
House of Creed

After donning the holster and placing the guns in the respective holsters, Atreus told Kirby "Kirby, let's go home after everyone is asleep and look around."

"Kirby will take Littlest Master to House of Creed!" Kirby replied.

Smiling at Kirby, Atreus looked towards the mirror and stood there in a cowboy duel stance. Hovering both his hands over the guns, Atreus waited for a couple of seconds and suddenly took both the guns out from their respective holsters instantaneously.

Smiling at the reflection, Atreus muttered "The quick draw enchantment on the holsters will be good."

Placing the guns back in the holsters, Atreus undid the holsters and placed them back in the "Inventions" cupboard.

After that he opened the "Library" cupboard, and there was a note lying in it. Taking the note, Atreus read it "This compartment is connected to the library in our home. And the list of books that are present in our library is given. All you have to do is place your hand in the compartment and say the name of the book you need. The book will appear in the compartment.

With Love, Victoria Creed nee Smith

Your lovely mother."

Smiling at his mother's gift, Atreus looked through the list of books. After reading all of it, three books stood out for him, so he placed his hand inside the compartment and said "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them."

Instantly a large book appeared in the compartment, taking it out he said the next book name "How To Be An Animagus


After taking out the second book he said the third book is called "Beginners Guide For Protecting Your Mind."

Taking the last book and placing it on the floor, next to the first two books, Atreus asked Kirby "Kirby, what is an animagus?"

"Master told Kirby that Master can turn into an Otter! Master said the magic is Animagus." Kirby replied to his question.

"So, if I learn the book properly then I can turn into an Otter? Cool!" Atreus said as he opened the second book and observed it.

Still looking through the book, Atreus said "Kirby, I want you to go to House Creed first and clean it up."

"Kirby will do what Little Master says." Saying so, Kirby disappeared from the spot with a *POP*.

"So he can do what Prof. McGonagall can do huh." Shaking his head, Atreus started to read about how to be an animagus.

After reading the book without missing a word, Atreus thought 'So any witch or wizard who wished to become an Animagus had to undergo a ritual-like process in order to achieve the ability. The process of becoming an Animagus was long and difficult and it had to be done in a very specific way, it required skill, practice, and patience.

The first step for becoming an Animagus is that the witch or wizard in question had to keep a single Mandrake leaf in their mouth for an entire month, from full moon to full moon. If the leaf was removed or swallowed, the witch or wizard would have to start over again.

At the next visible full moon, if the night happened to be cloudy one would have to start over, the wizard had to spit the leaf into a phial within range of the moon's pure rays. To the moon-struck phial, the wizard or witch must add one of their own hairs, a silver teaspoon of dew that had not seen sunlight or been touched by human feet for seven days, and the chrysalis of a Death's-head Hawk Moth. The resulting mixture then had to be put in a quiet, dark place, and could not be disturbed in any way.

The next thing that had to happen was for the wizard to wait for an electrical storm, whenever that might be. During this waiting period the wizard would have to, at sunrise and sundown everyday without fail, chant the incantation Amato Animo Animato Animagus with the tip of their wand placed over the heart. When, at last, there was a lightning storm, the wizard hahaha to move immediately to a large and secure place, recite the incantation one final time, and then drink the Animagus potion.

Once the process was completed, the witch or wizard would be an Animagus and for the rest of their life would have the ability to change between their human and animal forms at will, with or without the use of a wand. Furthermore, upon completion of the process, the Animagus experienced a vision revealing their new animal form. However, if any part of this process was done incorrectly, it had the potential to backfire and cause the transformation to go horribly wrong, such as causing permanent half-human, half-animal mutations. Yikes!

Because the process was so difficult and dangerous, and because many witches and wizards simply felt that their time might be better spent in other ways, not many people chose to try becoming an Animagus. Besides that, the skill was of limited practical use anyway, unless one had a great need of disguise or concealment. [AN: I took the details about Animagus from Wikk.] Which I don't,but I can still turn into my inner animal, how cool is that?'

Closing the book, Atreus placed it back into the compartment along with the other books and looked up to the clock to see the time was 9pm. Nodding his head, Atreus called out "Kirby."


"Kirby came." Kirby announced himself.

Smiling at Kirby, Atreus said "Let's go home and explore a little."

"Hold Kirby's hand. Kirby will take Littlest Master home." Kirby told him.

Turning to the trunk and closing it, made the trunk to shrunk. Pocketing the shrunken trunk, Atreus took hold of Kirby's hand and both of them apparated away from the orphanage room.


They appeared inside a visiting hall, and bowing his head in class, Kirby said "Welcome to House of Creed!"

"Thank you Kirby." Thanking Kirby, Atreus started to explore his family home.

He found a lot of different rooms in the house. Two bedrooms with an attached bathroom, a kitchen, dining hall and visiting hall, were the rooms on the ground floor. In the first floor there were three bedrooms with an attached bathroom, a hall with table and couches along with a Library. The basement was the main attraction of the house as it was expanded by the space extension charm. In the basement there was the Potions Room, Enchantment Room, Smithy, Alchemy Room, Rituals Room, Testing Room, Magi-Craft Room, Training Room, Gym, Showers and finally the Shooting Range.

It took three hours for Atreus to explore each room without even testing the waters in any rooms.

First thing he did after looking through all the rooms was donning his holsters and going into the shooting range. As he opened the shooting range room, he saw a vast space with targets in different sizes and shapes staying stationary. To the right side of the door was a shelf, within it were different types of bullets and their details were explained near each bullet.

There were blank bullets, which can be loaded into the revolvers and feed the spell on the spot. There were death bullets, which were preloaded with the Avada Kedavra, they killed the target instantaneously. Cutting bullets which were preloaded with Diffindo Charm, Explosion bullets with Confringo spell preloaded, and so on.

"Since I don't know any spells right now, I should load the guns with Ventus bullet that can shoot jet of strong spiralling wind, Stupefy bullet that will stun, Reducto bullet that can break things, Petrificus Totalus bullet that can bind things, Immobulus bullet to immobilise the target, Impedimenta bullet to slow down the target, Incarcerous bullet to tie up a target, Incendio bullet to produce fire, Glacius bullet to freeze the target, Flipendo bullet to knock back the target, Bombarda bullet to make small explosion and Confringo bullet to make fiery explosion. Twelve bullets, let's test it out." With the decision made, Atreus made his way towards the targets and started shooting.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

After firing twelve bullets in a row, with some small recoil, Atreus started to feed his magic into the bullets and started to fit again.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

After the second round, Atreus lowered his trembling hands and said to himself "I don't have to say the spell or anything, just feed the magic and press the trigger. If I always use these guns with preloaded bullets, then I will become incompetent. So that's why there were twelve blank bullets, with the blank bullets I'll need to cast the spell normally. But the preloaded bullets will help me when I'm in a pinch, so I should start to practise first year spells with my wand and blank bullets."

Taking a deep breath in, Atreus said to Kirby who was standing beside him with clear excitement in his eyes "Kirby, can you do me a favour and turn into me and live in the orphanage until we go to Hogwarts?"

"Kirby will do as Littlest Master says, but what do Little Master?" Kirby asked.

"I'm going to become an Animagus. I want to turn into my inner animal as fast as possible. And I want your help to do so." Atreus said.

"Kirby will help Littlest Master. Master has told Kirby to make Littlest Master an Animagus." Kirby said.

Smiling at Kirby, Atreus thanked him "Thank you Kirby. But before that, I need to learn how to defend my mind from others."

Next chapter