

The first chapter (death)

1981, London 

It was a stormy night when lighted the sky and thunder sandered, on the outskirts of the City of London, in one of the houses there was a group sitting around a round table; an old man, and a young pair.

And there was some strange atmosphere among them.

They were dressed in strange clothes, resembling robes; in the meantime the young man spoke "Mr. Dumbledore you serious!"

The man who spoke was about 25 years old, he was tall and black in hair, but his eyes were as blue as the sky

"Believe me, I don't want to do this like you, but this is the only way to survive as many as possible" the person in front of him replied.

This person was an old man with white hair and a long white beard, and his name was the kiss Dumbledore, he was giving a nice old grandfather's atmosphere, contrary to what he was saying now

The young man blatantly replied and his name was James Potter, "Do you realize that you are actually asking me to kill one of my son by handing him over to that person to kill him?"

Dumbledore rubbed his temples as he says, "This is the only way, since the prophecy states that one of your twins will be the cause of his death, he wants to kill one of them to invalidate the prophecy."

At this moment the woman who was silent intervened "Mr Professor is there no other way really?"

The woman was very beautiful, with burnt red hair, green eyes like emerald, and a delicate and sensitive face

Dumbledore replied, "Believe me, Lily, this is the best way you've come to."


James and Lily Potter was a newlywed couple three years ago, but during that decade there was a man who could be called a devil named Voldemort!

When James and Leli graduated from the Hogwarts Wizard and Wizardy Mandination at the age of 18, he was horrified in England by him.

After graduation, the two joined a well-known organization fighting him called the Order of the Phoenix, which was created by Dumbledore, the most powerful white magician in the world and the director of the Hogwarts Foundation.

Because they were powerful witches, they caused a lot of losses for Woldmore, and several months ago they had given birth to their twins Harry Potter and Nyathan Potter.

But one of the famous fortune tellers of prophecy made a while ago a prophecy mentioned in its content "When the dark Lord reaches its peak, and everyone fears, in the sixth month, from a family that has thwarted many of the plans of the Dark Lord, twins will be born in the moments of despair that everyone feels, they will cause the suffering of the Dark Lord and in the same year one of them will kill the Dark Lord,

Only one will survive, either good and enlighten the world or evil will prevail in darkness."

Because this prophecy applied in the magical world to the Potter couple's family, Voldemort looked madly for the Potter family with the intention of killing them and preventing the prophecy from being verified.

When he could not find them, he took thousands of hostages, threatening the magical world by handing over members of the Potter family or would kill the hostages.

That's why the Boss Dumbledore came to James and Lily, telling them that he negotiated with Voldemort to hand over one of the twins, and in this way save the hostages and their family.


Lily never wanted to sacrifice one of her sons, and so did James of course, so they tried in Dumbledore to find a way, but he was also unable to do anything.

When Dumbledore was leaving, he told James and Lily, "If we're going to exchange in two days, I'm really sorry for both you but we have nothing to do anything that I can't but say that we're doing this for (the public interest and greater good)."

Meanwhile in the boys' bedroom, one of the boys was awake and staring at the ceiling, from his red eyes like blood the light of wisdom and intelligence could be seen, so that he did not look like a one-year-old child.

This was Nayathan, Harry's twin, from birth he was very smart, but for some reason his parents didn't like his brother Harry.

He was very uncomfortable when he opened the door to the room and found his parents, Lily and James staring at him and his brother, then the feeling of discomfort increased.

Lily stepped forward and held Pennyatan and raised him in her arms, in which she gued her emeralds with tears in her corners, James grabbed her by her shoulder and held them to him, patted her, "Lily we can only sacrifice Nayathan, we must not collapse until we eliminate that evil one."

Lily broke down in tears after hearing James' words when Nayathan heard them understand why he was uncomfortable and felt the shore of the loss.

Two days later, Dumbledore came to the couple and took Nyathan from them, then he disappeared from the front of the door, Lily stared at the place of Dembledor with an empty look in her eyes, she felt very empty, she cried so hard, James looked at her in his face and sighed and then pulled her home.

When Dumbledore took Nayathan, he made the imaginary transformation, the space transition movement mastered by adult magicians, and reached an open square, where thousands of people chained, sadness and fear were apparent on their faces, and there were magicians wearing white masks on their faces surrounding these prisoners, and directing small wooden sticks to them.

When Dumbledore arrived carrying Nyathan, many of them turned those sticks into them, Dumbledore came forward as he told Nathan, "I'm really sorry poor boy, but we can really do anything, in return for your life there are thousands."

He looked at Nayathan, and met a couple of eyes, blue and red, Dameldor was surprised to look at those wise eyes full of blame and sadness. He felt pain when looking at her, as he is the most powerful white magician who could not even save a child from death.

Then suddenly he heard a sound of a pop in the air and a tall man came out with a greedy head without hair, and the place where a nose was supposed to have only two holes, it looked like a snake with a funny view, but no one laughed at him because this cruel man with a snake face terrorized the whole magical world, he is the dark Lord Voldemort!

He advanced forward where there is Dumbledore and Nayathan holding a white magic wand like bones.

He stopped twenty meters from Dumbledore, he opened his arms widening and widening as he said, "Welcome, Dumbledore, how are you the greatest white magician of the century."

"Hi Tom, it's not like you're causing fewer problems, you have to have mercy on this old man's bones," Dumbledore replied.

Voldemort waved his stick, preparing a chair for him and a floor, and he sat down to him, "Don't call me by that name again, otherwise I don't mind killing some birds to warn you."

Dumbledore sighed and did not argue, stood and did not sit on the chair that Voldemort had concised and said succinctly, "Do the exchange, I brought his students, release the hostages"

Voldemort did not deplore Dumbledore's act and waved his hand to the men behind him to shoot the hostages and took the child in Dumbledore's hands.

Nayathan stared at everything that happened, he tried so hard to suppress the desire to cry, he intuitively felt that when Dumbledore handed him over he would die, but he could not do anything.

Watch the powerless and power of Dumbledur hand him over to Voldemort, and take the hostages away, when Voldemort took him, he made Nayathan fly to him and said, "I will kill you now, so that no one doubts that the Lord of great darkness will die at the hands of the children because of a stupid prophecy."

Voldemort pointed his stick to Nayathan in the air, where the stick shined green made everyone who looked at him feel as if the breath of death hung on his neck, and the killing curse quietly uttered "Avadavakadara."

The green beam was launched from the side of Voldemort's stick towards Nayathan who hung in the air, Nayathan closed his eyes as he felt that death was approaching him, he felt betrayal from his family who handed him to kill and chose his brother to die, he felt sad.

The green ray collided with Nayathan's body, with a voice digging in everyone's hearts.

Nayathan closed his eyes and received death as the light of life went from his eyes, and his body fell to the ground with a voice announcing the murder of a small innocent life at the hands of this devil.

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