
extra points

Ciaran set aside the thoughts swirling in his mind; absorbing the force points from Ravenclaw's crown was his top priority now.

As he prepared to depart the Room of Requirement and head back to his office for the absorption process, a sudden realization struck him. The fragment of Voldemort's soul residing within the Ravenclaw diadem posed a potential complication, especially considering it was his first attempt at absorbing force points. What if unforeseen changes occurred along the way?

He had no desire for anyone to stumble upon such a significant secret, nor to be misconstrued as a dark wizard seeking to aid Voldemort's cause.

"Perhaps it's wiser to remain within the confines of the Room of Requirement. Here, the likelihood of discovery is minimal. And should any anomalies arise, I can use the room to contain them," Ciaran murmured to himself, clutching Ravenclaw's crown in his hands. Focusing his gaze, a line of small text materialized before his eyes.

"Ravenclaw's crown, Force points: 35 points. Would you like to absorb them?"

Ciaran took a deep breath, steeling his resolve.


A cool breeze seemed to emanate from the diadem as he felt the force points coursing into him. The gauge on the system panel, which had initially stood at 0, steadily climbed: 18, 19, 20...

Though a sense of elation filled him, Ciaran remained mindful of the dark presence within the crown—the soul fragment of the second-generation Dark Lord Voldemort. Would it react to this intrusion?

Initially, the diadem remained inert, showing no response to Ciaran's absorption of force points. However, after siphoning 22 points, it began to tremble violently in his grasp, as if struggling to break free. A hazy, dreamlike vision unfolded before him.

He beheld himself seated upon the throne of Hogwarts' Headmaster, with countless wizards kneeling before him in fervent adulation. It was a scene of absolute power and control, a vision he had once yearned for.

Yet, with a resigned sigh, Ciaran shook his head. "Is this truly what I desire? Voldemort, your method of exploiting the desires of wizards pales in comparison to the Sorting Hat. At least the Sorting Hat sees the true essence of a wizard's mind, unlike you."

Hailing from another realm in the 21st century, thrust into the world of Harry Potter by chance, Ciaran questioned whether he sought rulership or tyranny.

Such ambitions were antithetical to his true desires. While power held allure, it was merely a means to control one's destiny. With a system panel at his disposal, he could ascend in strength without Voldemort's influence, potentially rivalling or even surpassing Dumbledore and Voldemort themselves.

Attempting otherwise would be folly. Besides, what kind of character was Voldemort? Had he delved into the original Harry Potter novels, he would surely comprehend the folly of following such a path.

Many who once aligned with Voldemort came to rue their decisions. Once ensnared, escape was nigh impossible. Regulus Black, Sirius' younger brother, bore witness to Voldemort's true nature, sacrificing himself to destroy one of Voldemort's Horcruxes.

The Slytherin locket, another vessel for force points, would likely be within Ciaran's grasp in due time.

As the force points were absorbed, Ciaran observed the diadem darkening, a faint cry of agony echoing in the distance. Though damaged, it retained its formidable magical properties.

Deep in thought, Ciaran acknowledged that absorbing force points would inevitably strain magical artifacts, albeit within tolerable limits.

He silently thanked his restraint during his initial days at Hogwarts. Damage to the Sorting Hat would undoubtedly draw Dumbledore's scrutiny, given its significance.

Name: Ciaran Frémont

Age: 26 years old

Magic: Level 4 (elementary)

Force points: 35 points

Transformation: Level 3

Potion Science: Level 3

Charms: Level 4 (medium)

Herbology: Level 3

Flying Technique: Level 3

Surveying the dwindling force points on his system panel, Ciaran couldn't contain his excitement. Focusing his attention on the magic column, he began to utilize the force points.

A contented hum escaped him as he sensed his magical prowess escalating, a tingling sensation coursing through his body.

With the force points rapidly depleting, his magic level ascended to level 4 (medium), leaving only 5 force points remaining.


Magic: Level 4 (medium)


The 10 force points expended had elevated his magic to a higher tier. Recognizing the strain on his body, Ciaran opted to refrain from further enhancements until he acclimated to the newfound power.

Touching his chin thoughtfully, he mused, "Perhaps allocating points to spells and transfiguration would suffice for now, enhancing my knowledge base. I still have 5 force points at my disposal."

However, attempting to allocate force points to Charms yielded no response from the system panel.

"It seems 5 force points are insufficient to advance Charms to the next level," Ciaran noted.


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