
Chapter 1 [ - The-Boy-Who-Died - ]

Author: I copied a part of this chapter from another fanfic called In New Dawn- A Harry Potter Transmigration Fanfic: I had read this fic a while ago and remembered it recently. And in this fanfic the author very well.

This character is fucking absurdly OP basically from the start, so don't expect much less.



( Yahweh Speaking )



He woke up with a jolt and felt the pain run through his body. Something was wrong. He knew this immediately. He squeezed his eyes shut because of the stabbing pain in his back and right hand and found himself in an unknown place. In a small room that he had never seen before.

Where was he?

As his thoughts registered the fact that he was in a strange place, he realized that the room was not only small, but very small. So was his bed. He looked down at his hands and almost screamed in shock.

His hands were small. Not only his hands, but his legs, his arms, everything was small. And he came to the stoic conclusion that it was not his own body, but someone else's body.

A body that was severely injured by this. But before he could go into shock, he felt a burning sensation rise in the back of his head and soon his whole head was burning as new memories were planted in his brain and he clutched his head in the throbbing pain and fell back onto his beam.

After several minutes of going through excruciating pain, he finally finished seeing all the memories of the boy whose body he was occupying at the moment. The boy whose name was Harry Potter. As in "The Harry Potter" from the books written by JK Rowling.

Not just a boy named Harry Potter, but the real and genuine one.

As he registered this information, more information from two lives that he 'apparently' never had, filled his brain like a Tsunami. His brain went into an overdrive, going through many emotions at once before it shut down completely and he lost consciousness.


When he woke up the next time, he felt so calm that the situation didn't seem to affect him, and the first thing he did was look for a mirror. Memories told him that he had no mirror in his small room (closet) under the stairs, but that there was a plate under the bed on which he could see his reflection.

He picked it up and his heart almost skipped a beat when he saw a younger version of Harry Potter looking back at him and had to pinch himself to make sure that this was all real and not just a figment of his imagination or some kind of dream.

Forcing the feeling that threatened the flow of his stomach, his blood froze when he finally stopped being a piece of shit and realized that he had taken the body of a child. But quickly any feelings of guilt or remorse that might have existed in him vanished like a summer breeze.

If the price of your rebirth was the life of a child, would you accept it? Would you be able to live with yourself afterwards?

For the person who took over Harry Potter's body, it would be something like this: ''Actually, I don't think I care because the boy wasn't forced to die or anything. besides, if he died because it was his time, then that's it. why should I care about someone I didn't even know, and even if I did, why should I still care?

Why should I cry because he can't anymore. why should I be afraid to know that he is dead when all he was to me was a fictional character. the point is that I didn't know who the boy was and don't need to know to care about someone who no longer exists.''


His early life was dull, lackluster. He was something known as 'Neet or Recluse'.

Having spent most of his life in a room, reading or just playing. Only because he had nothing better to do.

He was completely apathetic to everything and most people around him.

Except for his parents, he just thought that other people weren't that important to him, so trying to get close or even to fit into society was boring. Even his brother was on this list of people who were not worth his time.

His life came to an abrupt end when everything went white.

And as for his other two lives, they were not important. For now.

( You're all dirty and destroyed. )

He heard a soft female voice inside his head that debauched him without a hint of sympathy.

'Certainly. All thanks to you.' He answered in his mind back in the same coin.

( Fufu. Isn't that what you wanted? I granted you two wishes for accidentally bumping into the universe where you lived. )

Again the female voice answered him debauchedly.

'Yes, of course. Who accidentally bumps into a galaxy and ends up destroying it. Ending all their lives? Unbelievable... Wow!' he spoke dramatically.

( There's no need to be so nervous. You have a new chance to live with your wet boy desires. no need to thank me. )

The voice answered him clearly not caring what he was going through.

( If I were you, at least get out of this pigsty of a place you are in. And would remember all the information in the world that you can remember. )

The voice spoke advising him.

'It is not necessary. I am not a hero, nor will I become their savior to save Britain, they, The No-Nose Guy and Ass-Dumbledore, can have the chessboard to themselves. Britain can burn with all of them.' He replied apathetically.

He has no sense of wanting to belong to a group or even pretending to care about what was happening to the people around him.

He shuddered at the sudden pain that coursed through his arm.

The work of a certain Vernon Dursley who was beating him up because he had better grades than the pig in a wig that the Dursleys called their son.

That damn fat bastard had paid him for what he had done to the former recipient of this body.

From now on.

'Alvitr?' He called in his mind.

'Do you need me?' A familiar voice sounded again inside his head.

'Yes. I will need your help. Just wait a few moments so I can at least stabilize my body before it falls apart.'

'Great, just call me or materialize me.'

Answered Alvitr, due to her not being able to see exactly what New Zheng looked like, she could not see his horrible state.


She would have a fit of rage and turn Mr. and Mrs. Dursley into bloody meat paste and then give Dudley a divine punishment.

Just punishing them would not satisfy Alvitr. She would go after everyone who did that to Harry and then punish them with divine punishment.

Alvitr is a Demi-God, she might not be the strongest of her sisters, but if we were to compare in the world they were in, she would be invincible.

Trying to stop her was like trying to stop a rhino by throwing a rock at it, the rock would only make it angrier.

( A/N: I don't think there would be anyone who would try to stop a rhino with a rock. or is there? )


After using one of his many powers to heal the injuries he had, from the most serious to even the ones the Dursleys caused.

The only thing the new Harry could feel was disgust for the people who left his body like that. Certainly, in Harry's eyes, they were no longer even human or even animal.

It would be an insult to the animals themselves if Harry called the Dursleys "animals".

They were just monsters wearing human skin.

Forget all this.

He already had everything ready to punish them. At least his body was no longer all worn out. Since he no longer felt any mind-boggling pain, all that was left was to remove that disgusting piece of soul from his scar, and he would have no more worries.

'Alvitr come.' Said Harry softly as he left the small closet where he lived.

It was an insult not only to him to remain inside that small closet, but how humiliating it would be for him to continue living down there.

Alvitr's form began to materialize behind Harry.

Alvitr has the appearance of a girl with a young face and large reddish eyes, slightly protruding incisors, and thin eyebrows and eyelashes. Her red hair is at neck height, her light red hair is braided into a bun.

Her head is adorned with a triangular patterned kokoshnik. She wears a low-cut black and white dress with a crimson pendant at the base of her neck and with short sleeves and a separate collar. Her navel is exposed in a diamond cut and her skirt is extremely fluffy. She wears black leather gloves on her hands. Her right leg has a long black stocking while her left leg has a short stocking.


''What's the plan? Do you have one, Zheng?' asked Alvitr after materializing completely. She seemed to be analyzing the place.

''Very simple: Threaten them, until they accept my offers, otherwise I will go the way of pain.'' Answered Zheng or Harry.

As soon as the two came out of the small closet, the pig in a wig who was called Dudley Dursley shouted, ''Dad! Harry is out of the closet!'' That annoying scream that sounded more like a pig than anything else filled Harry and Alvitr's ears.

''What! He did what?'' Another scream was heard from the room as something large approached them.

Suddenly - Something hit the boy's forehead.

Falling to the floor, the boy seemed to have passed out as blood dripped down his forehead.

What hit was the plate that Harry used to see his reflection and now it was just a pile of fragments on the floor.

As soon as Vernon Dursley saw the state of his son...his eyes filled with anger and turned blood red and Harry being the only person there beside his beloved fallen son, he directed his anger at the Potter boy.

He tried to scream at Potter - but it was in vain as he found himself levitating a few feet above the ground....

Mr. Dursley, a large man was being levitated against the ceiling like a doll made of cloth.

Vernon Dursley was absolutely imposing against the current Harry and all he could do was resist with his fat body.... It really seemed like this was the purpose of all the weight he had gained throughout his life.

Ah, if he only knew that Harry could just tear him up right there like he was just a piece of paper....

If he knew that Harry could completely levitate the whole of Britain, what would his expression be? Certainly, it would be something interesting to see.

If he could see the look Harry was giving him, Mr. Dursley would understand that Harry was just having fun at the expense of his suffering.

Harry and Alvitr heard the footsteps coming down the stairs. The last member of this beautiful family had finally arrived.

''P-P-Petunia!'' Vernon Dursley gasped as soon as he saw Mrs. Dursley.

"Vernon!? Oh my God, Dudley!''

Harry nodded as he saw that his dear aunt finally arrived to see the show he had put on. Fantastic!

''Since our last guest has arrived, we can get right down to business.'' Harry said, nothing seemed to shake him.

Petunia tried to run to Dudley only to crash into an invisible barrier. Again.

''Harry?! What have you done to your cousin?'' cried Petunia angrily.

''Help him! before he dies of hemorrhaging.''

''What an exaggeration... It's just a little scratch, he'll wake up soon.'' Harry said calmly.

''Let's go to the living room, there we can have an adult conversation."


After levitating Vernon Dursley's body to the living room while doing the same to Dudley. Harry left Dudley's body on the couch and allowed Petunia Dursley to get a clean cloth to wipe the blood that was dripping from Dudley's forehead.

As soon as she returned, Harry simply smiled pleasantly at her.

Taking a seat in Vernon Dursley's armchair, he sat cross-legged while looking amusedly at the Dursleys.

The previous Harry seemed to want to sit in that armchair and he granted that little wish of his.

Vernon Dursley and Petunia Dursley seemed to have calmed down and were watching Harry.

Now that the two were calmer, they seemed to notice the girl next to Harry.

Although she looked calm on the outside, inside Alvitr looked like a volcano ready to erupt with so much anger.

And she was almost jumping down their throats.

( This is very interesting to see. )

Said the voice in Harry's head, she seemed to be eating something.

'Popcorn?' asked Harry:

( Yes. How did you know? )

Asked the slightly surprised voice.

'I would do the same if I were in your shoes.' Answered Harry curtly.


''Boy, you...''

Not wanting to hear the noise that would come out of his mouth, Harry shushed him with a wave of his hand.

He was typical of a mediocre character who only knew how to bully the weak and herd himself like a bitch in heat around the strong.

"I did not give you permission to speak.'' Said Harry coldly, turning to Petunia Dursley, he then said.

''Oh My dear Aunt Petunia.... I feel such disgust for you that I have no words to describe what I feel.''

''Because of your jealousy over not being able to wield magic, you were filled with jealousy and created hatred for your sister. That same jealousy turned into a petty and foolish hatred turned against your nephew, Me.''

''Not content with being a petty bitch, you decided to use the money that was sent to me to take care of me and my expenses, you used for your dear son Dudley. You make me sick and disgusted.''

Every word from Harry seemed to hit her directly in a weak spot. Emotional damage.

If he continued to say anything more, Petunia might actually start crying....

''We can do this for better or for worse.'' Said Harry, the calm he could exert was bothering Vernon, who was turning green with anger.

"You two have two options...not that they matter in your case.'' He held up a finger, ''One: You will do what I say and at whatever time I say. Two: If you deny option one, you will lose your free will. And you don't like my methods. Harry said, leaving the mystery up in the air.

''Besides, this little thing won't do me any harm.'' Harry said.

On the other hand, the knife that was inside Petunia Dursley's clothes tore through the part of her bust cutting her frilly bra and Petunia had to use her hands to be able to cover her breasts.

Levitating up to Harry's hand, he smiled at Petunia and then said as he played with the knife, ''So outdated.''

Those words seemed to have a double meaning for Petunia...


While Harry hoped that the Dursleys would accept the deal he proposed.

He was sure he would put good terms on them.

Ah, he's awake.

Dudley tried to shout as soon as he saw Harry - but it was useless. It was as if something invisible was squeezing his mouth, preventing him from saying anything. - Dudley just squirmed because of the pain he felt in his forehead. - Whether he wanted to or not. - It was a porcelain plate that hit his head and it must have been very painful.

Even if that was not 1% of what Harry felt during the time he lived with the Dursleys.

Petunia had embraced Dudley lovingly.

While all this was going on. - Harry was doing something from the moment he stole the body of the original potter - this was to break down the barriers that had been placed on his memories.

Surely whoever had put them up was strong - not as strong as he was.

Harry was destroying all those barriers in his mind as if it were absolutely nothing.

"It's been five minutes...what's your answer?'' Spoke Harry to Vernon Dursley.

Vernon Dursley nodded nervously, ''I - I accept. Vernon said.

''Well. Now I need to take a shower...from being in that small cramped room, I always feel full of cobwebs.'' Harry said.

Turning to Alvitr beside him, he pulled a metal cylinder shaped object out of nowhere and passed it to Alvitr and said...

''If they try something funny, use my lightsaber. Be careful when you turn it on so you don't end up pointing the saber blade at you.''

Saying this. He ignored the pale Dursleys and got up from his armchair and quickly climbed the stairs.

Up the stairs - Suddenly, he stopped and turned to Petunia and said...

''Petunia, my dear aunt.... Rejoice... Lily Potter still lives.''

Harry was walking up the stairs as he laughed... not a laugh of joy for knowing that his birth mother was alive - But... Yes for the simple fact that he wouldn't be bored spending his time in this outdated world.

''Haha-Ha... Yahweh... You have a great sense of humor. I haven't laughed like that in years.''

( It wasn't you who said the more 'Interesting' the better. I just did what you asked me to do, Baby. )

This time the voice in his mind, the voice sounded like a woman's.

Leaving the Dursley family shocked again - the last thing Petunia heard before her world darkened was Harry's mirthful laughter in her ears.


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