

Ruby: "Congratulations, my lord." Ruby said as she took her place, wrapped around her master's body.

Alastair: "Thank you, Ruby." I say as I fall into thought.

Ruby: "Don't forget my warning, my lord. There will be many divine powers coming for you now, evil and good alike. You have received the opportunity for such power that even the god's would envy. An artifact of creation is one of the most valuable artifacts in creation. You must train hard to be able to use it properly or risk being devoured by your power."

Alastair: "I understand." I say as I grab my wand from it's holster and funnel my new found power through it.

The wand starts to glow a divine light. This continues for a few minutes until the wand breaks into pieces, scattered on the ground. The phantom of a winged serpent appears behind me and encircles the broken pieces of the wand, clouding it in its power. The wand starts to reform, more powerful than before. A ferocious roar is heard echoing throughout the chamber as the wand reforms. When the wand was finished repairing, it floated to me. I grabbed it in my hand and instantly felt a rush of power leave me and go to the wand before flooding back into me in a repetitive cycle.

The wand itself had gone under a dramatic change. It still looked the same but it was no longer a physical object. It was the manifestation of the winged serpent. It was the body that my soul had chosen. I wasn't quite sure what this meant but I knew that something unheard of had just occurred. I let go of my wand and it disappeared in thin air. I though of my wand and it reappeared.

Ruby: "It seems you've learned one of your abilities all ready. Congratulations. Your wand has increased in power alongside you, my lord."

I nod my head and holster my wand, not making it disappear since it would be inconvenient. I then walked through the rest of the chamber, collecting the most valuable books and objects. I had already a mastery over many different magics but there was one among time and space that I still wanted to learn, necromancy. It would take a long time for me to grow to the strength that it would be useful in battle which is why no one really uses it but it would be useful for summoning servants and low beings of that nature.

With all this in mind, I step out to the main chamber and am again greeted by the basilisk.

Basilisk: "You managed to absorb the object!" It says in shock. "That's impossible. Not even my master could do it."

Alastair: "I don't need to explain myself to you." I tell it as I walk in front of it, it still in a prostrating position. "In one year there will be someone who wishes to control you. Let him do so." I tell it walking away and releasing him from my command.

I then push off the ground and fly out of the chamber. I was already late for my next class.....potions with Snape.

(15 minutes later)

I had decided to take a quick shower before class to get the corpse smell off. I didn't have to worry about being late since I was already late, no sense in worrying about it.

I knock on the door before opening it and walking in.

Snape was already furious that a child had skipped his class. He would have been no matter who it was but since he already had a bone to pick with me he was extra pissed. When he hears the knock he stops his teaching and waits for whoever it is to open the door. His face contorts when he sees me walk through the door.

Snape: "Where were you, you insufferable brat." Snape says, sneering at me.

HIs voice was no longer the silky smooth voice it always was but one that would strike fear into the hearts of many. He was definitely worth his title of being Hogwarts' second strongest wizard, below Albus.

Alastair: "Apologies, Professor. I'm afraid I lost track of time while I was exploring the castle." I said as I take my seat in one of the empty tables which was coincidently right next to Harry and Ron's.

Snape: "Lost track of time?" Snape repeats as he paces around my desk.

Alastair: "Yes sir."

Snape: "You think you're better than everyone else, you entitled snob?" Snape asks with a sneer. "You have detention, Mr. Serpent." Snape says as he walks back to the front of the class, his cape billowing as he walks.

Class continued on, the only interruptions being when Snape would stop to sneer or scowl at me. I didn't dare do anything except pay attention to class. I already had detention and that was just going to be a huge waste of time.

Soon class ended and I could see Snape walking towards me, obviously wanting to talk to me. I quickly stood up and walked out. Snape tried to follow me but I turned a corner and before anyone could see me, the shadows around me swallowed me up and I disappeared entirely.

Next chapter