparent stone in the centre. This was a artefact, a special magical instrument that could trace lineage.

"Take this knife and drop three drops of blood, on the stone."

I took the knife, cut my hand and let the blood drop. The transparent stone took my blood and started shining red. At this point both the goblins were a bit surprised. I did not know the significance of it so i was unsure whether this was unique or not.

They looked up to me and exclaimed with a little bit of surprise and asked with suspicion.

"Who are you?"

I was surprised by their question. Seeing me absolutely confused they explained.

"The crystal can sense the magical energy of a person as it is also used for magical inheritance test, yet it never lites up like this. This means that the magic in your blood is very potent. This phenomenon has only ever been observed when few very famous wizards came here for the test."

I was surprised, but had suspicion of who the famous wizards were. I smiled and replied,

"You will know, when i muself come for a magical inheritance test. Until then you will have to wait."

They seemed surprised by what I said.

"Which parents side do you want to test?"

"My fathers" I replied

They took the chalice to the tree and the blood on a special surface near the wall with the tree. Just as the blood touched the surface. The tree started glowing and well the light on one of the branched dis not go down. And the branch sprouted a new leaf. I observed as tge previous leaf started glowing in a light while the rest of the tree went back to normal.

The goblins were shocked. Because that line represented one of Most Noble and Ancient House of Black. And as shown my father , REGULUS ARCTURUS BLACK, was the previous lord making me a legitimate heir. They were shocked and then the older goblin asked.

" I will call the House of Black's manager, i was assumed that the house was over since the last descendent Sirius Black was sent to Azkaban. He will be quite happy to serve you, Heir Black. How shall i address you Heir Black."

Yes, a name. I had thought quite a lot about it. Previously i just picked a random name for my convenience but now this was to be my official name. I did not want to be called drake, Luke or something common. I wanted a name that would show me. As this was the day that i would gain control over my new life, i had decided on my new name a fee days.

"You can call me,Sophronius, SOPHRONIUS REGULUS BLACK."

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