
Harry Potter System Gamer

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------------------------------------------- Translation ----------------------------------------------

William777 · Movies
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263 Chs

Chapter 203

The heir was protected by his shield of anonymity. If Harry could somehow break that shield down and find the person behind all this, then taking him down ought to become much easier.

Of course, there was still the giant ass problem of no one being able to see or hear the beast itself, but he'd just have to pray that his unique set of skills would somehow end up covering his bottom in that pickle of a situation.


Due to the successful crafting of a Plan of Action in distress, take +1 Wis!

Waving that stat screen away, Harry quickly folded up the paper and dropped it into his inventory, before he headed out of the room, his destination the second floor girl's bathroom, Moaning Myrtle's haunt.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the school inside the Ravenclaw tower, a red eyed girl was placing a plain looking diary inside a rune circle carved into the floor of the otherwise empty girls' dorms.

Throughout the months in which he had been brewing the Draught of Restoration, had found one particular decision to be very troublesome to make.

Whether or not he would leave his host alive.

His host, as he had often thought, would make for a loyal follower, and at least in the first few days after his revival when he would be weak, a loyal follower to have his back would be invaluable. But leaving her alive would also bring its share problems, including the fact that she could simply take his diary and reveal the secret to his immortality to someone untrustworthy while he was weak right after the ritual.

A problem indeed, but not an unsolvable one.

"Mi aggata mujhesusu lagra nu sanguini le kasa" he chanted in a monotone.

The rune circle around the diary lit up with a sickly orange light, and a loud scream filled the dorms. Whether it was coming from the diary or his own host's mouth he did not know, but what he did know that the ritual was working as intended, separating the entirity of his soul from the diary and pulling it into his current host's body.

A dark pulsating cloud of smoke that he knew to be his soul rose from the diary and converged into a sphere above the now former horcrux, before it immediately sensed where its consciousness was flew into his kneeling host's body with a whoosh.

A final scream of pain escaped his host's mouth as she fell to the floor, her body shuddering uncontrollably as it tried to accommodate his entire soul.

It was a while before he pushed himself up from the floor and onto his feet.

He had about eight more hours until his host's mind and body would become permanently damaged from the strain of holding his soul, but until then, he was in complete control of Lisa Turpin's mind, magic and body.

It was time to decide what his future loyal follower would and would not know.

He closed her eyes, and dipped into her mind, dissolving the innermost shields he had crafted to hide a bunch of memories from Lisa herself. With all those memories out in the open, he started grouping together the memories that he wanted no one to know, i.e. the memories from Lord Voldemort and everything about the horcrux.

He considered erasing the memories of their more...intimate interactions, but decided to let them be. It was important for her to remember just how much power he had over her. He had needed them hidden while she was in school, but now, with her primed to be his most loyal follower, he wanted her to remember every bit of those memories with vivid clarity.

With a crushing swipe of his mental presence, he completely destroyed the memories he wanted gone, leaving their only recollection as a part of his own soul.

Then, on the way out of her mind, he crafted the strongest set of shields that he could craft, making her mind nigh impenetrable by anyone except him and him only, making sure that it would take care of anyone ever trying to get into his host's thoughts and stealing his secrets.

The girl opened her eyes, now no more a mere host, but a horcrux herself.

She eyed the diary that was nothing more than a plain notebook now, before grabbing her wand and systematically dismantling every bit of dark magic protection on it. With a final wave of her wand, the diary's cover smoothed over and the name embossed in it completely disappeared, leaving the diary in the exact same condition that it had been purchased half a century ago.


She burnt the diary into ashes with a flick of her wand and headed out of the dorms herself. Dusk was starting to fall, and it was time for the beginning of the end.

It took Harry a few minutes to find the girls' bathroom that Moaning Myrtle was known to haunt, which, he noted curiously, was mere meters away from the spot where Mrs. Norris had been found petrified.

Wondering if this was some coincidence or perhaps related, he gingerly stepped over the OUT OF ORDER sign, opened the door and stepped into the bathroom.

It was the most depressing bathroom Harry had ever set foot in. Under a large, cracked, and spotted mirror were a row of chipped sinks. The floor was damp and reflected the dull light given off by the stubs of a few candles, burning low in their holders. The wooden doors to the stalls were flaking and scratched and one of them was dangling off its hinges.

A sobbing sound echoed through the bathroom, and Harry followed it over towards the end stall. When he reached it, he quietly used Observe on the dangling ghostly feet that were clearly visible from under the stall's door.

Myrtle Warren

(Relationship Meter-20%)




Race-Ghost Witch







Myrtle Elizabeth Warren, more commonly known after her death as Moaning Myrtle, is a ghost who haunts the girls' bathroom at Hogwarts. She died in 1943 due to ?

She is sad about being dead right now. She doesn't know Harry, but has heard good things about him.







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