
Chapter 5: Wand in a shape of a Ring?

If there's one of Hogwarts who is both idle and busy, it's our Headmaster Dumbledore. He said that he was idle because he didn't have to give lessons to the students and didn't have to correct the students' homework. He was said to be busy because Dumbledore was not only the headmaster of Hogwarts, but he also had a lot of things to attend to outside of school.

Dumbledore was more of a spiritual symbol, a symbol at Hogwarts. It seems that Hogwarts with Dumbledore is the full Hogwarts. But our headmaster often goes out and leaves everything in the school to the Deputy Headmistress, Professor McGonagall.

And tonight, well, this statement is not very accurate, because it is already early in the morning, and it should be morning. Dumbledore finally had time for his routine inquiries after he had finished his business in the Headmaster's office.

"So, which students need our attention this year?" Dumbledore leaned back in his chair and looked at the Sorting Hat at the top of the bookshelf on his right—the clean Sorting Hat.

"It's the same every year, nothing worth noting. "

"Oh, aren't Harry Potter and that Selwyn kid notable?" Dumbledore pushed his chair away and stood up.

"Nothing worth noting, if anything, that Potter kid doesn't seem to have a good impression of Slytherin, and he kept saying 'Please not Slytherin' during the Sorting House, and it's clear that it's the best place for him." The Sorting Hat twisted disapprovingly on the bookshelf. "As for the Selwyn boy you mentioned, he chose Slytherin himself, but I think Ravenclaw is a better fit for him. And I'm sure the kid had gotten occlumency, though, in front of me, he wasn't using it. "

"Oh, Occlumency? It's not surprising that he had been studying at Sculler for six years before coming to Hogwarts. In order to fight against the Legilimency and the Imperius Curse, the children there will be more or less successful in Occlumency." Dumbledore walked up to his pet, Fawkes, and gently stroked its feathers.

"That's not much to pay attention to, after all, I've seen too many little wizards in a thousand years, gifted, untalented, smart, stupid. I guess it's hard to meet a little wizard who seems to me to be 'noteworthy'." The Sorting Hat stopped moving.

"By the way, I forgot to say it. "

Well, has the Sorting Hat noticed something out of the ordinary?

Dumbledore turned and craned his neck to look at the Sorting Hat.

"For thousands of years, no one in the past school has ever thought of cleaning me." The Sorting Hat shook its tip, "It's still that little wizard's curtesy that I can regain this refreshing feeling, and you'll have to thank him for me." 

The Headmaster looked at the motionless Sorting Hat speechlessly.

Dumbledore seemed to sense something and sat back down at the headmaster's desk. Looking at the door and waiting.

The door to the principal's office was pushed open, and a cloud of black floated in and closed the door behind him.

"Ah, Severus, here you are. "

Snape looked at Dumbledore without saying a word - whoever was called up while he was sleeping would be upset. Not to mention that Snape was already unhappy with Dumbledore.

"What is the result of your house's 'traditions' this year?" Dumbledore asked Snape. There is no mud and water in the slightest.

"Lucius's son is the Leader of this year's freshmen." Snape was expressionless.

Dumbledore looked surprised.

'Hmm, that's a little different from what I thought.' Dumbledore thought with a frown.

"But Draco gave up the single room that belonged to the Leader. "Snape was definitely gasping for revenge on Dumbledore for waking him up late at night.

"To the child of the Selwyns?".

Snape nodded, not speaking.

"What about the process?".

"Draco didn't make a move, and the rest were beaten by Selwyn." Snape's body moved, "He didn't say a single incantation the whole time. "

"Silent Spell casting... This was not what I expected." Dumbledore stood up, "I'm sure Solim, this kid can defeat the other little wizards, but the Silent Spell is ... What kind of magic did he use? "

"Impact Spells and Obstacle Spells." Snape saw Dumbledore take the meditation basin from the cupboard.

"What? you want to see my memories again?" said Snape, with an expected sneer on his face.

"I just want to get to know this kid, Severus, I just want to make sure ...".

"What can a child do?" Snape interrupted Dumbledore rudely. "Instead of being suspicious of a little wizard, why not look up someone more suspicious?"

"Professor Quirrell is the professor of the Defence Against the Dark Arts class hired by the school, Severus." Dumbledore placed the meditation basin on a dedicated shelf.

"Why do you want such an unknown person to be a professor? Headmaster, I've applied so many times and you don't agree, but you agree to an unknown person?" Snape asked Dumbledore as he stepped forward.

"Quirrell is not an unknown source, Severus." Dumbledore looked at Snape. "He also graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "

"You know, I sat next to him at dinner, and he had that air of something that was definitely not a decent person." Snape seemed to have decided to get out of the way.

"I promised you to protect.. Lily's.. son, and you turned a blind eye to the danger that lay ahead!" Snape roared.

"No, I'm not blind to the danger in front of me. Severus, sometimes.. focusing too much on the immediate danger and ignoring the real one is a mistake.." Dumbledore beckoned, motioning for Snape to come over. "...And before we get into the danger, Severus, I want to see. "

Snape took a deep look at Dumbledore, pulled out a memory from his temple with his wand, and threw it into the meditation basin.

"Come on, Severus, let's see." Dumbledore grabbed his arm. Whether Snape agreed or not? Ho Ho Does it matter?




"Didn't anyone want to do it first? Since you're all so modest, you're welcome." With that, Solim began to wave his wand. There were only three new Slytherin freshmen girls this year, and these three girls were gently pushed out of the circle by Solim with an obstacle charm for the first time.

"Very skilled obstacle charm." Dumbledore's eyes were fixed on Solim. Snape was standing next to him, and it seemed that Snape had been dragged into his own memory by Dumbledore.

At this time, the little wizards finally reacted, and they began to wave their wands to attack Solim, after all, it seems that Solim is very powerful, and let's deal with him first - the rest of the little wizards thought like that.

Solim pulled Draco around a leg-lock charm and flipped his hand with a blast spell that knocked away a young wizard who was about to shoot a spell.

Then he dragged Draco and tripped him with his leg - the eldest young master was stupid enough to pull a few pestles there, and if he was hit, The single room's dream of Solim would be gone, but neither would the Leader position remain.

While Draco was still lying on the ground, Solim used a counter-spell to undo a little wizard's spell and seized the moment, with his left hand holding the staff, slashing from left to right at a rapid pace: an invisible wall pushed all the young wizards out of the circle - except for him and Draco, who had just risen.

"Call it a day!" Solim waved his right hand, which was not holding his wand, as he walked out of the circle. "Don't forget, Draco. "

"Smack!" Snape remembered as if they had been paused—still.

Dumbledore lowered his hand and came to Solim to look at his right hand.

"Severus, do you see this?" Dumbledore asked, pointing to the ring on Solim's right hand.

"A ring," replied Snape honestly, "and I noticed that he was still dressed, well, and had a pair of shoes on his feet." Snape scoffed.

"What does a ring say, it's dangerous?".

Dumbledore ignored Snape's taunt and took a closer look at the ring on Solim's hand. After reading the ring, he looked at the wand that Solim was holding in his left hand.

"Alright, Severus, I think we can go back. "

Headmaster's Room.

Snape looked at Dumbledore with his arms crossed, waiting for him to explain to himself.

"Maybe it was a ring in your eyes, but I knew it was a wand. Severus, a wand." Dumbledore sat back in his chair.

"What does that mean?"

"It wasn't an ordinary wand, I was with—Ah! I mean.. I found it while traveling the world. It was later returned to the family that actually owned it. "

"Selwyn. "

"Yes, Selwyn. "

"Then what is the problem here? that kid is also Selwyn. "

"No, Solim is an illegitimate child, and he is not entitled to the right to a wand from within the family." Dumbledore shook his head as he began to explain to Snape.

Ancient pure-blood families would amass an astonishing fortune over a long period of time.

These riches will be passed down from generation to generation, even if future generations are unfilial, squandering gold gallons, squandering precious potions, and alchemy materials. But something like a wand is almost non-consumable - even if it changes hands several times. There have been too many magical creatures and magical trees that have gone extinct over time, but wands made of them have not. These wands, made of powerful creatures and wood, were far more powerful than the current wands. Only pure-blood families with enough heritage can preserve some ancient wands.

"These pure-blooded families don't give enough to the lineage within the family, why do you think an illegitimate child would get a heritage like this one?" Dumbledore asked Snape. "And the wand he just used was the wand in Garrick's shop, and the kid had two wands on him, Severus, why do you think?".

"I suggest you go and ask him personally." Snape was unmoved.

"In the past, I had recognized the ring and returned it to the family who lost it, and as a thank you, Selwyn donated this mirror to the school." Dumbledore motioned for Snape to look back.

When Snape turned around, he saw a floor-to-ceiling mirror trimmed with gold trim, and after just one glance, Snape couldn't take his eyes off it.

The feelings of remorse and longing seemed to appear only for a moment, and the numbness and apathy returned to Snape's face.

"What is this?" Snape could barely resist looking at the mirror.

"Mirror of Erised." Dumbledore glanced in the mirror but quickly looked away. "Use it to protect the Philosopher's Stone," Dumbledore looked at Snape, "Or do you have any other foolproof plan?".

"There's never a 'foolproof' and if it's okay, I'll go back," Snape said as he didn't want to stay here anymore.

Watching Snape close the door to the Headmaster's room, Dumbledore stood up again and walked to the meditation basin, picked a memory from his wand, and threw it in.


At this time, Solim had just finished tinkering with his single room, which he was doing all by himself after helping Draco win the Leader title.

Now, the Leader's Lounge looks no longer what it used to be, Solim has made a number of changes to the Leader's Lounge. Throwing away all the decorations he thought were useless, this lounge for him would only be used for sleeping and theoretical magical research.

He would find another place for potion brewing and spell practice, after all, he didn't want his sleeping place to be filled with the strange smell of all kinds of potion materials, and he didn't want to make a mess of the room when he practiced spells.

Anyway, there are a lot of empty classrooms around the Slytherin common room, so it's good to find a place to hide when the time comes.

It was late, but Solim had no intention of resting.

He's leaning against the head of his bed looking at his tome right now. Tomorrow morning, the first session will be the history of magic for sleep, and the second will be spells. The only major classes in Slytherin were Potions, Transfiguration, and Defence Against the Dark Arts with Gryffindor, and the others were with Ravenclaw. Truth be told, Solim prefers to deal with Ravenclaw than Gryffindor. In Solim's words, it's easier to deal with people of the same nature, and if you want to deal with Gryffindor, the first thing people will say is, "You evil Slytherin stay away from me." "Or "You are a Slytherin snake, you must have a plot to approach me!" Considering that Solim has a big headache,

Neville has gone to Gryffindor, and he will definitely have no less chance of dealing with Gryffindor in the future.

Solim decided not to think about the bad things for now, and it was imperative for him to find what he was looking for from the book in his hand first.

As mentioned earlier, Solim has a good relationship with his half-sister.

The only thing that could warm Solim in Selwyn's castle was this little sister. Solim had a magical riot when he was four years old - before his two older brothers. Dax and Sabian, one is five years old and the other is six.

Pure-blood wizards look at a wizard's talent mainly to see when the magic riots, and the earlier it is, the higher the talent. The sooner the little wizard with a mana riot, the faster his magic will grow. Of course, the sooner the better, four years old is almost the limit. If you do it earlier, you will most likely become a silent person - this is the death sentence. No one who is silent will live past the age of ten.

Solim was sent to Sculler, a school only open to special wizarding families, soon after the Magical Riot. Let's not mention how Solim was troubled and tortured at that school after he was seven years old. He could only return home once a year, if Solim could even call the Selwyn castle "home".

The eldest brother didn't want to see him, the second brother didn't pay attention to him, and his father could only talk to Solim if he returned from his duties. As for Mrs. Selwyn... Hehe, Solim wanted to get as far away from that woman as possible - he hadn't figured out what Solim's birth mother had ever done.

In the whole castle, only Sylna, the little sister, was closer to him.

After all, the little girl has no one to get close to. Their eldest brother and second brother both made the school a little neurotic, but two extremes - one irritable and the other silent. For a little girl, it isn't easy to communicate with. At this time, Solim, the most normal-looking brother, became the only choice that the little girl could talk to, and Solim really needed to find a psychological sustenance to divert his attention - otherwise, he would sooner or later be like his eldest brother or second brother.

Although Solim finally escaped from Sculler, the sustenance he was looking for just to keep himself alive has truly become the sustenance of his soul over time.

He hopes to find a way to change the fate of his Squib sister.

And that hope is in the book in his hand.


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