
relationship changes

The vast expanse of the Room of Requirement made it impossible for Ciaran to spot Ravenclaw's diadem at first glance. All he could recall was that Voldemort had hidden it somewhere in Hogwarts' Room of Requirement, but the exact location eluded him.

He could extract the relevant memories, but the absence of a pensieve posed a problem. The only one he knew of was in the principal's office. How could he waltz into Dumbledore's office and ask, "Hey, Principal, can I borrow the Pensieve?" Especially when the memory in question was his deepest secret, one he couldn't risk outsiders knowing.

"Well, we have plenty of time. Let's search slowly. The crown should stand out, so it shouldn't be too difficult," Ciaran sighed, taking a step forward past a giant monster specimen. He surveyed the cluttered room, filled with various items and equipment strewn about.

Suddenly struck by a thought, Ciaran wondered if, amidst the mess, there might be other items imbued with magical significance besides the Ravenclaw Crown.

Hogwarts, a hub of wizarding activity throughout history, seemed a likely repository for magical artifacts. This notion wasn't entirely baseless.

With this realization, Frémont's heart raced as he began to sift through the items, summoning handkerchiefs to clean the stained surfaces. With a wand flick, he declared, "Here comes the crown!" Expecting it to soar into his hands. But to no avail.

"It should have occurred to me earlier. Voldemort wouldn't make his Horcrux vulnerable to a summoning spell," Ciaran lamented, refocusing his search from the room's entrance.

"No response... no response... ah, what's this? A tattered wizard robe? Discard it. Why stash it in the Room of Requirement?" Ciaran muttered, sorting through hats, tables, benches, chairs, brooms, and various other odds and ends. It felt like sifting through millennia of Hogwarts' accumulated detritus.

Nearly an hour later, feeling weary, Ciaran realised he had barely scratched the surface. Resigned, he left the Room of Requirement, planning to return the following evening. With the weekend ahead, he had the time.

Back in his office-come-bedroom on the fourth floor, Ciaran glanced out the window facing the Forbidden Forest. With darkness shrouding Hagrid's hut, he retired for the night, weary from the fruitless search.

The next morning, after breakfast, Ciaran resolved to revisit the Room of Requirement during daylight hours.

Ascending to the eighth floor of Hogwarts, he pondered his need for a hiding place, only to be interrupted by a familiar voice—the voice of Dumbledore.

Maintaining composure, Ciaran turned to find Professor Dumbledore ascending the stairs, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

"Is there something you wish to discuss?" Dumbledore inquired.

"Yes, Principal," Ciaran replied, masking his true intent.

"Please, come in." Dumbledore gestured toward his office. With the stone guardian stepping aside, Ciaran followed Dumbledore through the spiral passage.

"How are you finding your role as a professor, Frémont?" Dumbledore asked, a smile playing on his lips. "It must present its challenges."

Reflecting on his week as a professor, Ciaran admitted, "It's been manageable. However, the differences among the houses are striking."

Recalling his time as a Hufflepuff student, he noted the distinct traits of each house—Gryffindors' impulsiveness, Slytherins' arrogance, Ravenclaws' independence, and Hufflepuffs' steadfastness. "Maintaining harmony among the houses may prove challenging if left unchecked," he remarked.

Acknowledging the strained relationship between Gryffindor and Slytherin, he added, "It's something worth considering, Professor Dumbledore. But please, it was merely an observation."

As they discussed Hogwarts' dynamics, Frémont couldn't help but ponder the future. The reconciliation between Gryffindor and Slytherin seemed improbable now, but he knew it would eventually come to pass.

In the years to come, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy's sons would forge an unlikely friendship in Slytherin House. Frémont mused on the incredulous reactions such a revelation would elicit from their parents.

As the conversation with Dumbledore concluded, Frémont left the principal's office with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to tackle the challenges that lay ahead at Hogwarts


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