
Diagon Alley

I hear space crack and I feel squeezed through a small tunnel and the next thing I knew, I'm in front of what looks to be a bar with wizards and witches walking in and out of it.

McGonogall: "This is the Leaky Cauldron. It's the closest entry point to Diagon Alley you have until you're old and skilled enough to apparate." She says as she leads me inside.

I look around the bar keeping a stoic expression as I followed the green robbed witch. She led me to the alleyway where she tapped her wand on the brick wall. The bricks then started to re-arrange themselves, creating the passageway to Diagon Alley. I get many stares as I walk through the crowd of people, the people all gawking at my long white hair and red eyes.

McGonogall: "First, we're going to go open an account at Gringotts. It is the only bank for wizards and is also the most protected place in all of Europe, except for Hogwarts of course." McGonogall informs me as we walk to a huge building.

We walk into the building and are immediately greeted with a second pair of doors and engraved above them is the warning of Gringotts.

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

We walk through the second pair of doors and enter the following room. Goblins flank either side of me as I make my way to the head desk. I keep my stoic expression, knowing that the Goblins are a warrior race and value courage and bravery as well as cunning and intellect.

McGonogall: "Head Goblin, Mr. Alastair wishes to open an account here at Gringotts."

Head Goblin: "Griphhook, walk these two through the process of creating Mr. Alastair's account." The Goblin says as he gives me a small nod which I reply by nodding back.

The Goblin called Griphook takes us to a more secluded room leaving McGonogall outside. I sit down on one side of the desk and Griphook on the other. He pulls out a knife and a paper.

Griphook: "Drop one drop of blood onto the parchment and then your account will be created and your vault opened when you put money into it. Seeing as how you're muggle-born I will tell you our currency. There are 17 Sickles in a Galleon, and 29 Knuts in a Sickle, meaning there are 493 Knuts to a Galleon." The Goblin explains.

I nod my head and grab the knife, immediately slitting my thumb and dropping my blood onto the parchment which earns me a nod from the Goblin. I had to make a good impression on them seeing as how I would have use of them in the future. The wound immediately heals and I set the knife down. The blood starts to separate on the paper and takes the form of red ink, spelling out my full name and surprisingly something else as well.

Alastair Serpent

Heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Serpent.

15,256,789 galleons at Gringotts.

I widen my eyes in shock. Who would've thought my parents would be nobles but I've never heard of the Serpent house. Griphook's eyes also widen at the page.

Griphook: "It seems your parents were quite established. The Serpent house was said to have been completely decimated by the dark lord during the war. Coincidentally, I happen to be their account manager. Aside from what's on the paper, you also own numerous bars and brothels as well as a manor. Quite a large one at that." He informs me, looking at my eyes. I portray no emotion, keeping my stoic expression. I feel the knowledge of the manor penetrate int my brain. Apparently it was under some variation of the Fidileus charm.

Alastair: "Interesting indeed. Thank you for your continued service Griphook. I hope we can work together extensively in the future." I say, a smirk creeping onto my face.

Griphook: "I like that expression, Mr. Serpent. I think you are going to accomplish great things." He tell me, grabbing a ring box from one of his drawers and slides it over to me. "The Serpent's previous head had an agreement that whenever the next heir was named, if he proved himself to be worthy he would automatically be emancipated and be given lordship over the family. I think you are worthy." He says as I open the ring box.

The ring was in the shape of a serpent biting its own tail, with jewels decorating all across its body. The snake came to life and let go of its tail, slithering out of the box and making its way up my body. It slithers around my finger and bites its tail again, losing the life it previously had.

I then went outside to McGonogal and told her the news. The least I could say was that she was shocked. Then an expression of anger creeped on her face before disappearing again. Probably because she had lost the opportunity for Dumbledore to fill his pockets with the fortune of another prominent house. We then left Gringotts but not before withdrawing some money.

The first thing we do is go to Olivander's. I had already planned on making my own wand but I didn't want to raise suspicions so I just went along with it. I entered the shop and saw Olivander waiting for me by his desk.

Olivander: "And who might you be?" He asks as he starts grabbing wands off the shelf.

Alastair: "My name is Alastair Serpent. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Olivander."

Olivander: "Serpent you say? What a surprise." He says as he unpacks one of the wands and hand it to me. "Well give it a wave." He says as he waves his hand at me.

I do as he says and wave the wand. As soon as I did a virtual screen appeared in my vision.

Alastair: "This must be the interface." I though as I looked at my options.

Core: Phoenix Tail Feather

Wood: Elder Wood

Length: 12 inches


Bond: (Yes) (No)

It was too short and didn't feel right in my hand but I guess any will do since I was just going to make my own.

Alastair: "Yes." I thought and instantly, a warming sensation could be felt throughout my body.

Bonding Succesful. Congratulations.

After I had gotten my wand I paid the seven galleon fee. I looked around and bought some books on wand lore and wand creation which got me a raised eyebrow but he sold them anyway. After I got my books I put them in the spacial pouch which I had gotten form Griphook earlier and met up with McGonogall.

Alastair: "I believe I can take it from here. Is there anyway for you to tell the matron something so that I can live in my manor?" I ask McGonogall.

McGonogall: "Yes, I can take care of the matron and if you don't need me anymore, I'll be off." She says as she apparates away but not before telling me about platform 9 3/4.

I then make my way to Flourish and Blotts where I buy my school books as well as some on runes, occlumency, legilimency, wards, and the course books for all of my years at Hogwarts. After paying for them I stuff them in my pouch and leave the shop, walking to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. I of course, bought the Acromantula silk robes with self cleaning and repairing. I then left the shop and proceeded to buy all my other supplies.

Once everything was bought I through on a black cloak and covered my fave with the hood, hiding my white hair and red eyes. I then walked towards Nocturne Alley, knowing that if I wanted anything good I needed to go there. I made my way to Borgin and Burkes, taking care to not draw attention to myself as I entered the shop. I grabbed all the books that looked interesting and through a thousand galleons on the counter before walking out. After buying everything I set out to buy I called for my house elves knowing that I should have some.

Alastair: "House Elves of the Serpent family. I invoke my authority as the head of family and call you to me." I say and three pops sound, signaling the cracking space and the arrival of three house elves.

All Three: "We live to serve the family." The say as they kneel.

Dorthy: "I am Dorthy."

Peanut: "I am Peanut."

Sprinkles: "And I am Sprinkles."

Peanut: "There are more house elves at the manor but we are the head three." One of the house elves clarifies.

Alastair: "I am Alastair Serpent, the Lord of the serpent family. Can you take me to my manor please?" I ask as I grab one of their arms.

All three: "Of course, My lord." They say as they apparate away.

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