
Chapter III : Encounter

Omni pov

As Raymond emerged from the suffocating grip of the void and confronted the reality of his new 5-year-old body, a subtle shift took place within his personality. The remnants of his past self merged with the essence of his present form, molding his character into something akin to the enigmatic Raymond Reddington from the Blacklist.

Gone was the innocence and wide-eyed wonder that typically defined a child of his age. Instead, a shrewd and cunning demeanor began to surface, cloaking his youthful countenance in an aura of intrigue. He possessed an uncanny ability to navigate the complexities of the world, drawing upon a wealth of knowledge and experience that far surpassed his tender years.

Raymond found himself enveloped in a paradoxical existence—a child in appearance, yet bearing the calculated intellect and sharp wit of a seasoned individual. His interactions with others were laced with a charm that belied his age, a magnetic presence that drew people in, leaving them simultaneously captivated and cautious.

Within the innocent shell of a 5-year-old, Raymond's thoughts were those of an old soul. He possessed a keen eye for detail and a razor-sharp intuition that allowed him to read people and situations with remarkable accuracy. His words carried weight, delivered with a cleverness that kept others on their toes.

In the face of adversity, Raymond exhibited a resilience that belied his diminutive stature. He had learned to navigate treacherous paths and survive the darkest of circumstances, and those experiences had forged him into a figure of unwavering determination. His mind, like a well-tailored suit, was a repository of strategies and contingencies, always one step ahead of the game.

Yet, beneath the calculated exterior, glimpses of vulnerability shone through. The weight of his age-inappropriate knowledge and the frustration of inhabiting a child's body occasionally weighed upon him. In those moments, he longed for the freedom to embrace his true form, to shed the disguise and reveal the depth of his true nature.

Raymond Reddington's persona, blended with the innocence of youth, became a unique blend of paradoxes. He exuded charisma and a commanding presence, drawing people to him like moths to a flame. But behind the charm, a sense of mystery and guardedness lingered, hinting at a past shrouded in secrecy and shadows.

As he decided to embark on this extraordinary journey, Raymond discovered that his transformation into a child had not diminished his resolve or desire for power. Instead, it added a layer of complexity, a guise through which he could navigate the world undetected, playing the game with a calculated precision that few could fathom.

Raymond, the child with the mind of a master strategist, embraced his newfound persona with a mix of intrigue and determination. He would wield his unique blend of innocence and cunning like a weapon, unravelling the enigmas that lay before him and leaving an indelible mark on the world around him.

Raymond's sharp eyes caught sight of something intriguing nestled within a dumpster on the corner of the street—a discarded coat and a hat. Curiosity piqued, he approached cautiously, his mind already spinning with possibilities.

As he reached into the dumpster and retrieved the items, his fingers brushed against the fabric of the coat—a rich, dark material that whispered of hidden stories. The hat, perched atop the pile, bore a weathered appearance, its brim slightly worn but still exuding an air of mystique.

Examining them closer, Raymond couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. It was as if the discarded garments held a secret, a connection to the world he had left behind. With careful hands, he dusted off the debris, revealing their true essence.

The coat, when he slipped it on, enveloped him in an unexpected sense of familiarity. It draped over his small frame, the fabric hugging him in a protective embrace. Its size was just right, as if it had been tailor-made for him

Completing the ensemble, he placed the Glasses upon his eyes. As the brim cast a shadow over his eyes, a sense of transformation settled over him. He felt as though he had donned a disguise, assuming a new identity—a figure who would navigate the world with a blend of charm and calculated intent.

(Glasses Image)

But the coat and glasses were not the only discoveries within the dumpster. Nestled beneath them, he uncovered a deck of cards, their edges slightly frayed but still vibrant with their original allure. They called out to him, beckoning him to explore the hidden magic they held within.

The deck had no strange symbol as it was only black and grey. He also found a nice but dirty pen alongside a note pad

(Deck image)

"Not bad, it`s appear that lady luck has chose me as a partner for this little dance , how... interesting" Raymond thought

As Raymond sifted through the discarded items in the dumpster, his eyes widened with surprise. Amidst the coat, hat, and deck of cards, he discovered a collection of clothing—a complete ensemble waiting to be claimed.

He retrieved them one by one, inspecting each piece with a mix of curiosity and gratitude. A pair of trousers caught his attention first, their fabric slightly worn but still holding a touch of elegance. Next came a crisp black shirt with turtle neck, seemingly untouched by the dumpster's grime, as if it had been waiting for him all along. A sense of formality resonated within him, as if these clothes were meant to be worn on a grand stage.

Beside the shirt and trousers lay a pair of kind of boots , their structure gleaming even in the dim light. Their presence seemed to beckon Raymond, urging him to step forward and embrace the path that lay before him. He slipped them on, feeling a newfound confidence take hold.

Completing the ensemble, tucked beneath the other garments, he discovered a pair of underwear—a seemingly ordinary item amidst the extraordinary findings. Yet, as he donned them, Raymond couldn't help but feel a sense of grounding, a reminder of his own humanity amidst the fantastical world that awaited him.

With the clothing now adorning his small form, Raymond stood taller, his posture exuding a subtle grace. The coat he had found earlier seemed to embrace the new additions, completing the transformation. He felt as though he had stepped into a role, assuming a persona that embodied both power and mystery.

Raymond surveyed his reflection in a nearby storefront window, his appearance a stark contrast to the childlike innocence that his true age suggested. The tailored trousers and shirt accentuated his refined demeanor, while the shoes added an air of sophistication. The coat draped over him, its dark hue reflecting the enigmatic path he was about to embark upon.

In this unlikely collection of castoffs, Raymond saw more than mere clothing. They represented his reclamation of identity, a departure from the ordinary and a leap into the extraordinary. Each item carried a story, a fragment of someone else's journey, now intertwining with his own.

With renewed purpose and a sense of determination, Raymond gathered his newfound treasures—coat, hat, deck of cards, trousers, shirt, shoes, and even the humble pair of underwear. They became symbols of his transformation, signposts on the road that would lead him to new realms of power, knowledge, and adventure.

Embracing his role as the enigmatic figure he was becoming, Raymond stepped away from the dumpster, the remnants of his former self fading into the background. The London streets stretched out before him, a stage waiting to witness his extraordinary tale. With each stride, he felt the weight of his discoveries, the clothing now a part of him, guiding him on his journey towards the unknown.

Well i am REALLY GLAD that people like this book , i had this idea for a while but now fuck it i will make it myself

This chapter is mostly for introduction and i add the pov

And please tell me if the pace is too fast

Next chapter will be from a different wizard pov

Who was that wizard?

Why did he smile?

The one who can guess what relation has the deck in the story i will idk , add my discord channel or can suggest ideas that i will 100% implement in the story

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Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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