

"It's precisely due to this consideration that I've decided to initiate a combat class," Dumbledore replied, his smile warm but tinged with a hint of concern. As he spoke, his mind drifted back to the tumultuous events involving Professor Quirrell the previous school year. It had been a stark reminder of Voldemort's enduring presence in the world—a reminder that Dumbledore could ill afford to ignore.

Voldemort's obsession with the Philosopher's Stone had initially drawn Dumbledore's attention, but it was the events that followed that truly underscored the Dark Lord's relentless pursuit of power and immortality. With each thwarted attempt, Voldemort's resolve only seemed to strengthen, leaving Dumbledore to wonder whether his efforts to safeguard the Stone were merely delaying the inevitable.

Death held a certain allure for Dumbledore, offering the promise of reunion with loved ones long gone. Yet, the specter of Voldemort loomed large over the wizarding world, demanding Dumbledore's unwavering vigilance. With Harry still too young to shoulder the burden alone, Dumbledore saw the need to bolster the combat proficiency of young wizards through the addition of a combat class.

As he contemplated the upcoming school year, Dumbledore couldn't shake a sense of apprehension, particularly with the recent appointment of Gilderoy Lockhart as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. The uncertainty surrounding Lockhart's capabilities left Dumbledore with a gnawing sense of unease, though he knew he could do little to alter the course of events now.

Ciaran, with his unique perspective hailing from another world, could sense Dumbledore's inner turmoil. Memories of his former life may have begun to fade, but the impact of the Harry Potter series remained etched in Ciaran's mind.

He vividly recalled Professor Quirrell's treachery during Harry's first year, an incident known to few at Hogwarts. Yet, Ciaran suspected that the trio of Harry, Hermione, and Ron harbored their own suspicions, despite the truth being hidden from most.

"Professor, I have an idea," Ciaran spoke up, breaking the silence that had settled between them.

"We're in an open dialogue, Ciaran. Please, share your thoughts. I pride myself on being quite receptive," Dumbledore replied, his tone encouraging.

The snores from the picture frames ceased, lending a solemnity to the conversation as Ciaran cleared his throat and began to articulate his proposal.

"Hogwarts boasts a comprehensive curriculum, but in the realm of combat, proficiency extends beyond mere incantations. While Defence Against the Dark Arts covers dark magic and creatures, combat requires a broader skill set," Ciaran explained, his gaze unwavering.

"What if our adversaries eschew black magic? Or employ subtler means of attack?" Ciaran posed the question, his words prompting Dumbledore to reflect on the nature of Voldemort's tactics.

"Indeed, He Who Shall Not Be Named strategies often defy convention," Dumbledore conceded, his expression grave. "Please, continue, Ciaran. My apologies for the interruption."

Undeterred, Ciaran continued, emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach to combat. He argued for the integration of Charms curriculum into combat training, citing the versatility of spells such as disarming and confusion charms.

Dumbledore nodded in agreement, his eyes alight with approval. "You're quite right, Ciaran. He Who Shall Not Be Named fixation on dark magic blinds him to its limitations. A balanced approach is paramount."

Encouraged by Dumbledore's response, Ciaran elaborated further on his proposal, outlining the potential benefits of incorporating Charms into combat training. His words resonated with Dumbledore, who applauded the notion wholeheartedly.

As their conversation drew to a close, Dumbledore extended an invitation to lunch, which Ciaran accepted gratefully. The prospect of a meal at Hogwarts, prepared by the talented house elves, was too tempting to refuse.

With his proposal voiced and acknowledged, Ciaran felt a sense of relief wash over him. Regardless of the outcome, he had contributed to the ongoing evolution of Hogwarts' curriculum—a legacy he could take pride in.

"Regardless of the outcome, I'll be in touch next Wednesday," Dumbledore assured him as they parted ways.

Bidding farewell to Dumbledore, Ciaran made his way to Professor McGonagall's office, where he shared the outcome of their discussion. Pleased with his performance, Professor McGonagall commended Ciaran's efforts, affirming his competence.

With his duties fulfilled, Ciaran returned to Fremont Manor, his mind at ease. Though the future remained uncertain, he took solace in knowing that he had played a part in shaping the education of future generations of wizards and witches at Hogwarts.


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