
chapter 1 reincarnation

2020 July 14


In a black night jon is working down a strate thinking about his life he has to do overtime in this shity company because he thought life is easy but relatey hit him his father company bankrupted after his father died being the only son with no family without work experience he lost everything as he was going down the street he saw a truck speed on the road and a girl with hard phone working down the road he didn't know what got into him he dashed to the girl side and pushed her away he felt like every bown in his body broke and slowly his vision going blank and this is the end I wish I could have done better then every thing black out .

When he woke up he was in a back alley with his body heart lick hell then his body slowly recovering the a massive headache he got a lot of information his current body is name is jon he was 10 years old he was living at an orphanage and he got picked on a Loth and so one day he escaped it bin 3 months of living like a rat on street adrinket and fell dead and he came along then slowly he sat near a wall slowly digesting every memory .

Slowly sorting them down he was at the orphanage door how can I remember everything that women with green eyes is she lily Potter an I Harry Potter no we are twins

Then voldemort attack on the house