
2. A Ritual’s fuck up

As i gain some consciousness, all o feel is that i am floating. No No No this time i am fucking sure that i am floating as there is water around me and WHAT THE FUCK NO NO NO NO WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.

If you are curious, why i am cursing then the answer is that i am in a glass cylinder like a freaking lab rat. Yeah this is fucked up.The room is absolutely dark with a few broken containers , some other bottles containing i believe is to be some sort of creature and animal bit and pieces and well then there is me, good ol me floating in a makeshift bathtub.



And well, daddy's here and now lets just pray tgat he isn't here to fuck me up as i already consider myself to be somewhat unlucky.

As, the man comes closer, I notice his clothes. A black robe , somewhat expensive looking and the face that fucking face of a maniac researcher. He comes near my pod and well i think casts a diagnostic spell.

His expressions change from madness to euphoric and excitement and he starts shouting.

" HAHAHAHAHA!!! Praise to the dark lord ! I have succeeded now i can help my lord to create a perfect body. He has succeeded in doing, what his predecessors have failed in doing for centuries. An artificially created body with the greatest magical lineage."

At this moment in life, I knew * I AM FUCKED *

Well it is bad to be a lab rat but to be a lab rat of a man who has no nostrils and a skewered brain. Well that my friends is a life you dont want.

The man leaves the room, and i presume is going to call the dark lord and well I already am fucked. I try to move my body and i cant move a single toe. Good now i have fucking beef with fate, firsly no parents and now this shit show if i ever find the man i am fucking up his goldy godly ass.

Now with pop two men appear and well they are both fucking absolute mad scientist material.

He takes out his wand casts some magic and the water drains, as i feel my weight i know one thing i am weak, like i cant even move a single finger. The man immediately levitates me and takes me to a table where he straps me down.

This is an absolutely mad development and i can not even do anything. In my previous life i have gone through enough medical procedures to be sick of them. The man casts a spell and now i loose feeling in everything. Now, its like i am watching a movie from 3rd person view. And this my friends is how all hell began.

They start conversing with each other

" The child's magic is weak , despite a 5 year old body, the child has no magic. This is imperfect, we can not present the dark lord with a squib's body."

The other man replies:

"Yes, lord Every. But we must succeed, the dark lord has given us a chance to make history to be able to make a body of complete and absolute PURE BLOOD. We just have to construct the best magic core."

The one named Every nods and continues:

"Don't worry McNair, because with all the materials the dark lord has provided us we can construct a perfect magic core. To complement our Lord's perfect new body."

Next chapter