
Voldemort Returns

Night falls and I start to walk towards the Chamber of Secrets under the cover of darkness. Filch walked passed me a few times but he never noticed me there. After a few minutes of walking, I make it to the bathroom where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is hidden and I speak in parseltongue. The sink pushes out and slides upward, revealing a deep slide leading to the beginning of the chamber.

When I float to the bottom of the slide I encounter two death eaters who are guarding the entrance to the real chamber. They point their wands at me. I raise my left eyebrow.

"Out of my way." I say as numerous snakes slither outward from my shadow and chain the two death eaters to the floor. I walk passed the two death eaters as they shiver in fear, the runes in my eyes glowing through the darkness.

"You could've told them who you are." Ruby suggests.

"They're too weak for me to bother with them." I respond as I continue walking. Eventually I come to the entrance to the main chamber. I speak my parseltongue once more and the snake statue on the wall slithers off the wall and the wall soon slides downward.

Inside the chamber, there were a few more death eaters as well as Peter Pettigrew. In Pettigrew's hand is what looks like a baby Voldemort, snake-like and all. Truly, a disgusting thing. Beside Pettigrew is Quirrell without his turban and with no Voldemort attached to his skull. Beside him is Snape.

That might've been a miscalculation on my part. I forgot about Snape being a spy for Dumbledore but I don't think it'll change the results too much. There are a few more death eaters walking around the chamber. I don't know what Voldemort thought they would do against someone like Dumbledore.

There is a kind of bubbling cauldron in the middle of the chamber, probably holding the soon to be Regeneration Potion.

"So you showed up." Snape said in his slippery voice. I don't bother responding to him. I walk over tot he cauldron and stand beside Quirrell.

"Wormtail, hurry up. No one wants to be here longer than they have too." Quirrell says, urging Peter to finish the potion. As Peter was about to throw baby Voldemort into the cauldron we hear a loud banging coming from the entrance to the chamber.

"W-what w-was t-that?" Wormtail stutters out, stopping the ritual.

"You fool." Baby Voldemort cries out. "Throw me into the cauldron you imbecile." But before he could, the entrance blows apart and Dumbledore, McGonnagall, and Flitwick rush into the chamber. They cast spell after spell, killing and incapacitating their victims. I quickly draw my wand and effortlessly bat away the spells that come towards me.

"Wormtail, continue the ritual. Leave the professors to Quirrell and Snape. I'll keep Dumbledore busy." I say and before Snape could reply with his snarky comments, I fly over to Dumbledore leaving the professors as well as the death eaters standing with their mouths agape.

"Child, you don't have to do this." Dumbledore starts. "You could be a source of light and goodness for the world." Dumbledore says with an expression of true sorrow.

"The world can't handle me." I say as my feet touch the ground. I point my wand at Dumbledore.

"You are forcing my hand, child." Dumbledore says as he raises his wand towards me. The teachers all run to the edges of the chamber, sensing that this was going to be a highly destructive battle. "It is for the greater good."

"Yeah, sure." I say, rolling my eyes. A sphere of emptiness forms at the tip of my wand and shoots towards Dumbledore. All that could be heard were the whispers of a demonic language coming from my mouth. Dumbledore, seeing that he couldn't defend against the spell easily, decided to, instead dodge the sphere and use many rune enforced walls to lessen the damage.

"That magic! It's evil, boy." Dumbledore rages. "You cannot control something of that power."

"There is no such thing as good and evil." I respond. "Only power and those too weak to take it." I finish, feeling slightly nostalgic.

Dumbledore then swishes his wand and fire shoots out from the tip, rushing towards me. I summon a sphere of water around me, using it as a shield to defend against the fire. The fire and water meet, turning into steam. I manipulate the steam and freeze it into ice shards, aiming them at Dumbledore and releasing them. I then outstretch my hand and extend my claws, beginning to scratch out runes onto the air. I trace out line after line of runes until ten lines were made. They flew outward and formed into a dragon. The dragon and ice shards both rushed at Dumbledore at incredible speed, barely giving him any time to defend but he did. Dumbledore countered with his shield of runes once again and made a wide sweeping motion with his wand, forming a ginormous whirlwind. My wand sparks a bright white and blue and lightning cracks to life, shooting through the whirlwind and threatening to pierce Dumbledore. He catches the lightning with his wand and turns a full 180 degrees, redirecting the lightning to me. Before the lightning hits me, I bring my wand in between the lightning and me. When the lightning hits the wand the lightning transfigures into black cherry blossoms, falling onto the ground.

"How can you have so much power, boy?" Dumbledore asks. I was well aware that this wasn't Dumbledore's full power. He had to hold back so as to not completely destroy the chamber and the castle along with it.

"Practice." I answer dryly.

"You can't be allowed to live." Dumbledore says resolutely. "You will grow to strong for this world to handle." Dumbledore then raises his wand once again and summons his fiendfyre. A ginormous phoenix formed of flames rushed out of his wand. My eyes widen in shock. I didn't think he'd cast that spell in these circumstances. The death eaters as well as the teachers had already left the chamber. All that remained were Wormtail, Snape, and Quirrell.

From the looks of the cauldron, Voldemort would soon be resurrected. I spoke a demonic tongue and let a foreign energy rush into me and converge at my wand. A stream of blackness and death energy streamed out of my wand and took the form of a giant serpent. I flung the serpent at the phoenix and started scratching out runes of empowerment and greater destruction. I continued to flick my wand at Dumbledore, shooting out bolt after bolt of lightning, now controlling the demonic snake, the runes, as well as the lightning but Dumbledore was dealing with it all expertly. I could tell that my magic reserves was much larger than Dumbledore's but I still couldn't surpass him in the aspect of skill just yet.

Then, a loud boom could be heard as streams of energy gathered at the cauldron. Dumbledore and I both looked towards the cauldron to see a newly resurrected Voldemort. He quickly grabbed his wand and started flinging curses at Dumbledore. Snape, Wormtail, and Quirrell all took this opportunity retreat out of the chamber. Only Voldemort, Dumbledore, and I remained. I started casting ancient curses at Dumbledore, Voldemort and I continuing our assault. All this time I was finishing a runic script that was more than one-thousand lines long.

"Voldemort, retreat. I can buy us some time but we can't beat him here." I say, continuing to write out my script and cast curses at Dumbledore.

"Don't be foolish boy. This isn't even Dumbledore's full power." He says, not letting up on Dumbledore. "He can't use his full power now because of the children above us. This is our best opportunity to kill him." Voldemort declares adamantly.

"No. Dumbledore has been casting a barrier around the chamber this entire time. If we don't retreat now he will finish his barrier and kill us both." Voldemort looks at me in shock at the realization that he was being played.

"Very well." He says as he gathers all his magical energy and uses it to push Dumbledore back for a split second, allowing him to retreat into the shadows and disappear.

"You are very intelligent, boy." Dumbledore starts. "But you should've taken your own advice." He says as he completes the barrier. "You cannot win now."

"Maybe not win. But I sure as hell won't lose." I say as a grin forms on my face. "It's not in my nature to lose." At that moment I finished my script. When the last rune was drawn, the entire script started to glow.

"Great winter, Fimbulwinter!" I cry out as the runes start to form a white mist that radiates such a chill that it would freeze your very soul. The white mist forms a whirlwind as it outstretched to every part of the chamber, covering it all in ice. Not even the all-powerful fiendyre could melt this ice.

Dumbledore was surprised at the sight of such a spell. In his surprise he let his guard down and my demonic serpent destroyed his fiendfyre serpent. It then started its charge on Dumbledore, hurting him severely. I used this opportunity and had the shadows swallow me up, effectively disappearing from the chamber.

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